Why on earth does Mercy need special treatment?

She is the third most picked hero on Overbuff. She plays just fine and has incredibly OP synergies which make entire compositions useless (Pharmercy)

I notice there is STILL posts asking for reworks/buffs when she plays just fine as a support. A unique playstyle that is one of the most balanced in the game.

Does Mercy HAVE to be broken to be acceptable? Mass Rez is unfun to play against and will only be brought back as a PvE talent at best.

I’ve not seen one “Nerf Mercy” post and her pickrate speaks volumes about how well-balanced she is.

Can we just acknowledge she is in a good spot? Slightly overpowered even alongside Pharah/Echo?


Because Mercy isn’t Mercy anymore.


She plays exactly the same with more variation to her kit since she got hard-nerfed after Moth meta.


Okay, so… how can I actually act as the hero even when my team seems to be losing a battle, and enact my superhero fantasies like I used to?

How can I act as the hero, and reverse a team fight as Mercy?

I can’t. That’s the problem.

Heroes don’t feel like heroes when they’re balanced around letting the enemy have a good time.


When was she ever supposed to do that outside of spawn room mass-rez? Also damage boosting, pocketing and Valkyrie are a huge part of her kit and can be gamechanging when you can pick the right pockets

To me its just “Mercy needs to be OP or she isn’t worth playing”.


the problem is the lack of self agency over her own value. and before you go “but that’s the definition of support”, mercy has less self agency over her own value compared to other supports over theirs.

self agency for value i.e.

and this feeds into balance in that it muddies up whether you can necessarily claim she’s balanced as is esp when you consider the “skill/effort to value ratio” which so many people here like to talk about.

e.g. for damage boost at current 30%, can anyone reasonably claim it’s powerful or weak to warrant any claims of wanting to buff or nerf it for being “easy” when whether it’s “easy” or not isn’t even determined/sourced from mercy’s kit? like boosted damage from widow shots in range is harder than getting boosted damage from winston cannon in range and that’s purely because of those other heroes’ mechanics and not mercy’s boost.


“Spawn room mass rez” Was literally never a thing. For one.

And secondly, well… yea, actually.

Let me teach you how games work, my sweet summer child.

If someone is meant to win, someone else is meant to lose… sometimes that happens.

And in this game, you’re meant to be capable of being a hero.

That means making moves that are incredible, actions that end matches, and make you feel like a superhero because you pulled it off.

That means, someone has to lose. And yes, that will happen sometimes. And to make that happen, heroes have to have strengths.

Mercy had strengths. Now, Mercy has sustainability… barely.


I think Mercy is in the best spot she’s ever been in atm. Her healing is solid, her DMG boost is solid, her Rez is solid. She’s one of the very few heroes who is actually balanced whilst still being fun (for me at least). The only thing that’s ever changed about her is her ultimate… and that was 4 years ago. How people haven’t coped / moved on yet baffles me.


My favorite is when people complain about Pharahmercy and want to nerf Pharah

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Actually she doesn’t. While I think she’s fine for the most part sans some bugs with her Rez-she really doesn’t play the same before.

When OW was released it was advertised as a game for people from ALL gaming backgrounds. The OW “was not going to be a typical twitch shooter”-a quote from an early interview.

There was hero that had a kit that played to all plays styles. And Mercy brought in people from the MMO/RPG backgrounds. You could consider her the poster child for non-FPS player to join the game.

The rework did change up how she felt. She feels a bit more MOBA based with some MMO/RPG hits there but she didn’t have the flow she use to have.

This is why people are still vocal about a rework-because she was reworked from one play style to another.

And while I prefer her like this since I DO prefer the more MOBA style play-I get why people complain.


Are you really going to parrot this nonsense? I swear people have just gotten so lazy with the global hitscan buff that now since things aren’t instantly deleted due to the revert, that means they’re overpowered.


I miss those days… the days where aim wasn’t everything, strategists could have fun with OW… Symmetra could be played without FPS aim…


I miss setting up death doors and hiding TPS and sheild gennys.


I miss playing Bastion and actually having fun… Or playing matches that lasted twenty minutes, went through super crazy turn arounds… huge plays could be made by anyone on the field.

UGH I want it back…

I want Mercy swooping in and saving the day, like a HERO.

I want DPS making plays without having to have a team wrapped around them like a glove just to survive two seconds…

I miss the game where you couldn’t be killed instantly by every other member of the enemy team just by poking for a second at a time.


It’s mostly due to the timing more then anything

Like any other “OP” hero… people will complain about anything that either runs over them or they deem “OP”

She plays the exact same outside of when she has ult. Well I guess with rez on E she has another ability to use during normal gameplay. Now the mercy doesnt have to hide and wait for her team to die. Core gameplay of healing, dmg boost, and flying around is the same. Well movement is better since superjump but yea.

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No it is not. Literally not. Numbers are different, and that changes everything. As well as the failure that is Valkyrie


Sadly this just doesn’t sell as an Esport. I miss the long matches too.

I just miss having fun and getting the chance to do something reckless that can result in a nice big play just due to being underestimated.

I’m hoping we can get some semblance of that with OW2-but with the apparent rush job getting done I think there’s a good chance we’re looking at another trash fire period.


Honestly we just need to SLOW the game down…

Make the heroes heroes again, and make the game playable.


Cause shes the most underappreciated hero by its own mains…

Sym would be second…

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Numbers being different does not change the gameplay. Soldier doing 19 dmg or 20 doesnt change how he is played. Mercy doing 55hps instead of 50 in early mass rez mercy days doesnt either.

Being in valk and doing aoe healing and dmg boost is better than hiding for a rez. But outside of ults, she still plays the same. Which is the majority of the gameplay.

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