Why does valkerie give mercy infinite ammo?

Let’s try to keep things on topic and civilised perhaps? :slight_smile:

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What reasoning? I haven’t seen you say anything that contains any logic whatsoever. You asked a QUESTION. You didn’t like the answers to your question so you began to muddle it up by making statements that a) make no sense and b) are designed to be contrarian.

And if you think I don’t understand what you’re doing, let me just tell you that often I will ask my boyfriend a question and he will respond with “Do you really want an answer, or do you want me to tell you something so that you can tell me all of the reasons why what I said is wrong?”

You just want to argue and your arguments are poor.


Are you trying to say that we need her old ult back?

Pretty sure my partner has said this to me before


He says another variation of it, which is when I say I’m bad at doing something and he’ll say “I’m not going to tell you that you are good at (X activity) just so you can tell me all the reasons you aren’t.”

At least he gets me :stuck_out_tongue:

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wow. absolutely nothing you wrote was an actual response. you pretty much just wrote “too long didn’t read” and “your annoying”

i gave you my reasoning for why i made the thread and you completely ignored it and then asked “why i made the thread”

you can’t lecture me about “not accepting people’s answers” when i give answers and you keep asking the same question. its makes you look like a huge hypocrite who has to resort to calling me a crybaby.

i’ve been giving you people answers and you completely ignore them. i wrote

and he responded with

i wrote “people were saying that it would bet rid of battle mercy’s” and he responded with “i never said that”.

i’ve been giving you guys answers and you guys decide to only take a couple sentences out of context and when i call you guys out you complete ignore what i said and resort to calling me an immature crybaby because you guys can’t actually respond to what i ACTUALLY said.

What does that have to do with valk giving infinite ammo?


Mercy who uses gun =/= Battle Mercy


People are referring to mercys that ONLY (or primarily) shoot their gun and don’t fulfill the healer role. … Pretty sure.

She used to have a higher RoF during valk IIRC, nowadays it makes very little difference since if you spend that much time shooting without killing anyone, you’re basically just wasting her ult and forcing your teammates to play defensively due to a lack of heals.

he asked me “why did you make this thread” and i gave him my reason and he responded “why did you make this thread”

your accusing me of not accepting answers when you guys are doing the exact same thing. he himself said

he “read to a point”. if you guys can’t bother actual reading my entire argument then why should i have to agree with what you say? why should i respect you , when you literally came into this thread with a facepalm

If using your gun as Mercy was a bannable offense, all three of my accounts would have a perma ban, lol.


That was ME. Not Reaper.

yes. i was talking to you. thats why i said YOU.

Then why did you quote Reaper?


We should probably all just leave this one alone and move on to better topics. Also bud, I never called you a cry baby, that was Leebleh.

I don’t think you are being a cry baby, but I do think you need to calm yourself or go take a xanax… Is there a reason you are wasting your time and other peoples’ time with this?

If you want an answer to your question here it is:
Valk is meant to enhance everything in Mercy’s kit. Why blizzard decided to give her infinite ammo, I don’t know. But it is what it is. Why does she need a gun? She doesn’t, but she has one. Why do people have a problem with shooter Mercys? Mostly just because Mercy is Support not DPS. I don’t really care myself how people play their characters, provided they are contributing to their team in a positive way that gives them a chance of winning the game.

Anything else you wanted to know?

Why does torbs turret do any damage? It’s not like your using it most the time. Why does an ult do anything, it isn’t the core part of their kit.

because i was talking to both of you? because i’m the op of this thread i can’t make multiple posts in a row, so i have to respond to multiple people with one post.

Yeah I’m going to go make some food. Angel hair pasta omnom.



Deliberately throwing and doing more than one thing in your role are completely different therefore making your source redundant.

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You asked a question. We answered that question. The argument taking place now has nothing to do with your initial question but rather our answers to it.

If you don’t like the answers given to your initial question that’s fine. But if all you’re going to do is discredit the answers given then what exactly is the answer you’re looking for? In your mind you already had the answer you were looking for, apparently, which is why you’re now giving answers rather than accepting the ones offered to you. If you’ve already accepted a predetermined answer to your question and aren’t open to any other perspectives or answers then why ask the question in the first place? That makes this thread a rant, not a discussion. If you are already dead set on the answers then the question doesn’t need to be asked, and this entire thread is a waste of time.


Battle Mercy though doesn’t mean exclusively using your gun, just means you shift and juggle between gun and staff. If someone is calling you a battle Mercy because you are shooting and not healing, they are using the wrong term. The term would be Shooter Mercy, Battle Mercy is not an issue, Shooter Mercy basically is.

Blizzard will not ban battle Mercy either. If they where to ban playing any way as Mercy it would be Shooter Mercy. Battle Mercy is actually the perfect Mercy to have on your team.

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