Why does valkerie give mercy infinite ammo?

… I mean… otherwise there would be this sad , “Hyah!” punchfest whenever a mercy was caught alone? They could have given her a knife maybe? (lol swiss army knife cause… swedish… …anyway… ) But we have NO characters with 0 self defense options. So a gun is understandable.

Never heard of the term Shooter mercy myself, from my experience any mercy that uses her pistol to get kills effectively is automatically deemed as a battle mercy from peeps from my previous queues. Regardless if she’s simply managing her healing / pistol well.

Besides, I like that valk gives her pistol infinite ammo, it helps her confirm kills - granted it was a LOT nicer when it upped her fire rate but I don’t believe that was the right direction for her anyway.

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Never said it was not, just was answering his question more straightforward seeing as he seemed to be asking why she had a gun with infinite ammo when in Valk.

He may just try turning it around into another debate with no point like he has seemed to be doing this whole time. But I told him what I could if he wanted answers, ignoring his previous stuff he said. The more immature/rude stuff basically. He wanted answers there are his answers.

I honestly don’t know why infinite ammo, would not of been my first choice if I was in charge of that aspect of Mercy’s abilities.

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torb’s a damage character. not sure what ur point is

no, you just called me immature and childish, and that

you still resorted to insulting me,

the point of the post was that jeff kaplan said that he added infinite ammo for battle mercys in the mercy update video, but now playing battle mercy can get you banned. that was the point of my post, i probally should of made my self clearer.

my question was “why does mercy get infinte ammo in valkerie if playing battle mercy is discouraged” because infinite ammo was added specifically to make battle mercy more viable, but now infinite ammo seems pointless.

you do have a point that that everyone part of mercy’s kit is SUPPOSE to be enhanced with Valkyrie but it feels really uneven. resurrect after so many nerfs no longer gives 2 charges, nor is it instant,. the only buff that comes with that is the cooldown resets.
i just that after all the nerfs to everything else in valkerie, infinte ammo feels much weirder since battle mercy is discouraged.

i know that, thats what battle mercy is. thats why i was i worried when people were celebrating “that battle mercys would be banned”. i never accused you of wanting to ban mercys but for some reason you thought i was accusing.

of course never healing is a bad thing to do as a healer. thats why i was asking why infinite ammo was a still thing because from the way people were talking about it and the way jeff talked about it , it seemed to dealing damage as mercy was a nono.

i’m not sure how me giving you my answer on why i made my thread and you ignoring it made ME the immature one. it felt like you were purposely taking things out of context, especially after you completely ignored a few of my statements.

Cry me a river kid, I really don’t care anymore. You got your answer, yet you still rant. If you get insulted this easily and this worked up the internet is not the for you and you should probably not even be playing Overwatch or any Multiplayer game for that matter.

Was trying to just give you answers at first, you did not accept them. The first time I did not insult you and simply stated that Lias basically answered it for you. Attempted to be more nice, but seeing as you are still persisting your not worth it.

One day you may look back at this and be like “Wow that was so stupid of me.” I know I have looked at my own past and was embarrassed by the rants I use to post with I was younger.

So because a hero is a role they should only be able to do that role? If that is truly your belief I don’t know what your on.

/play Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River

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seriously? i was trying to reword several of my statements to make more sense, and even admiting that you had points, but you decide to insult me anyway?


Are you going to do this all night? If something is upsetting you, go to bed and hope for a better day tomorrow. I am sorry if you where insulted by the replies. I will admit some of them where quite rude. But to be honest you make it hard for us to have patience with you and be nice to you.

It is quite infuriating when we are trying to answer your questions and you are just sitting here making replies that are more than a paragraph long just telling us how wrong we are. You asked us, or have you forgot? Perhaps you should of asked the devs themselves why they made the choices they did with Mercy and all that.


Ana can’t heal and damage at the same time either.

Idk, maybe if you improve your decision making you’d know how to pull a pistol without throwing?


He does this, I once had an argument going on for several hours about the pronunciation of Orisa and which varient was quicker. (Oh - ree - sa vs o - ri -sa)

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And I thought I spent my time badly damn

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i wrote down in one of my sentences that you had a point that valk is a suppose to enhanced all of mercy’s abilites, and then gave you my reason on why the devs failed at it. why do you assume that my entire post is me screaming at you? the reason its so long is that i was trying to reword some of my arguments because admittedly they were very sloppy and from an outsiders perspective its really confusing to read.

i’m sorry that i’m not able to summarize all my points in short bitesized sentences but i don’t know what to tell you.

you know that only happened because we both continued it? like yeah admittedly it was a dumb argument, but it only went on so long because we both didn’t want to stop.
even now you guys are telling me and i should give up and go to bed, but you guys are still arguing with me. like i’m sorry if i’m annoying but i’m trying to be nicer .

I am wasting an hour of my life I will never get back right now. The struggle is real. XD I should just give up trying to tell this kid how it is, but I can’t sleep and I don’t think he will really calm down about this either. (-w-)"

Was I rude in a few replies, yes as was other people. Was that okay, no, no it was not. But it is hard to be nice to someone who can’t stop with this. What I usually do if I don’t want to listen to other peoples’ ideas and answers, is I just don’t ask.

More so the way you go about it, I don’t hear screaming though. I hear whining.

Let me put it this way, you did give your opinion, but you also asked the community a question. If you want to know what was aggravating us all is it feels like you won’t take anyone else’s say so when you asked us. Read back through your posts and try to see it from our perspective. Sometimes when you are reading messages instead of talking face to face with people, things can get lost in translation and come off quite different then you meant it to.

It was not right for those few people to be like “Oh you just don’t know how to play right.” but even the people who gave you a regular answer to your question, you seemed to have an issue with.

Yeah i know we both dragged it on, but reaper mentioned the length of this one so i mentioned ours.


Just read what Twist said about her boyfriend or whatever and you’ll probably grasp how Reap feels here

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it just seriously feels like you guys have the image of what i’m like so whenever i write a long paragraph you barely read and just use what you already assume of me to estimate its meaning.

like i tried to making me arguments clearer but it seems like you won’t spend the time to read it.

i know that. thats why i wrote

even after you told me to “cry a river” i’m still trying to be civil at least.

what happened?