Why does valkerie give mercy infinite ammo?

first off you don’t HAVE to write /facepalm before every post you make.

secondly when you heal your team they are still able to take damage after you stop healing them. mercy doesn’t make her teammates immune to damage.

I was not going to touch this one even with a nine foot pole… But to be honest it does kind of sound like you are just posting this because someone may of yelled at you because you where doing shooter Mercy. I never seen rules about shooter Mercy getting banned, but I could of just not bothered reading any new rules and simply playing the game.

They did respond to your point you are making, they just did not agree with your possible point of view on it.

Maybe you misunderstood this, and did not see the answer in what they said. The answer was basically that Valk enhances everything in her kit, thus it also gives her infinite ammo. Mercy’s Caduceus Pistol is more for self defense I would say than playing DPS. It is typically used by Mercy players when juggling to help pick off the last bit of enemies attacking your team in the last seconds if no one needs healing.

Basically what this person said. ^

Are you even looking for an answer or are you just looking to make a continuous never ending post thread?

I do when you make me slam my face into my palm so hard it leaves an imprint.

No crap? If you can’t tell the difference between “needs immediate healing” and “I can kill this Pharah then go back to healing” just don’t play support at all please, because all support should be contributing damage.


I’d rather change it to increased fire rate instead of infinite ammo.

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She had faster fire speed before but they removed because it encouraged Full DPS mercy in valk I think.

The current projectile still too slow, it’s just for mercy to defend herself or contribute in dmg, doesn’t encourage full DPS mercy because it’s to risky and you might waste your ult and you didn’t kill anyone.

if reading a post is causing you to constantly slam your fist into your own face i think you have a problem. i don’t understand how my post induced so much rage into you but i’m sorry

you probably should read the new rules before playing a game? that just seems like common sense. also this thread was in response to another thread where jeff said he would ban people not playing their roles properly, and people celebrating this saying that “it would finally get rid of those annoying battle mercys”
in the rework video for mercy jeff kaplan said they give her infinite ammo “for those battle mercys”. so seemed to have no problem with battle mercys back then, but now being a battle mercy can get you banned. so i am asking why would mercy have infinite ammo if using it can get you in trouble.

This attitude right here only strengthens my belief that you just want to stir up drama and have a never ending post thread. For someone just asking why she has infinite ammo in Valk, you sure have ranted about this arguing with every reply you have gotten as of late, not accepting any answers, only going on about it with these people.

Yes I will admit some of them where being rude and could of put stuff more politely instead saying you don’t understand how to play. But your immaturity shows us all what your real purpose for this thread is.

My question is have you read the rules or are you just going off something someone says and taking to the forums to rant?

I did not say this, I said that you may of misunderstood the person’s post and are seeming to go on an awful lot for someone just asking a question. You asked why Mercy has Infinite ammo in Valk, did you not? We have gave you our answers and you seem to not want to accept any of them.

So why exactly did you make this thread?

It’s not rage so much as “I can’t believe what I’m even reading.”

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I’m pretty sure dude is a 100 percent DPS Mercy when he does play her and thinks he’s making some kind of point about being banned for playing a hero your own way.

But like I said, I average 10-15 blaster kills per match, pull my gun out often, secure kills and manage to heal at the same time. I’ve never been reported even once, and rather am usually complimented on my aim because people seem to forget that Mercy even has a gun lol.

Battle Mercy doesn’t only dps. She heals and does damage when appropriate.

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If he wants to make a move for one of his favorite heroes to play as, despite how he plays them, there are more mature and better ways to do so.

Mercy is not DPS and should not be played as such (At least not at the 100%), but my concern here is not so much how he plays Mercy and is more how he acting about this situation. It is rather immature. I just got here and it seems like he does not want to stop.

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I am one of those people… and it’s always a very unpleasant surprise when i meet someone who’s competent in swapping back and forth:

“Hey look mercy by herself! free kill!”



I’m always suuuuper happy when I dink a Tracer or a Genji in the head and kill them. They will do one of two things: focus the hell out of me every second for the rest of the game, or never try me again :stuck_out_tongue:

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An aside, I pinged a Widowmaker in the head as soon as the spawn doors opened on King’s Row defense, she was on the upper ledge. She died and then in match chat:

Widowmaker: Well that was embarassing.

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Why did you decide to focus on ONLY the first sentence , and completely ignore everything else i wrote? I wasn’t trying to be rude. I made an offhand remark then added my actual reponse and you decided to only respond to the one sentence that has nothing to so with my actual response? i wrote all of this

and you only responded to this

i never said that you said “it would finally get rid of those battle mercys” i said

where in this post did i claim you said anything like this?

did you seriously not read? i quite literally said why i made this thread and you completely ignored it

oh how ironic

you people sure love making assumpions of me, instead of actually reading my reasonings

From past observations this tends to be a problem, particularly in lower ranks such as gold/plat. These days, thanks to the base healing nerf to 50HP/sec, she needs to heal for longer anyway. She only gets the original HP/sec in Valkyrie, but even then it’s not as strong as other some of the other healer ultimate abilities at helping to mitigate focused and/or burst damage on a teammate. I wouldn’t honestly mind if they replaced ‘infinite ammunition’ with something that could be utilised more often and more effectively for Mercy’s teammates, she’s a pacifist in lore anyway.

In time we might see further changes made to Mercy, now that forced 2-2-2 is arriving. Many heroes are going to need some balance changes.

honestly the whole rework feels wrong now that 2/2/2 exists.

Mhm, knew he was going to answer back with more immaturity and cockiness… We are wasting our time here…

LancerJayden, if you don’t want any of our answers then best to just give it up. There is absolutely no reason to be going on. And yes I did read to a point, but when it is mostly just you being difficult, kind of makes people skip over your replies/comment. You are just being rather rude and refusing to take any answers regarding why she has infinite ammo in Valk.

I can’t even identify this as a question or just childish drama-mama post.

I agree, but there’s still a general fear and/or hatred towards Mercy, particularly if you dare to discuss anything in the way of improvements. If on the other hand you discuss a nerf, or an effective nerf, such as superjump, then you’ll see far more praise and interest in wanting that to happen. It’s unfortunate but the rework’s initial several months are to blame for this. Ana on the other hand, strong pick rate, strong ultimate ability, strong kit, she doesn’t have any complaints.

Anyways I am heading off, this kids’ head is thicker than steel vaults… Have a nice night everyone! Or day, which ever it is for you guys.

OP get’s answers from Reaper & Lias and proceeds to be a hurt cry-bubby