Why does valkerie give mercy infinite ammo?

apparently trying to play battle mercy can get you banned so i don’t see any reason to give her any offensive dps. she’s the only healer who can’t heal and damage at the same time so any time she has her gun out is 0 healing she’s doing and increasing the chance of her being reported for “not playing her role right”


You clearly dont understand the difference between using Mercy effectively (pistol included) and ONLY dpsing on her for the whole match with 0 heals.


I’m not really sure if this is a criticism or just an analysis.

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again she can’t deal damage and heal at the same time, so anytime she;s using her gun in valkerie instead of her chain healing, is a bunch of potential healing wasted.

and again why would she have infinite ammo? the only reason to have infinite ammo is so she doesn’t have to reload in valkerie but that implies that she would be using the gun so much she would of had to reload. as in using her gun MORE than her healing.

Because Valk was designed to enhance everything in her kit, the gun included

they took back the major rez enhancements and some of the gun changes

why shouldn’t it give infinite ammo?

and again if you can’t find when’s the right time to heal, damage boost, or use a gun that’s just sub optimal play


Because it’s fun. This is a video game after all.

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if she’s use her gun and healing equaling then their would be NO reason for her to have infinite ammo. absolutely ZERO.
because her ammo automatically refills after a couple seconds when she switches to staff, so infinite ammo is only useful when she’s using her gun for long stretches of time. when she is not healing her teammates, so if she’s spending alot of time not healing her time when she can, that could be seen as her “not playing her role properly” and could get the player banned

Mercy’s didn’t need chain healing to keep everyone up for a year and a half; in fact, it was a sign of a good Mercy to juggle healing around your team.

And if the other healer is doing a good job, Mercy’s healing is taking away from that healer’s ult charge. It is up to the Mercy to decide if her team needs healing, needs damage, or if she needs to pop a cap in someone’s donkey.


thats how it was originally but they gave her chain beams for a reason, and with 2/2/2 they said that people not playing their roles property will get banned, which includes healers play offensively.

Is the whole reason for this thread because someone got mad at you for dpsing too much because you’re oddly focused on the ignorance of other people for your point


Okay, now I’m really confused as to what the point of this thread is.

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You have no sense of how healers play if you think they shouldn’t be playing offensively. A passive Ana, Zenyatta, Lucio, or Brigitte will never have their ultimates available. A Mercy with a decent second support does not need to be healing for every second of Valkyrie, and can get more value as a support for using her gun than for healing a measly 60 HPS. Your team can’t die if there’s no one to kill it, and Mercy’s gun can be better than damage boosting another DPS under the right circumstances.


I use her pistol plenty in Valk, especially if we win the fight, it’s great to get some last minute pickoffs and stagger the opponents.

Nothing can escape Valk Mercy!


A Valk’d Mercy is the only thing a Widow main fears.


It’s always been that way in comp. Some people think these rules will be enforced in QP since 2/2/2 changes but I think it is highly unlikely.

He already said the purpose of the thread. He wants clarification of the rules concerning 2/2/2.

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No, i don’t even play mercy that often, and accusing me of being ignorant is kinda weird when you aren’t even actually responding to the point a made. its like you didn’t even bother reading and just changed the subject.

the forum was in response to jeff kaplan saying that they have people who will ban you for “not playing your role properly” and someone responded to that post with “yeah show those idiot dps moira’s and battle mercys”

your point was that

But infinite ammo is ONLY useful if your not switching between staff and gun, its ONLY useful if your playing battle mercy while using valkerie. and i’m asking why would she have infinite ammo if playing offensively can get you banned. thats what i was asking and you chose to ignore that, and instead try to attack me personally.

Because Valkyrie must be a skill covering ult in all its aspects, it would be uncharacteristic to have it not cover aiming, and then everything else.

i do think healers should play offensive but jeff kaplan says otherwise.

did you see the “ban hammer” forum?

pretty much this. i’m asking where the line between “someone exclusively dealing damage and never healing allies” and “someone dealing more damage then healing because thats what the game encourages”

I guess that’s where we can raise the question of how you define playing your role properly. Mercy is capable of DPSing and is given the tools to do that, therefore DPS and healing are both roles she can perform. I would argue that Battle Mercy is playing the role properly, as per her design and capabilities.