When the most picked DPS will be nerfed?

I mean. I can deal with the Doomfist nerf. Ok. We have one season been a picked hero and we should recive a nerf. Sure, ok.

What about the most picked hero from the hole DPS role from the last…idk…10 seasons?? Genji

Genji is right now the most picked hero in the DPS role.

-Best mobility hero
-Unique hero with a reset at an ability (why is that?..and why is that in his ult???)
-Most powerfull ult
-Double jump
-wall climbing
-Sooo litle hitbox

I mean. Yes, it’s a skill hero. Ok with that. But he was and is a top picked hero for too many time. It’s fun? Sure, as tracer or doomfist. But tracer is way down now because of brig but genji is still there. Genji is always there.

Why other fun heros are not picked? Because they are not as flexible, as powerfull as resourcefull as Genji. And of course, others heros have not his ult.

I’m not saying he should recive a BIG nerf but c’mon…

Hanzo ult was nerfed when they cancel the mercy’s buff over his ult.

You can do exactly the same with nano and genji’s ult.

You can at least remove that dash reset (why is he reseting his ability???)

You can CD the double jump just like hanzo has a CD in his own.

Why he has no limits. He is building ult in safe places. If he is attacked, he has planty of resources to avoid damage and escape and then…resume ult building. Then he got nano and kill 2 to 4 players…

I know lot of people just love him. But lot of people use to love mercy and tracer. But heros are played not just because people love them but because their resources in the meta game and it seems Genji has always resources for any meta. IDK if that is fair when there are other 13 dps to play.


Genji has not been the most picked DPS hero for 10 seasons. Where are you getting that from.


Yes he absolutely has been the #1 most picked hero in every rank aside from silver and bronze where he is pick #2.

I understand you Genji mains want to protect your broken hero, but the truth always comes to the surface.

I even did a thread for it:

Source here too: h ttps://www.overbuff.com/heroes


He will be nerfed when he needs it. The rest of the dps cast needs buffed is the problem. And I have refuted liek all those points so many times ugh.
Tracer is better mobility hero
Unique is now a bad thing? LOL Reset on the ability because he would not be usable without it
Not most powerful ult:
boop, hook, sleep, bash, flashbang, and so many more counter it.
Double jump makes him easier to hit lo;
Wall climbing same as double jump bc very predictable hit box and its generous
hitbox is normal size …


He is now. He was top picked, not the first one. For many many seasons. Dive he was king for sure.

This just isn’t true. Look at Overbuff. He’s the most picked right now, but over the last six months the most picked overall is Hanzo, and he’s been picked even less at the higher ranks.

I don’t even play Genji mate. I’m a tank main.


You got proven wrong a lot in that post. If disliking was still a thing you realize it be in the shadowrealm right?


here you go


I don’t believe dealing instant 175 damage in an AOE effect with his ultimate is balanced.

Or being able to 1 shot heroes with 248 combo damage at ANY time without utlimate.

Or the double jumping. Or the deflecting. Or the high base mobility. Or the dash resetting.

Genji is bar none the most powerful DPS in the game.


Genji is fine Genji is fine Genji is fine
Genji is fine Genji is fine Genji is fine
Genji is fine Genji is fine Genji is fine


Saying it over and over again isn’t going to make it true.

Nor is it going to make bettlejuice appear or whatever.

It will make the Genji mains appear though…


DUDE. I proved this wrong too. Im still waiting on the 3 hours of recording of you consistantly doing this. IT doesnt even happen every match. You are delusional we get it


I mean there is nothing to prove wrong about that thread.

Are you trying to mean the thread where I go into detail about how broken he is?

Sure, I’ll dig that up as more evidence that Genji is broken.


Ijs, as a Mercy main who protests her current state as much as you do, you of all people should see the absurd hypocrisy of that statement.


Your right. But fun fact. Genji is fine and that’s a fact. And it wont change even if you guys get him nerfed. You’ll have just pointlessly complained about a hero and got an unjust nerf.


I think Genji needs to be looked at and I’ve been saying this since launch. However I play on console where it’s arguably considerably harder to track him down, especially during a nano blade.

Most of the time everyone just runs because trying to burst him down on console doesn’t happen.

A reminder that Tracer received a nerf to her ult despite Blizzard constantly stating they were happy where she was. And I’d say zeroing in on a Tracer is much easier than a Genji.

I’m not saying sledgehammer nerf him, just tweak his numbers a little bit, reward those who are skilled with him.

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Because genji himself isn’t broken, he has
already a ton of cc to deal with.

What makes him powerful is Ana.

Ana enables genji to be played and she makes him look OP. That does not mean she should be nerfed, it’s just a powerful combo.

If you’re strugguling against genji, pick brig or goats and watch him suffer.

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He’s absolutely and utterly not fine. It’s a fact he’s not.

Or are you really telling me him doing 255 INSTANT AOE damage with one slash and a dash is balanced :joy:? I mean you’re literally telling me having the ability to cut down an entire team of 200HP heroes INSTANTLY through SHIELDS is balanced.

People complained about mass revive being OP. But apparently deleting an entire team’s squishies EXTREMELY reliably is fair?

Oh and this is on the hero with the most escapes between resetting dashes, deflects, double jumps

double jumps that STILL hide his head hitbox btw

and high base mobility that is made even more absurdly high in ult.

OHHH I get it! Yes. He is fine to people who MAIN him. He’s not fine to anyone else.

Okay I get you now.


Its not a normal size hitbox. Doomfist has 3 times his hitbox. His hitbox is the second smallest of the whole dps role behind tracer.

Of course you can block his ult. Still, wich ult is better than genji’s ult? No one. Tell mccree’s mains he has a bad ult or stoable ult. Tell doom mains that needs to use his ult just to escape… C’mon

He has predictable movements??? What about doomfist then? Or pharah? junkrat??? Bastion?? Torb?? Sym??

Of course he needs a reset if you get used to…but its pretty broken, he can dash all over the map…nonsense…

Why not putting a CD to the double jump…at least double jump will be a resource to manage…not somthing to spam!!

The forums are literally the only places I see complaints about Genji. Nowhere else. Other internet forums, the pros, and, most importantly, THE DEVS, think that he’s ok. So stop spreading these dumb lies please.