What if Brigs barrier didn't cover her feet

Terrible. What’s the point of having a shield if it doesn’t protect you.

Also, can Brigitte not just crouch to cover her feet?


She’s not meant to play well against those heros lol. They should counter her bc they are not dive

Why does she get to be good against everyone

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I’d play Reinhardt just to solo shatter Brig

Guess u wouldn’t be diving then…

So she’s fine

I mean, that might bring back S76 and Mccree a bit. While keeping Tracer and Genji and bay. Not a bad idea.

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Da feet makes Doomfist stronger, not Brigitte

Everyone is telling you that change is wrong, and her being bad against them means they already counter her, why not pick her counters instead of wanting an easy win on a hero which has to be able to protect herself with the shield?


This is a brig nerf, not a #deletebrig movement.

Yeah, trying the hardest to make her useless alright.

I would not even call that a bad use of it either. Kill brigitte and ensure the team wipe since nothing can stop you from then on ;p

Only the extremists want to make her useless, the rational, less vocal part of the group want her reworked so she isn’t a headache. Rework doesn’t necessarily mean nerf

That is something the devs won’t do, and no one is ever talking about rework apart from her hate group, which strongly indicates rework to make her unplayable due to now being “fun” to play against based on your subjective view.

Many people find Genji to be unfun to play against, or a headache, lets rework him as well to be fun to play against.

But that many people isn’t enough. You never see posts in anti genji. That means the community generally agrees hes fine. I’m fact, Blizz will do the rework if there is enough support. Don’t want to make half the playerbase leave.

Continue to ignore it, won’t make it any less true for people thinking Genji is unfun to play against, and needs to be nerfed

Brig made lot of people leave the game. Brig was the solution to the most opressing heros of the whole game: tracer & Genji (and Genji is still the first pick in GM DPS). So basically people left because Blizzard can’t stop genji and tracer without make the game trash with a spaming hero like brig.

This would be way easier if they nerfed genji and tracer instead of adding an really UNFUN hero like brig. Brig is tracer and genji fault.

So yes, the player base, at the end of the path, is leaving because of this heros. They could just tweak thoose heros a little bit to make the rest fun and not having to add spamming heros to stop them.

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What would be the point of her shield if you could still shoot her through the dang thing?

Brig was created to end dive and encourage heros across the board to get more playtime…

Not the other way around by negating most of the DPS class.

Making her weak to brawl and hitcan herso should the focus…while keeping her strong against dive.

This is a good idea or at least an idea in the right direction

Brig is in the game she shouldn’t be deleted

It really doesnt.

If you jump during shatter it can get u from under her shield.

Or if you on an incline or what-not.

Sounds like they tried/trying to fix it in the latest patch but I havent tried it out.

I dont really play Brig anymore cause people gonna get her turfed hard and I hate that happening to my fav chars, happened too many times to count already.

So its rein, hog, reaper, etc. All the chars getting constant buffs is where I am gonna lay my head, might as well abuse them while they on top of the dog pile IMO, until they get nerfed to dust too.

At this point what is the point in her having shield at all?

Just give her a mobility ability, maybe a second non stunning dash and call it a day.

Apart from Pharah and Sombra. And it’s difficult with Sombra as she’s Brig is front line so it’s dangerous to get behind her. Nobody else counters her.