When Mercy players realize that

It’s list of abilities, that are best used, when enemies are gone :slightly_smiling_face:
Failure may not result in death, but ability won’t be available for a while(losing 3 turrets as Symmetra takes as long, as resurrect cooldown, for them to recharge).

Feel free to extend it, as it includes all abilities, that are very easy to cancel out, either by killing player using them, or by destroying whatever they deployed as result of that ability.

THIS, So much this…

remove ressurection and replace it with another ability.


Everyone says that is the most mobile hero in game. preform res and try to be mobile at the same time.

I don’t think it should belong in her kit as cooldown ability.

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going for a rez that makes u a statut is low risk

skill ceiling and skill floor are two different things sweetie!

did you know that generic is an antonym of unique?

I’m sorry, i don’t understand what you’re trying to say

ok so… Moira is basically a high risk version of mercy because of the short range on her spray and she has a lower pick rate and win rate compared to mercy so this “risk/gain function” doesn’t seem to work very well…

that’s what people have done! have you read dodo’s rework post? it’s the one i’d recommend!

you are free to assume and point fingers but that doesn’t mean you’re right!
a good chunk of people I’ve met on the forums are quite reasonable imo!

as a mercy main that does want a change i am absolutely okay with soft counters to her as it is essential for every hero to have counters
it’s just that hard counters ruin heroes

i bring reasonable explanation for everything that i say!

without us buying their products there’s not going to be a company anyway!

again check out dodo’s proposal!

Moira out heals mercy but that doesn’t mean much since she’s not doing so hot herself either…

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A well-played Moira beats Mercy’s healing output by a rather extreme amount, even on teams that aren’t deathball comps.

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People always asked to raise her skill ceiling, but does it really matter? Not like we can have an official response of any kind :slight_smile:

We can but we have to ask for Mercy sound. /s
(The sound of Paris)

i play my fair share of mercy and i do utilize her whole kit
even though there are decisions to be made before using Valkyrie (i.e. is a fight going to break out? or has someone dove our back line and is it worth killing them for a push?) and during it (i.e. is there a hitscan on their team? or who’s chasing me?) in most cases my input is not going to change the outcome of that fight! i’m doing the same thing i was doing but slightly less restrictive
and comparing Valkyrie to trans is fair imo because if the enemies are going to push both Valkyrie and trans are going to be used for the same reason!

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A lot of the things that have been suggested over time included raising her skill cap… some even without explicitly raising her power really much, just so that there is something you can reaally feel like doing other than standing around holding left click, Battle Mercy or trying to coordinate the team (Which Mercy is a very strong pick for since she can focus on what happens on the battlefield the best due to needing less focus on mechanics) in a game where everyone thinks they are boss and get tilted as soon as you make suggestions.

Except Transcendence will successfully tank damage. My most successful use of Valkyrie was in combo with Transcendence, when I could abandon my healing completely and just boost teammates. But, losing both support ults at once isn’t smart play.

yeah… i kinda dislike stacking defensive ultimates…

Except you are forced to do it, when stacked DPS ults can overcome any support ult used alone. And most DPS heroes won’t survive even with stacked ults.

Did I just create GOATS?

a playful way to use rez is to look at enemies and figure out what they’re focused on sometimes you can be surrounded by 3 enemies and get it off and survive but it’s risky obviously

I don’t think Mercy is in need buffs, reworks or a revert atm. She is pretty balanced in her current state.

And changing Mercy to be more fun and engaging is as good as impossible. Why? Because fun is subjective. Some players may not like the current Mercy, but some players do.

  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want mercy 1.0.
  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want Mercy 3.0.
  • There are players who like Mercy 2.0 and don’t want mercy 1.0 or Mercy 3.0.

To whose fun should we balance Mercy?

Also, why should Blizzard change a hero who already is statistically balanced and being enjoyed by some players, just to make Mercy enjoyable for some other players? That’s a bad business move.

  • They also said Dva should use her DM to protect Junkrat’s Riptire.
  • They also said Mercy was fine before giving her 11 nerfs.
  • They said that the forum created a forum Brigitte and was wrong about her before nerfing her repeatedly.
  • They also said 2 years ago that potg 2.0 would be added soon, but it still hasn’t.

My point is, just because they said something, doesn’t mean they will stick by it.

Mercy in her current state has the second highest average healing in the game. Only Moira heals a bit more.

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Other than risky, it’s usually pointless. You may get away with it, but what about teammate you brought back? How they will get back to the team?

sometimes they won’t!
but when i do it it’s because i desperately need that person back like an ana or a rein!

Except Mercy 1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 supporter all can agree that 50 heal/s is bs.