When Mercy players realize that

Am I thinking of the wrong post?? I thought you had invigorate, which did that?

I consistently get above 1k damage boosted, over 1k damage dealt per match, usually top healing in the game, and between 6-12 resses per match. GM Mercy main. Still hate Valkyrie. I appreciate the explanation to him. :slight_smile:


Take another look at the dodo rework - Invigorate doesnt work that way, and theres no Halo involved

That said, I am thinking about the v2 of the dodo rework based on feedback to date and while bigmainlittlechains will remain as it is, the burst effect will most likely change a bit, albeit the removal of the slowdown effect will stay.

I probably would be GM as well but the flame I get for attempting to play Mercy in that MMR is ridiculous. I only want her to be strong so that I’m not forced into playing Ana 90% of my games.

Lucio on average doesn’t out heal mercy.

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I disagree with this point, there are ways you can make Mercy more fun without increasing the amount of value at all or not by much.

Mercys current value level is weird, most of her value comes from long term value through ultimate charge. This makes her midfight low impact or non existent at times.

Making Mercy more fun is just giving her more of a midfight, i disagree with res completely and think its just a stupid ability and could be replaced with something a little more high impact (ex nade) But you could also reduce her overall value by nerfing Valk (Which is why she’s able to get that large ultimate advantage.)

Also i dont think that people are just afraid of skill and just want Mercy to be fun and broken. im open to adding more skill factors to her kit such as all of the extensions of guardian angel, in fact its what ive wanted since i started playing Mercy.

would you be open to having the rez ability usable on a living target for a different effect, such as burst healing and/or cc cleansing?

A cleansing ability was probably my favourite idea for it.

That’s true, but it cannot really be fixed until Mercy’s skill level is not fixed as well. Right now we have an all around hero, whose value can be measured mostly in terms of not dying. Other than this you cannot really distinguish Mercies between them.

Mercy misses a high impact but difficult to land ability like boop or sleep. All of her skills are pure - almost chess like - decision making with minimum risk to miss. You cannot expect a hero with this design to be powerful and jack of all trades. She needs more risk as a hero (can be translated to skill, or pure probabilities) to gain power;

more risk => more significant deviations among good and bad => buff without breaking the hero


You literally just described every hero in the game.


Literally what most who want changes to Mercy have been asking for. We find Valkyrie to be too easy to use and that it lowers the skill ceiling from Mercy too much.

And on the other hand, gameplay balance isn’t as simple straight line of risk x gain, if it were the game would have been balanced in a single patch by a math formula. Overwatch in particularly is balanced around “perfect imbalance” and they use incomparables to do so.

There’s literally dozens, perhaps even hundreds of proposals, I’m sure many make sense.


There’s a truck load of decent suggestions for Mercy, Blizz just doesn’t respond.

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If you take a look at the old stats, you’ll notice that the old Mercy wasn’t always dominant.

Mercy surged into power during Season 4:

From the wonderful Omnic Meta website.

So, what changed in Season 4?

February 28th, 2017:

While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived

March 21, 2017

Ana’s Biotic Rifle damage reduced from 80 to 60

(Winson’s barrier cooldown was also changed in this patch to activate once the barrier was made rather than when it was destroyed)

(Zenyatta also got minor buffs in this patch)

(We also had a rework on Lucio on April 11th)

Mercy being overpowered at many skill levels prior to the rework and across the board after is the result of the balance team messing up. It’s not the fault of Mercy players.


You’re coming off the assumption Mercy needs buffs. I think a slight buff wouldn’t hurt, but she’s hardly underpowered.

The skill gap issue with Mercy has very little to do with balance I would argue. The same complaints present today - unfun, unengaging, boring - were present when the rework first released. Remember that? The most overpowered hero in the history of Overwatch? Those you call spoiled kids were already complaining them, when Mercy was so valuable it broke the game. The “spoiled kids” hated the “spoils”, which they didn’t ask for to begin with.

It would suffice, in my opinion, to tweak Valkyrie. It’s an ult bloated with skill-covering powers that don’t belong on a hero with easy to use design. It’s what turns Mercy into garbage for 15 seconds. Remove chain beans, remove flight, remove infinite ammo, remove infinite heal, then add strong single beam, improved GA, improved damage instead. Problem solved.


I, for one, hated the rework since it was on PTR. At first it was constant Battle Mercy that peeved me (now i do it excessively, hilariously enough), but then the rework itself always felt like garbage to me. It felt WAY too easy to get value.

Mercy used to be the Genji of supports. Nonstop mindgames to overcome the enemy. Whether that was tempo ressing, being in the perfect spot, firing your pistol until you had res to get the team back up, or even hiding if necessary. There was a lot of cat and mouse with Mercy that felt so fulfilling.

I understand that it was also extremely frustrating to play against, and Idc if Mass Res never comes back, but I want something a little more mindgame-y like that back. Idk what that would be, but I would like an ultimate with similar mindgame potential. Something similar to Genji, I guess.


They want to “have fun” with [hero] doesn’t translate to wanting to have high impact with relatively low pressure just want to have a high impact.
Most of the “funniest” ablities are the harder one to masters (d.va bomb, genji blade…) and the old mercy was great a doing that, a niche pick in pro level but you could still play her in any comp without over shadowing any hero.
She was and still is a hero who’s easy to pick up but hard to master but the old rez had that funny/impactfull moment when you pull out a 5 man rez but was still really rare.
And even if you don’t want mass rez I think an ability who would make her more impactfull and fun than just pocket your sniper/phara would be great, but the devs should take the decision to do so or not.

What is so hard to master about current rez? If you can do one and survive, go for it.

Whole pocketing came from pro players using Mercy strictly to pocket Pharah/Widowmaker, which could give wrong impression to devs, that this is “right” way to play Mercy.

It’s neither hard or easy because most times it’s just RnG - you can try using corners and all that, but Tracers can still blink up and one clip you from nowhere or a McCree stun you.

That’s why it’s so awful, at most you can increase your chances by determining whether the enemies are aware enough to see you. It’s not like you can do some awesome evasive maneuver while rezzing. The only ability that’s about as punishing is Reaper’s Shadowstep, and coincidentally people think it’s trash.

You can use it between team fights, to bring someone back from spawn quicker. Even while it’s very sad use for ability.

I wonder how many other abilities in OW are designed to best be used when all enemies are gone. :laughing: