When Mercy players realize that

They cannot have the best from both worlds then she will be fixed. Namely Mercy’s strong points are:

  • escape
  • good sustain
  • resurrection
  • generic kit

While she is unique by design, her kit is generic enough not to be niche. Combine that with being a relatively easy and low risk, then there’s not other way to balance her with her competitive picks without nerfing her.

This is the only way not to be a universal pick, and by looking her risk/gain function right now she totally deserves to be a niche pick. Do you really want Mercy to be powerful and interesting? Ask to increase her skill cap. If they increase her skill cap, they will increase the power of her abilities as well. But blizzard made a community full of spoiled kids (no matter the age), which demand the best from all worlds. They want to “have fun” with mercy (which is translates to have high impact with relatively low pressure), and be able to pick her against/with any composition. Then, they whine because Jeff “ignores” them repeatedly, like his job is not to keep you happy and keep buying the company products.

I really want to have a playable Mercy, but in order to have, we first need a community that is able to propose stuff that make sense.



Well everyone is allowed to give feedback. It’s up to blizzard to decide what to do with the feedback.


Have you taken a look at the Dodo rework?

It is a compromise at heart between existing Mercy and 5 specific complaints made about Mercy.

Not all of the complaints, mind you; but 5 common ones.

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A main healer that suppose to pump out the most heal at game.

Require another main healer to work. I don’t think this is right.


That’s why I think it makes sense to keep the 50hps, but give her a “big heal” on a cooldown.

Still pumps out more healing than other main healers. The only one who can reliably outheal her is, ironically, Lucio. Because AOE.

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I have news for you: Mercy is playable


Literally all of the community I know for #ReworkMercy has said to make her higher skill. That is one of the largest complaints from Mercy players is 2.0 removed all her skilled moments because of Valk. So, we’re already on the same page…


I assume by “skilled moments” people mean ability to press Q from time to time? Wow, such skill.

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Nope. Not everybody wants Mass Res back. There have been MANY ideas that improve Mercy’s skill, including skill shots and preemptive resurrects where if a target takes lethal damage in the “halo” cast, they are ressed, instead of waiting for the death.

And that’s just one of the many.

Also, pressing Q from time to time is literally how almost all heroes in OW make any plays. And Q’s are basically autopilot. Don’t act like people being stuck in a black hole defenseless is skillful.


Personally, I love that Overwatch includes characters who can be effective in the hands of folks with physical limitations/handicaps.

I love the inclusiveness

And…for those who want higher skill characters, there are over 2 dozen to choose from


You don’t have to get rid of Mercy’s easy to pick up kit to give her a higher skill ceiling. The easy part about Mercy is the lock-on bean. The rest of her kit can be tweaked for more skillful and expressive play.


You worded it in a way that 2.0 specifically removed skill from her kit. AKA mass rez.

And with all due respect, hearing about increasing skill from community of “mains” that fail to utilize rez in safe and efficient manner, never use gun, ignore existance of damage boost and to the day call Valk “spectator mode” and compare it with Trans is rich. Might as well demand increase of skill in Genji, because standing in one place and throwing surikens (and failing, obviously) is too easy


Oh, my Battle Mercy is scary and I pull out my pistol often and frag. I get at least 3 PotGs per day with Battle Mercy. Doesn’t mean I hate Valk any less. It makes her entire kit easier. Even Battle Mercy. It’s so unsatisfying when it basically does the work for you.

I don’t need Mass Res, but I know a I don’t want Valkyrie as it is currently.


SS: can’t remember - do you prefer #BigMainLittleChains over 60/60?

People who are good at Mercy are more than able to criticise the design flaws in her kit. The idea that the only people who want Mercy to change simply can’t use her well is ridiculous - I believe I can use her well, I just despise 30% of the game-time spent playing her.


Yeah, I liked both that and the Halo idea.


Or that invigorate one. Where you throw it on a target before death and they res if lethal damage is taken or a small burst heal if not.

Hmm I havent seen that proposal. Interesting. I will look for it.