When Mercy players realize that

I don’t think Mercy is in need buffs, reworks or a revert atm. She is pretty balanced in her current state.

And changing Mercy to be more fun and engaging is as good as impossible. Why? Because fun is subjective. Some players may not like the current Mercy, but some players do.

  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want mercy 1.0.
  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want Mercy 3.0.
  • There are players who like Mercy 2.0 and don’t want mercy 1.0 or Mercy 3.0.

To whose fun should we balance Mercy?

Also, why should Blizzard change a hero who already is statistically balanced and being enjoyed by some players, just to make Mercy enjoyable for some other players? That’s a bad business move.

  • They also said Dva should use her DM to protect Junkrat’s Riptire.
  • They also said Mercy was fine before giving her 11 nerfs.
  • They said that the forum created a forum Brigitte and was wrong about her before nerfing her repeatedly.
  • They also said 2 years ago that potg 2.0 would be added soon, but it still hasn’t.

My point is, just because they said something, doesn’t mean they will stick by it.

Mercy in her current state has the second highest average healing in the game. Only Moira heals a bit more.

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Other than risky, it’s usually pointless. You may get away with it, but what about teammate you brought back? How they will get back to the team?

sometimes they won’t!
but when i do it it’s because i desperately need that person back like an ana or a rein!

Except Mercy 1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 supporter all can agree that 50 heal/s is bs.


Usually they won’t, as your daring escape will already raise enough alarms. Unless it’s Genji or someone else with mobility close to one of Mercy.

or if they can take care of themselves i.e. zarya

This may be an unpopular opinion here but I think Mercy healing at 50hps is a fair tradeoff for the benefits her healing beam has (autoaim, ignore shields, consistent healing, no ammo and no resource bar).

And Mercy’s average healing is currently on par with the average healing of other main healers.

I’m fine with buffing it back to 60 hps but then I do think it needs some drawbacks then.

(I told you it was an unpopular opinion.)

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I also have unpopular opinion.
Mercy should have more offensive ability.

give me some carry potential and ill be happy! with whichever version of mercy that you want!

‘When will Mercy players realize that’

You do realize that Mercy’s player base has been begging for a higher skill ceiling for her since before the rework, right? Like, if you want to try preaching to us about what we’re doing wrong, can you at least listen to us and find out what we’ve actually been saying first?


Consistency and reliability.


It seems your brain is completely burnt…

Really? How did you derive that I’m speaking about her floor… Guess what. Mercy doesn’t have a floor. Mercy and old Symmetra are the only heroes that can contribute to the team even if they don’t know the map. There isn’t any experienced overwatch player who cannot learn proper Mercy in 1-2 days and that’s why Mercy meta was the only that was followed literally in every single game. I do not remember any other meta to have so much impact to the game, even if the hero was broken like Mercy (see old Ana).

Generic derives from Genus, which comes from the word γένος and its antonym is specific. The antonym of unique is ordinary or normal. Specific and ordinary are not synonyms, are they?

Her competitive picks are the heroes that fall under the same category (main healers). Mercy’s game play is pretty much standardized and the difference between an ok Mercy and a really good Mercy is not that huge in the short run (per game), because their impact is mostly a result of other players (both enemies and allies) movement in the space.

Where did you find that? Mercy is below Moira in all tiers except from the ones they are niche picks (master/grandmaster).

After the Mercy spam in these forums, this is not an assumption, it’s a proposition. You prove me right with your lies (pick / win rates) in a try to attack me.

and I explained you why Mercy isn’t going to be buffed any time soon. Her real position is to be a consistent pick that loses from any really good Ana, Moira or Lucio and win whenever they are “ok”.

It’s easy to say “you don’t propose anything” without proposing anything myself. So, here’s a total rework of Mercy:

  • Remove any lock from her healing beam (like Zarya’s) and let it penetrate through targets.
  • Remove Resurrection as it is and replace with a buff that gives damage increase (instead of beam) and 100hp if fatal damage.
  • Blaster on right click
  • Increase the leap velocity when arrives to her targets so she can do premature jump more like Widow.

what does that even mean???

i completely disagree map knowledge makes mercy a lot more useful knowing where to stand where to hide how to traverse the map w/o dying was key to staying alive
and are you joking about sym 1.0? turret placement teleporter placement was the difference between a good sym and a bad one

yes her skill ceiling is low but that has nothing to do with map knowledge!


there’s a difference between when a new hero comes with when a hero gets reworked
when a new hero comes out people don’t know how to play them it takes some time for them to figure out how that hero should be played effectively
when a hero gets reworked most of the mechanics stay the same so the people who already knew how to play mercy showed how powerful she was right away!

just because one of the antonyms is specific doesn’t mean that it’s the only antonym for generic
also merriam-webster says that
Antonyms of unique
generic, popular, public, shared, universal

yeah i agree!

that’s where heroes show their true potential!

people are free to express themselves no matter how you look at it!
and you attacked the community as a whole “spoiled kids” is what you said right?

you did? i probably missed that…

so she’s worse!

that’s not bad

what happens to damage boost is it removed?

also so she can get shot down by widow!

Then it’s plainly wrong. Actually how can you even trust a website that does not include ordinary as antonym of unique?

Here’s the definition according to Oxford English Dictionary, which is usually the golden standard for English translations.

Characteristic of or relating to a class or type of objects, phenomena, etc.; applicable to a large group or class, or any member of it; not specific, general. Also: characteristic of or relating to the use of language, asgeneric name, term, word, etc. Frequently opposed to specific .

Generic is not an English word to start with, so any evolution of the word is etymologically wrong. In truth there is one and only one antonym of this word according to its etymology and its translation in English is specific. Can we end this because there’s no point at all?

Which potential exactly with 5% pick rate?

No, I attack blizzard. In my opinion players have the right to demand as much bs they want. It’s the job of developers to get the feeling of the community. However, there’s so much spam about Mercy, and the main problem in every discussion is that the players ask to increase her cap, but at the same time not to lose her identity. Fun fact, the lack of mechanical skills defines Mercy as a hero and it’s almost impossible to apply those contradictory requests, because somebody will remain unhappy.

Also, I have never seen so much passion for other heroes who have boring/stupid/useless abilities. Mercy’s rework starts to become an obsession in this community and it has left the boundaries of common request. See widowmaker’s mine; perhaps it’s the worst ability in game in terms of impact and power. There’s no other skill in the game that even if it is completely removed, the hero will remain at the same tier. Yet, there are threads about widow, reaper, bastion, sombra but never to this extend.

I don’t know if something changed lately but since recently Mercy mega thread was by far the longest in these forums, to an extend that you need to combine multiple megathreads for other heroes to come even close.

Just by looking at the probabilities, if there are 100,000 replies just for Mercy, some of them should be good. It’s completely moronic (it doesn’t go for you) to reply me “there are a lot of good ideas about Mercy and we ask to increase her skill cap”. Of course there will be some replies that propose good stuff; the question is “how many out of all of those proposals?”. If they are 10 out of 10,000, they are non existent. Every single Mercy here has a unique vision for future Mercy. So, if the community hasn’t really decided of what it wants, how can blizzard?

It merges in “E” as a buff. If the target doesn’t receive fatal damage it has decreased cd. The main reason for that is to give more space to Mercy to play with the blaster and do damage. Also, she can use the damage increase/antideath buff to her allies on ground while she plays around Pharah.

The concept of increased acceleration is to give her freedom of movement beyond the space around the targets she can leap and get better positioning for the piercing beam. Also, she will go higher in Pharmercy giving some free time to play with her blaster instead of pointing pharah all the time.

Yet, on average, my damage with Mercy is between 1,500-3,000, and I still hate Valkyrie. I’ve even been told I carried games due to the kills I get. WOW, so much for not using Mercy to her full potential. As a GM Mercy. Obviously I know exactly what I’m doing, but Valkyrie is still absolute garbage (not saying it’s a bad ult. It isn’t. I’m saying garbage as in I hate it). It’s such a terribly designed ult. I’m fine with E res, but GET RID OF VALKYRIE.

sure thing!

that’s exactly the point! neither mercy or moira shine where being able to shine matters the most
i feel like we’re just very angrily agreeing with each other

there’s a lot of spam because people are upset with her current state!

mercy’s identity and play style stay the same if they don’t change her staff and GA they can do whatever they want with the rest of her kit
also mercy is known for requiring situational awareness and game sense why not just give her abilities that reward those things?

well mercy is a more popular hero compared to widow reaper bastion or sombra
and again people are free to express themselves whether it is to your liking or not!

people are a lot more vocal when they are upset about a situation! especially if they think they are being ignored / the situation isn’t going to change

we are not game designers, they are! that’s how!
also the devs have told us in the past that if something’s wrong with the game we should tell them what’s wrong and don’t tell them how to fix it!
here are the problems that most mercy mains agree that she has

dodo also added:

i don’t how how it’d change mercy because i have’t played this version of mercy but i like the fact that there are two sides to it and it requires some foresight

so kinda like superjump but in whichever direction she wants?
i think that’s a bit too much mobility

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Minty: those are 5 of the most common complaints, but I would say the absence of Mass rez is the most common…

added it to the list! :+1:

I’m just saying it isn’t a list a of the most common complaints, just 5 of them…not necessarily the top 5.


Heck years before in 2016-mid 2017, I remember that in the forums before, they asked for an E ability so that it increase her skill ceiling. So she can do more stuff and compensation for that at the time would be that Mass Rez was slightly more restrictive with LoS.

I cant believe we got this dumpster fire instead.