What's your opinion on mercy?

Hey bro, how goes? Haven’t seen you in a while.

While one can accept that this is the experience for some players, many players find Mercy impactful and fun to play…myself certainly included

The game includes an easy solution for players who do not find a given character to be to their liking - play one or more of the over 2 dozen other characters in the game if one finds a specific character to “frustrating” or “helpless”

In terms of “arm candy” – I have seen matches at various tiers of play where Mercy (the current version) has carried, and sometimes even dominated play. So I dont see her as “arm candy” at all


Wow, that response was fast. Are you stalking me?

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I actually wouldn’t be surprised at all if she got nerfed a few months after RoleQ goes live, particularly if Ana receives nerfs in the next few patches.


I think she should get instant rez back during valk, but that’s about it.



  1. I am not stalking anyone on these forums

  2. There are no forum rules specifiying the minimum amount of time that must elapse before one can respond to a given post

I think her hps needs to be buffed a bit, and maybe give her instant rez in valk again?

You know what would be a nerf to Mercy’s overall power?

Rez being Mercy’s ult, meaning that how often it’s available is dependent on the player’s skill and ability to stay alive. That means it doesn’t charge if you’re dead, and it doesn’t charge while you’re running back from spawn.

Y’know, instead of Rez being a cooldown ability that recharges in 30 seconds no matter how badly the Mercy is performing. Current Mercy can Rez, die, and have another one ready to go by the time she finishes running back from spawn.

Rez as an ult would be a nerf, but it sure as hell would make Mercy more engaging to play.


Good, haven’t been posting much lately

Lol well to explain my logic… currently Ana is #1 except in low ranks, where it’s Moira. Now, generally, low ranks don’t matter too much for balancing.

So, Ana is #1, and if she gets nerfed, then the most likely candidate to become #1 is Mercy. Mercy rises to the top, people complain as they always do, but because of perceptions that Mercy isn’t a skilled hero due to locking beams and because supports are generally scapegoated for metas, she gets nerfed. Again.

I can see where that would make Mercy more engaging for some players to play, but at this time very many of us - myself included - like how she is configured with rez on cooldown, and as such would not want her to be changed

For those who do not like playing her as she is currently defined, Overwatch provides access to over 2 dozen other characters

What is there left to nerf???

Pretty much the only thing keeping a lot of players on Mercy is the appeal of Guardian Angel and it’s bunnyhop/superjump tech.

If the superjump were to go, that would be the last straw for Mercy’s last few diehard mains.

What else can they nerf without psuedo-deleting Mercy from the game?

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Oh I’m sure they could find something. I would be surprised if they nerfed her healing again, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility. I think more likely candidates are Valkyrie, Damage Boost, or Guardian Angel.

Personally? I find her just fine. I am not a Mercy main but I have been playing her more frequently because I like her the way she is now.

The only thing I want them to fix is her Valk chains. I can’t stand that I have to constantly press a button to have them hook on everyone.

I’m completely serious about Rez being Mercy’s ult again counting as a nerf. What kept Mercy balanced back in her 1.0 days was that she had a consistent base kit, but an inconsistent ult.

Mercy’s 1.0 kit had problems, sure. But they basically amounted to:

Not having the bunnyhop/superjump

Rez as an ult not having proactive counterplay, making it annoying to play against

Not having any “backup heals” on E like all the other main healers, forcing Mercy to resort straight to rez way too soon

Have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

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Ahh no haha What is that? Sorry I now picture the Dodo bird from Ice Age with Moira’s hair now when I see you xD

I added the link for you

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Thank you I will look at it c:

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