What's your opinion on mercy?

I don’t think they’ve done anything to her On-Fire rate to compensate for the healing nerf and that’s annoying.

You have to actually kill things to even get on fire for like 10 seconds.

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I disagree strongly…I am able to play Mercy effectively in the majority of circumstances

My experience is the opposite - that when another healer (any of the healers, take your pick) is on my team, I almost always get gold healing as Mercy.

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The onfire rate isnt a Mercy issue, it is rather an issue with the onfire engine

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I would actually be ok with this, but I don’t know if it would be enough of a draw back. Maybe 100 HP, or she resurrects targets at half health and any healing done to them does not generate ultimate charge until they reach full health atleast once after being Resurrected.

It could be like a Sacrifice type of ability like the one from Miciah from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (i dont know if thats something thats well known or not but its where i got the idea).

This is actually a very interesting change, though it would still feel a bit clunky to use and Mercy would still have that awkward moment of waiting around to do one. Shes free to move and all but it doesnt get rid of the awkward moment prior to the Rez so I am not so keen on this one, though I would accept it over current Resurrect.

Interesting that you mention this, I actually made a post with an idea just like this here

Opinions on Mercy

Yeah. I stopped because I realized how weak she is to play compared to other healers. It’s not fun not doing anything helpful.

Actually, the onfire engine is very accurate at showing the impact a hero has on fights. The values for damage done and healing are universal and every character gets them the same. Of course, certain heroes have more or less damage but it still functions the same. Certian abilities grant more fire and Mercy has a 60 point on-fire burst.

I see the onfire engine being fine and needing no changes. It demonstrates the impact a hero has on fights as well as points for landing difficult abilities. Mercy does not have difficult abilities, and superjumping or ga-ing should not give fire no matter how difficult it may be to do.

The on-fire engine is fine as it is imo. Mercy imo is as well statistically, it just reflects her very low skill expression and effort/skill required to play her, as well as mediocre impact outside of Resurrect, since every other healer and every other character in the game has an easy time getting on fire, whereas Mercy’s consistency means she gets those points slowly and gradually, she takes a while to get on fire but otherwise is consistently not on fire.

In comes the "

repetition or some other form of regurgitating it that adds nothing to the discussion as your stance is already clear on what you believe, Im telling you what I believe, but as you say you are free to be as light as you want in your response.


That is the rather elegant thing about that particular change. There’s levers to pull where some value is balanced. Maybe the numbers are:
50 HP for 2 seconds
150 HP for 30 seconds
100 HP for 10 seconds
125 HP for 8 seconds
I have no idea which one would be right, but there is a lot of room for tweaks.

I wouldn’t want the Teammate resurrects at 50% HP though. I see that suggested all the time, but I firmly believe that the person who chose to initiate the ability should pay for any downsides. Like seriously… how salty would you be if Mercy resurrected you in front of the enemy team with 50% HP then ditched you?

Thank you. Yes it would be maybe be a bit clunky, but it would be less clunky than the current version of Resurrect. On the plus side though, it would reward Mercy for accurately guessing who might end up dying in the next few seconds, because if she’s already there, there’s no delay.

It is similar, but not identical. It appears that you have the soul showing up after Mercy pushes E and the enemy team can interrupt the Resurrect by killing the soul within the next 3.5s. Mine on the other hand just has the soul show up right when her ally dies and if her enemies kill the soul too, Mercy can’t Rez.

I do slightly prefer my approach… possibly because I’m slightly biased towards my own idea, but yours is definitely interesting and better than her current Rez.

I can agree with that to some extent, though I often see it happen where Mercy rezzes in a way that she should not have and ends up feeding ultimate charge anyway.

Its why in my thread I also suggested adding a decline option to be rezzed, but I do see the problem with being resurrected at half health, it was just a thought.

If the onfire engine were accurate, all character would have approximately the same fire rate…but they do not

Mercy’s onfire rate at this time is highly innacurate

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Reaper and bastion also have the highest on fire rates. I guess we should nerf them.

This is not the case, different heroes have a different impact and a different ceiling.

Mercy should never have the same on-fire rate as an Ana because Ana takes far more skill and should be rewarded much more for landing abilities. This is why she can get on fire more often though if the Ana is not good Mercy can surpass an Ana as well as any other hero.

Different heroes have different damage numbers and as such get on fire at different rates, but if you are conistently getting kills or assists, you will be on fire more than a high damage dealer.

Bastion for example has a very high on-fire rate because he can do a lot of damage, but its also inflated just like his winrate because he is played rarely and when he is it works very well for him.

I find Mercy’s on-fire rate to be very accurate with regard to her level of impact as well as being an expression of her skill.


Weak and boring


You also play on console, so…

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I enjoy playing with them. A mercy player will focus solely on healing and won’t ignore me standing still with 50 health so they can shoot enemies. It’s funny how polar opposite mercy players in game are to the ones on the forums. The in game ones are polite, normally willing to give niche picks a chance, and very reliable. “We all know how the forum mercies are -_-” As someone who primarily plays tanks I can genuinely say I would rather play with a mercy just because I’ve had alot of bad experiences with Ana mains who are the main supports who will be the first to blame everyone else cause they can do no wrong. and Moira only comes into play when the Ana’s get salty after getting dived too much.

…so what?

It is the same game

Same name

Same heroes

Same maps

Same rules

Same modes

Same strategies

Same Same Same

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Dude, don’t bother. Megadodo is completely unwilling to consider the possibility that how easy/hard a video game is might change depending on your control scheme.

LOL, whenever the topic of Mercy is brought up. It becomes “The Ultimate showdown”. - (old early 2000s music video). literally it becomes a throw-down about her. 50/50

I do miss the good old days of mass Rez, but I will always agree that it should have been nerfed SOME. Moth mercy has NOT been something I have supported.

Sure on paper but considering Ana pickrate GM(Pc) 12.4% XBL Ana pickrate 4.6% PS4 2.05%.Saying they’re the same is a little disingenuous.


Yeah, Mercy cannot carry a team. If you only play Mercy, I think the only way to get up in ranks is to build a solid team on Friends and stick to playing with friends.

She used to be really fun, in the way that Mercy was all about outsmarting your opponents and was rewarded for thinking 3 steps ahead of everyone else…

But since the 2017 rework+nerf marathon, Mercy has been reduced to little more than arm candy for other players.

Some team dependence is fine, but Mercy’s kit is so oversaturated with team-dependent abilities that pretty much all of her value is wrapped up in things that are completely out of the players control.

Mercy’s become boring at best, and makes you feel extremely frustrated at how helpless you are to impact the match at worst.

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