What's your opinion on mercy?

I can see where that would make Mercy more engaging for some players to play, but at this time very many of us - myself included - like how she is configured with rez on cooldown, and as such would not want her to be changed

For those who do not like playing her as she is currently defined, Overwatch provides access to over 2 dozen other characters

What is there left to nerf???

Pretty much the only thing keeping a lot of players on Mercy is the appeal of Guardian Angel and it’s bunnyhop/superjump tech.

If the superjump were to go, that would be the last straw for Mercy’s last few diehard mains.

What else can they nerf without psuedo-deleting Mercy from the game?

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Oh I’m sure they could find something. I would be surprised if they nerfed her healing again, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility. I think more likely candidates are Valkyrie, Damage Boost, or Guardian Angel.

Personally? I find her just fine. I am not a Mercy main but I have been playing her more frequently because I like her the way she is now.

The only thing I want them to fix is her Valk chains. I can’t stand that I have to constantly press a button to have them hook on everyone.

I’m completely serious about Rez being Mercy’s ult again counting as a nerf. What kept Mercy balanced back in her 1.0 days was that she had a consistent base kit, but an inconsistent ult.

Mercy’s 1.0 kit had problems, sure. But they basically amounted to:

Not having the bunnyhop/superjump

Rez as an ult not having proactive counterplay, making it annoying to play against

Not having any “backup heals” on E like all the other main healers, forcing Mercy to resort straight to rez way too soon

Have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

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Ahh no haha What is that? Sorry I now picture the Dodo bird from Ice Age with Moira’s hair now when I see you xD

I added the link for you

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Thank you I will look at it c:

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Oh I’m aware lol, Mercy as a balance problem didn’t start until the monster of a rework came through. I’m just saying, I wouldn’t count Mercy as out of the woods on nerfs yet, though, even if she is momentarily balanced, and I don’t think they’ll be the kind of nerfs that people will be too pleased about.

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all recent statements by the devs indicate that they are happy with Mercy as she is at the moment, and they didnt put in a change at all with the rolequeue stuff that is on the PTR right now

I’ve got my fingers crossed for another rework.

The devs actually have a lot more creative freedom with the new 2-2-2 lock. They no longer have to worry about “but what if it’s op in a tank meta?” breathing down their necks 24/7, so now they get to make things that would have been op in a tank meta but is balanced in 2-2-2.

Multirez in particular is on that list. It would have probably made GOATS much worse, seeing as how the only way to kill GOATS is ult spam… And multirez excelled in countering ult spam.

But with the 2-2-2 lock protecting the game from GOATS, I think that multirez is on the table again.

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I find it puzzling that if one is unhappy with the previous rework, that one would want another.

Sorta kinda reminds me of the Kevin Bacon “thank you sir” scene in animal house

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If they bring it back, and that’s a very big IF.Mercy probably wouldn’t have the invulnerablity and it would be limited to 3 heroes.

I find it puzzling that there’s a forum user that only appears when someone makes a “Mercy is not fine” post (and in record time, too!). It’s like they’re obsessed with stalking and harassing an extremely specific category of Overwatch players.


I don’t think they’d give MultiRez to Mercy. It’s too controversial, and I think they’re most comfortable just trying to ignore her until they have to address her because of the inevitable backlash that even small changes will precipitate, particularly when, as they have done in the past with Mercy, they indicate that they feel a hero is balanced then proceed to nerf them anyway. I think Mercy, like Bastion, has achieved near-official “under the rug” status.

That said, I wouldn’t be terribly shocked if we saw MultiRez re-appear on another hero as a sort-of olive branch to people who enjoyed Mercy 1.0.

Buff her healing to 60 hps, or at least 55 again. Pros have been saying that for months.
Other than that , I think she’s fun, fair and balanced.

No, the way to rank up as Support is just to consistently play better than the enemy’s Supports.

In terms of raw balance she is totally fine, yet insanely unstable.
The sole existence of 2-2-2 will already be a good, indirect buff to her. Since most of the other sups struggle in that comp way more than Mercy. There is also a big possibility for a new dive meta, which would just double down on that.

If we talk about just changing her power, i think we would be better of to think about, how we bring other supports back up in the near future.

And if we talk, just about making her feel better to play… So her game feel…
Yeah we can forget that too. Because of her unstable balance state, even minor changes could already overpower her again.

That would look different if the devs would be open to rework her but it’s save to say that this won’t happen.

So yeah… Don’t hope or expect any buffs or game play improvements on her, but more nerf’s.