What's 'killing' your mood to play?

no reason to play comp. poor and can’t afford smurf accounts to throw off the horrible mmr. blizz is looking at top 500s for its new esports endeavor. broken rank system makes it all but pointless. ive been here since launch day waiting for a decent system, coming back every so often in hopes there was some change. but nah. which is fine and all, if sr wasn’t touted as being anywhere close to representative of someone’s skill. csgo is meh. and there’s not really a good modern shooter to attempt going pro in. splatoon maybe? i dumped 2k hours and got s+99 just in case a chance arises… but i’d really rather blizz get off their behinds with balancing and ranking. their other games have always been top quality in every regard. i really don’t know why theyre failing so miserably with this one

edit: the atmosphere, too… it’s overran by snowflakes who cry about bullying and toxicity, ultimately creating a source for spite and even more toxicity and becoming fuel for the very thing nobody wants in the first place. Look, so many games have been and are much, muuuch more “toxic” than this one. Guess what? They were and/or are much, muuuch healthier than this one! Because when you lash at people for every little expression, you oppress them. Oppressive behavior is celebrated here, is what I’m saying. I’m also saying “toxicity” against these people is justified, as they’re literally doing what they’re accusing people of.

Ain’t that the truth, amen. :pensive: And when you try to go after her, her group protects her v.v

Pharmercy already killed the game for me once and is doing it again…

It absolutely kills any pleasure I take from the game when I know that I could be doing next to nothing on Mercy and be more help to my team than when I try my butt off with Ana.

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Fortnite is
All my friends are leaving and i don’t like playing alone

Barely any hero tweaks unlike in other games. If the game stays the exact same for over two years. There’s not much going for it. It’s like ESO, but slowly improving except it took one year for ESO to get themselves together.

Exactly what you said, as well as the fact that I cannot play Winston or Junkrat without them feeling like a lesser pick.

I don’t think it’s really the reason I don’t play much anymore but I think the amount of hard CC in this game. Mostly it has to deal with how I am with every game, I just stop playing every game after a while.

I really want there to be a support character introduced that has an ability that makes an ally CC immune for a short amount of time. I know Zarya has that ability with her shield but thats just a secondary effect.

Two things:

Current custom games are set up in a bad way and work against people making creative and fun games.

Inability to choose what I want to play when I want to, I.E. maps and gamemodes.

my winrate. it’s basically WLWLWL. The first game of the day is a win, no
matter how bad I play, and the second to a win comes a lose, no matter how hard I try.
ranking sustem, just drop me back to diamond or let me go to the mid masters already lol

3dps comps…they never win but it seems to be the most common comp though the meta is far from that.

Teamates giving up after a bad round. Next round it’s usually 5 dps

Horrendous balancing. It’s almost as if they really don’t play the game.

Mercy…while still my main i go back through my old clips and see the real “hero’s never die” and it doesn’t stop hurting that they changed her for no statistical reason.

Not reacting as a member of a team in general. Not helping a player in need with backup fire, healing or protection. Not grouping up, not picking a decent comp.
75% of QP games.

This is killing my mood

Both his winrate and pickrate have been steadily dropping in GM for the past 6 months and it shows no sign of stopping.

follow the link to see the images.

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For me it’s just Hanzo and Widow.
Ok Hanzo is ok now i can now accept that i died to him because it’s not the scatter

But Widow is still my biggest problem it feels like only Heroes who can kill me are Widow from across the map or Hanzo

And even if i take Winston or something to counter her 80% of the time it dosn’t work and i can’t help my team atall :frowning:

Well i guess it could be worse but i’m happy with hanzo changes.

“Welcome to Hanamura”
“Entering the temple of Anubis”

and it’s already pass the safe time that I can quit without being punished.

Crappy matchmaking. I can play at Diamond and above and still win games, but I’m borderline Gold atm

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For me it’s the constant Blizzard interferings. They just can’t stop it. Always godbuffing or smashnerfing heroes, and constantly reworking existing heroes which is killing the essential of that hero’s playstyle, and why someone loved to play it.

And because of that, the game is, and will remain constantly unballanced and a huge pile of mess. I can risk to say that the game was even more ballanced when it came out. Even wth stupidly broken abilities on some heroes.

to say what is killing my mood to play would involve giveing out infermation about my self that i do not give out to people lightly and this forum being as toxic as it is. i know that opening my mouth and saying anything about my self as a person in real life will bring about 2 things. someone being toxic or someone trying to show pitty on me. i wanth neither so you get the short answer

but in short. i dont play. becuse i dont “feel” like playing. if that makes any since you anyone

You can only play one way in Overwatch’s base game, and if you don’t have fun with that you’re SOL until the PvE modes are out.

Also, people tend to think that an implemented “competetive” mode somehow means this game isn’t for casuals.

-the insane amount of hanzo and brigitte “mains” in competitive
-idiotic teammates that just don’t want to switch their heroes like defiant little children
-toxic behavior and “switching to torb because i am mad”
-the obvious contempt of blizzard in not listening to the players
-stun meta
-not being able to block obnoxious players to get matched with you (I know you can block 2 people for 7 days - but thats ridiculous)