Bastion's pickrate has been steadily declining in GM

Bastion’s pickrate and winrate has been steadily declining in GM as time goes on. These images are going from oldest to newest pickrates starting at 6 months and going to 3 months, this month, and then this week.
these are two separate images from the same page so you don’t have to look at a gigantic image for all of them.

Edit: This just in! His winrate just tanked in GM this week!


If this trend continues he might just fall off the face of the earth. I know GM doesn’t represent most of us by my point is to show that even his “niche” isn’t that often or as powerful as people like to say considering GMs would only ever use him in that “niche”. It’s obviously not powerful or often enough to keep it in use.

He is picked a 6 hundredths of a percent
How can anyone stand there are say he’s balanced and is fine because he’s niche now?
He is picked 6% of 1%. That’s a problem


Wow. I didn’t even know he had any more pickrate to lose. It seems he’s going down across all ranks except in Bronze and Silver, where he’s pretty stable at a whopping 1-2% pickrate.

Poor Bastion


Bastion needs some help hopefully the devs look at him


Wow, I’m amazed he even has any pickrate left to decline at this point.

If this keeps up I think he’s going to start going back in time and retroactively disappearing from matches he was in.


How can you play Bastion when Hanzo is in the state he’s in?


Fixed because it’s akways been that way.


I’ve come to the conclusion that the entirety of Bastion’s GM winrate is just Kolor now, no other way it can be that low


Scatter only worked if he was on the same level, which was a bit harder, or high ground. Storm arrows can do it from any place he can normally shoot you.


Yikes. I knew it was bad, but this bad…

He definitely need some help.

C’mon Blizz. Bastion need a higher pickrate:


Scatter and storm arrows aren’t the only reason he is or was strong against bastion. The main reason is Hanzo is the best peeker in the game.


Bastion used to be able to deal with that but apparently he’s not allowed to have low spread or people complain when a Bastion good at tracking kills them faster than other dps can. People don’t seem to notice or care that he’s supposed to kill you faster than other sustain dps can. (sustain as in rapid fire instead of burst)


The main problem has always been Bastion is designed to work in Sentry Mode, a mode in which is he is completely immobile in a highly mobile game. Pretty much all the best top meta hero’s have always been high mobility characters and bastion is the exact apposite of that.

His recon mode is okay, just a bigger and fatter soldier 76 with no helix rockets and the inability to heal and do dmg at the same time. So worse than Soldier in every way really. Turret mode however isn’t allowed to do well because people complain if he’s too hard to kill. Thus they lowered his dmg resistance.

Doesn’t help his Ult is pretty crappy. Your a freaking tank and yet you die so easily.


The truth is that Bastion has been sacrificed for the sake of the below average up to average players.

You almost cannot balance him in a way that he’s being viable at GM level, without making him the frustrating noob filter he was way back then ago, performing too well at this the below average to average level.

Therefore this is unlikely to ever happen.


It really doesn’t help that Bastion has the same problem as Symmetra. Where other off-meta picks have the advantage of non-mains knowing what they think will help them (eg crit box for Torb, mobility or self-sustain for Ana etc), when was the last time you saw a balance suggestion for Sym or Bastion by a non-main?

That’s what I say to myself every time someone mentions that bastion needs a buff, one wrong step just like last time will easily make him a very broken hero that’s only rage inducing to everyone, like the time they reworked him and gave him his ironclad buff. And stacked with nano boost, you could literally survive a point-blank D.Va bomb. It was so bad that they nerfed his ironclad immediately after, but console players had to suffer terribly because they didn’t push the nerfs to console immediately. Basically what I’m saying is that it’s almost impossible to make a buff to bastion that won’t make him incredibly broken like last time.

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Bastion probably doesn’t do very well versus Spamzo

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You don’t even need Hanzo. One Zen can repeatedly dumpster Bastion, unless latter has a protective barrier 100% of the time. Genji has no fall-off too, so deploying means taking a lot of damage from pixel sized enemies.

Also, imagine Overwatch with viable Sombra. You can’t even hope to play Bastion at all.


I guess we call can agree that Bastion is one of the few heroes which has a bazillon of counters against him.

Back in the closed beta he was more like a fortress, after the first changes he became the glass cannon he still is today.

There are some sturdy types of glass. Bastion is more like cardboard cannon.

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Bastion main here, even I’m starting to play him less. Its the very people from these forums that brought this ruin upon him and its ironic seeing them pity Bastion now that he’s at his lowest point.

He’s not a glass cannon anymore, because frankly that was still too much for the people who had to deal with him. So they lower his effectiveness with his minigun (his primary ability mind you) and give him a survivability buff in turret… still too much for attack mains to deal with. So they lower that survivability again and now he’s got a nerfed primary that doesn’t work against peekers and makes him lose his zone control and they also make it to where he can’t be used short of pocketing. So now all the widows, hanzos, genjis - literally everyone for the exception of winston just get a free kill if you play Bastion. These people don’t want an effective Bastion, they just want a freebie so they can jump around the map and call themselves skilled after they kill you. Bastions skill ceiling right now isn’t low, no no, far from it. Its the height of the empire state building stacked on to twenty-one more empire state buildings. Outplaying literally anyone (except for winston) as Bastion without assistance is skill, but you will be told that you’re nothing but a point and click adventure anyway. These are the same people who want harsh punishments for what they call “one tricks”. They don’t want anyone to enjoy the game, they want to be the only ones who enjoy this game.

Bastion could very well be the only hero in a prime position for removal from the game. Dev negligence and popular wrong opinion will be his death if no love is given.

Yes, I am salty. I’m not afraid to admit it. But at least I feel justifiably salty at the claim that Bastion isn’t and never will be a skilled hero. Call it paranoia but i’ve played the hero long enough to know there’s more to it than that.

I’ll be happy if they just do a reversion where he gets his headshots back and his spread. I don’t care about armor passives while in turret, i care about effectiveness against heroes.