What's 'killing' your mood to play?

I don’t like how the meta has made so many heroes worthless. I love OW because it has so many heroes you can play. The current meta puts 6 heroes way over everyone else as seen by the huge gap in pick rate between 6th and 7th place.

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Dual snipers on both teams

Me having to play barrier tank all the freaking time hoping to get a win, otherwise it’s an instant loss if I don’t

Anxiety pains that feel like getting stabbed in the stomach with a syringe, and I don’t even play competitive, so why does this freaking happen?!

Too much armor and CC
Leaving games once I see 5 DPS with no sign of changing before the matchews];lmk’,fvdhgap’kjhgfods p’klmntgfdeha…

Sorry, that was me headbutting my keyboard opurtten eakp;ln’
idcxvujhgiob’ndv;cfs… out of frustration. Even thinking about my 15-game loss streak is pissing me off.


for its just seeing my friends i play with get turned off by the game by the new meta and seeing them get mad and just leave the game, i just want to enjoy the game with my friends but the meta has just been rough i guess

How irritating it currently is to play tanks. You get bopped around instantly.

i know ur pain, i’m a rein main and that stuff just bugs me so much

I wanted to pick him up more to expand my tank pool since he and Road are my least played but with the current CC it is unbearable.

Had a game where Brigitte stunned me, followed by McCree and then Mei froze me during my stun and I was dead.

junkrat being in every single mode consistently and always getting the PoTG

and no mode having reliable match making other than high end comp.

No real point playing Widow now that Hanzo is better and I don’t like playing Hanzo at all so I got no reason to play. Playing anything else is even more :zzz: so I’m a forum/custom match/1v1 with friends main now. :joy:

i can tell u that rein is the best pick for a tank to counter brigitte, her shield is useless against him

Seeing an enemy widow in every QP match, I love widow a lot but it gets tiring after a while. Sorry :c

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By himself against her is a different story. He will always win. But when it comes to team fights her stun puts him in terrible positions, especially with the increase in use of Mei and Doomfist.

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the fact that blizzard takes months to fix anything, heck, my favorite hero doomfist was crapped on right after release and has gotten barely any fixes since then, and its been almost a year.

oh yeah, i hate fighting that combo

Yeah, whenever I see it I immediately go Zarya.

Competitive not being competitive at all.

  • People can do what they want which is on the same level as soft-throwing
  • Matchmaker doesn’t put together a proper team

how blizzard is too lazy to add a guild/clan system. People who one trick, people who won’t switch, leavers. Match making is garbage.

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This is one of the main reasons I slowed down on comps, meaning I don’t play nearly as much as I used to. I’m not the best player obviously but I feel like I put in a lot of effort in not only what ever I’m playing but I take the time to look up strats, positioning, countering etc… I also seem to be the most vocal in most of my games calling out everything I can that’s relevant.
I’m just tired of getting people who treat comp as their personal playground instead of looking at it as a place where people are serious about ranking up…

Snipers. Too many snipers in every game. And deathamtch is nothing but hanzo mains now.


No more skill… no more strategy… :thinking:

actually, no more hide and seek strategy. :man_facepalming: Sorry for your loss. :man_cartwheeling:

Feeling pigeon-holed into taking a supportive role (Healer/Tank) most games - especially when the game loads and 4 players pick DPS.

Like, I paid full-price for the game, but get to play barely a quarter of the characters without a teammate having a whinge because they refused to do what I’ve been doing for the past four-hundred-and-forty-two levels.

Hell, the last game I played, I was last to pick - and we had zero tanks and zero heals. So I figure, this 32% weapon accuracy isn’t going to improve itself without practice - so I went Widowmaker. -_- (and got gold objective time.)
Even if I had picked a tank/healer, we’d still be short - so screw it; I deserve the opportunity to become something OTHER than a Mercy/support main. Same as everyone else.

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