🛡 "What's going on?" - Every Reinhardt Main Ever

Well I wouldn’t be saying that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


How am I supposed to area denial flankers now?
When I play rein, if a flanker gets close to my supports, I need to be able to shield and swing quickly to deny their area and protect the supports, how am I supposed to deal with flankers attacking the backline now? That’s one of the reasons I played him…

Reinhardt needs this weird balance of creating space for your team, while also staying close enough to defend them if they need it. DPS should really be helping to peel for your healers, but I usually have to do that as well more so than DPS. It is really nice when you have DPS that are just as aware as you are.

You want to stay close to your healers, but not so close that you get sucked into the damage as well. I think most flankers start backing off the moment you put your focus on them. For me, I hit a fire strike on them and start swinging, and usually the fire strike alone is enough to get a flanker to retreat.

Downside is, doing that puts your team at risk of snipers and other issues. It’s a constant balancing act, but that’s why I love Reinhardt’s playstyle because it’s super unique, way more challenging that it original seems, and if you can pull it off you WILL carry that team. Bonus points because your healers will love you.


Blizz replies all over the forums!

Everywhere but here.

It’s like returning to Eichenwalde every time I come back to this thread :cry:


Personal update;

It seems as though I can shield jump again. Please do not take my word as law. I still need to do a heap of testing. I was able to jump away from a swinging enemy Reinhardt, which hasn’t happened in about a month.

I have since re-downloaded PlaysTV so I can start recording again. I will continue to update anything I can find.

Disclaimer: Shatter, charge, and Hammer Swing…still broke AF.


New PTR changes, someone go there and test Reinhardt!!


New PTR update highlights:


-Fixed a bug that allowed Reinhardt to pin targets that were behind him when using Charge

-Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt to pin some targets when he turned during Charge

-Fixed a bug that allowed Reinhardt to use Earthshatter while standing on an enemy’s head

-Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Earthshatter from sometimes hitting enemies standing on a payload

-Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Earthshatter from traveling up certain inclines

-Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt to abruptly change directions when he stopped holding his Barrier Field


-Fixed a bug that caused Roadhog’s Chain Hook to sometimes break after hitting an enemy


but you played for 1 hour in early plat.

Lol, that’s so dark.

Yaaas, goooood

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So, what other game breaking bugs are still there? Other than the animation canceling bug (yes I’m calling it a bug, because it wasn’t included in any patch notes), and the barrier into melee swing delay bug?

Well, we won’t know for sure until it’s live and we can actually put a few hours on this apparently “fixed” Reinhardt. There still some hit registration issues on his hammer. In my post one of the last things I linked was an older Reddit post that lists all of the known bugs at the time. May not hurt to check that out for a refresher.

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Ohh this is looking promising. Haven’t said about turning 180 degrees, have they? It’s been a long while since it happened to me last time, but …

And also fix for Hog. Bless.


I think it’s this note here that indicates that potential fix if I understand it correctly.

… I’m blind, my dear Spud :slight_smile: Thank you.

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You’re not blind, you’re beautiful! :smiley:

Never as beautiful as you bows

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Daww, shucks

Finally we are getting some fixes for Reinhardt.
With OWL done, I guess they finally have time to fix the game.

Now if they could comment on the animation cancels removal and the sluggish movements that would be great.

There is a very clear inconsistency among heroes, some heroes are allowed to use animation cancels while others like Reinhardt get punished with secret changes to remove that, making him even slower than he already is.

Also Reinhardt’s hammer swing now knocks players so far away from him, but it happens so inconsistently making it really hard for reinhardt to stay on a target.
This is a massive stealth nerf change, because your target constantly gets knocked far away from you at random swings.


I have gotten lucky and got a few environmental kills from those hammer swings, which are always nice, but it is pretty annoying when you’re trying to clear house but keep knocking people out of range.

Natorian said the above, so maybe the animation cancels are fixed?

Give this a read. :laughing:

Hyped about the Reinhardt bug fixes! Wish they could come onto the live servers faster. I don’t play the PTR at all. It’s nice to hear that even Roadhog is getting some love on the PTR dispite just receiving a “bug fix”.