🛡 "What's going on?" - Every Reinhardt Main Ever

You’d just think it would make sense to make working heroes, and balance them properly, before going full steam ahead with OWL. I watched like 3 games of OWL and just got bored watching it because it was the same 8 heroes.

You’re point is still very valid, though.

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Note: You still have everything on console

It’s the same on consoles, at least in PS4. I hope that you’re referring to something different other than the added delay on barrier field, sheild hopping and the animation cancels.

I have a good example of how bad reins animation cancels being gone really are. Genji as of rn is solely dependent on animation cancels, theres a million different things about genjis kit and a ton are animation cancelling. If you removed half of genjis animation cancelling i can definitely see genji dying from the game. Animation cancelling are a part of reins gameplay too.

animation cancels, shield hopping, and shield toggling being effectively neutered is such a hard nerf to rein its not even funny, they havent acknowledged anything except earthshatter in that bug thing, and since they arent, i imagine it isnt a bug.


Also don’t forget Brigitte, they built her combo that deletes Tracer on animation canceling. Shield Bash -> melee -> whip shot. If they remove it, she won’t be able to counter Tracer. There’s plenty of other examples like Doomfist, Winston, Tracer and many others. But it’s always Reinhardt…


They cant seem to keep it consistent.

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yep, forgot that too, ty

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I’m just here for the evening bump.

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It’s the morning here, oops! I accidentally bumped this thread, sorry Blizzard…


Don’t be sorry. We keep getting good traction from the bumping.

i just hope this doesnt end up like a certain healer dumpster thread that was there to serve as a containment room…and then it just disappeared…
like, with every patch rein is just more and more buggy, it sucks.


I think the difference between this one and the others that you hinted at, is that the Reinhardt ones aren’t 40% of the forum topics. Those were evolving into spam, unfortunately.


Shameless bump with some more Reinhardt play. Just a good, clean shatter to win a point:


How is this thread still being ignored? It’s one thing to ignore bastion/mercy/sym/whatever other hero threads because they all had their changes documented and the playerbase should respect those, but blizzard literally pulled a fast one on reinhardt players with these undocumented changes. Radio silence is not okay in this case. It’s understandable in other cases, still frowned upon in my opinion, but understandable. Not this time though.

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Literally fallen about 300-400SR since this patch. Switched to Winston but it’s still not going well, too easy to counter. Help Blizz plz. :frowning:

I have to assume it’s either a bug that’s really hard to fix and they’re waiting on esitmates (if the fix isn’t coming this year, it will then become ‘intended’). Or intended for some asinine reason that no one would like. That’s the only reason not to respond.

In my early years as a developer I would only not respond when I was REALLY hoping people would forget it existed so no one realized I had no idea WTF I was doing (I ‘became’ a developer with no relevant schooling and almost on accident). I quickly learned that never happens and it’s better to just get it over with.


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I refuse to play Rein anymore until fixed.

Hacked the whole team, shattered a wall. Nice. I sure meant to do that.


Yikes. Feels bad. Jeff Kaplan responding to posts about CTF in comp mode, rialto complaints, but totally disregarding this thread… Yikes yikes yikes. Destiny 2 is really fun, don’t believe the negative reviews.


I have been playing Rainbow 6 Siege. Probably will continue until Blizzard either fixes what they broke, or tells us why he was changed. I wont hold my breath. Realistically, without having impact with Reinhardt like I should be having, I dont find myself missing Overwatch.


Yeah I feel the same thing about Overwatch now.