šŸ›” "What's going on?" - Every Reinhardt Main Ever

meaningful yet totally unnecessary bump!


And much appreciated!

IIRC Blizz aims to be transparent, so itā€™s about time we get some transparency :slight_smile:

Well, maybe weā€™ll get some traction now that a major content creator has mentioned these undocumented changes, including some others I wasnā€™t aware of:


Just imagine how effective Brigitte would be against Tracer or Genji if they removed her animation cancels. (and essentially destroying the whole combo that deletes Tracer)

It really sucks what Blizzard has done and the neglect of communication is justā€¦ I donā€™t have any words for that anymoreā€¦


Last bump before bed. Annnd, a little treat for you. Just a small clip of me being sick of the ā€œlatch to the payload and spin-to-winā€ tactic and taking matters into my own hands.


To be honest, Iā€™m now more concerned about the game than the current state of Reinhardt. After this summer event Iā€™m genuinely starting to believe that the devs are beginning to give up on the game as a whole after OWL finished.

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Reinhardtā€™s new skin has a rather quiet and short voiceline that starts mid cast of Earthshatter giving the enemy team a rather short amount of time to react to the ultimate if they even hear it go off at all. I hope this is addressed soon.


Blizz. Please. Give us some word this week.

Like weā€™ve said before, weā€™d be happy just hearing you say ā€œthe new animation interactions are intentionalā€ rather than this crushing silence.

Here to bump, for all the good itā€™ll do.

Some tanks kinda already have that, like D.va and Orisa canā€™t be booped around anywhere near as much while shooting (have you tried to Lucio boop a shooting Orisa into the well on Ilios, just doesnā€™t happen). Maybe Rein could do with a very slight resistance when he has his shield up since thatā€™s his primary task, just like D.va and Orisa are primarily shooting (well, they have shields but they donā€™t require you to sit there holding rmb). Or maybe just while heā€™s walking with his shield up, so that heā€™s still weak when you catch him being dead still.

Rienhardt Shield Feels much better atleast for me but everything ELSE Sucks i think they made shatter slower? or maybe u cant mele to Q fast now

You used to see where shatter was landing. Now you cant. Itā€™s still just as bugged, with a different paint job.


geez sounds aweful, hope blizz adress this #Pray4Rein


Iā€™ve been gone for a week. Did that go live? Did they get rid visual representation, like it was on the PTR!?

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The visual change is live. The horrendous coding is the same.

No, it got worse.



They couldnā€™t fix it, so they hid it!? WHAT!?

I thought this was some sort of bug on the PTR, so I wasnā€™t phased, but itā€™s gone through to live!? What are these people actually doing?

None of us have any idea, which is why weā€™re all asking for some kind of response :frowning:


Yeah, who knew game developerā€™s actually had to work on the game instead of respond to online forums?:rofl: