Mercy problems < Reinhardt problems

Mercy threads have been spammed on these forums since the rework and honestly, it’s painfully obvious the devs don’t care…also, she’s still playable [although to me at least she feels boring now, and not that good unless you’re running 2 main healers]…anyway, Rein is literally unplayable, and he isn’t fun for either people who play him or against him. Honestly, if anything , devs could probably address his 2 year old bugs and also the fact that they broke the s… out of him with this latest patch that doesn’t even have patch notes.

Mercy have a bigger problem than Rein rn.

Not to mention that she have this issue since the rework, meanwhile rein nerf has been done in the last week.

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Mercy and Reinhardt are different heroes with different problems.


LOL im sorry but this is the most ridiculous thing ever, Rein has been bugged since release more or less, some bugs are over a year old, maybe you;'d know that if you actually payed attention or played him, get in line lmao

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All I see is “Wah wah, X group why won’t you fight my battles for me!”

Like, do you seriously expect Mercy Mains to be on the forums campaigning for … Not Mercy? Why? Maybe the Rein mains could, IDK, make threads about REIN and not make threads whining about other mains being vocal about their characters?

Do something useful, jeeze.


useful enough?

it’s been bumped a lot lately, i believe because people wanna keep everything neat and organized, unlike the dumpster fire that are mercy threads that are popping up like zits on a teenage kid every day


lmaaaaaaaaao why on earth you would nerf Rein? he is the tank that suffers the most and right now he is only picket more commonly because of Brigitte.

What are you talking about? You can do mercy/zen mercy/lucio mercy/Brigitte

Have you hit your head lately?

Okay, but what was the point of this post? Cause after reading this whole thing, I’m still confused.

So really you guys are just upset that Mercy players aren’t sticking to a singular main thread and being cloistered away quietly complaining in the corner like the Rein mains are apparently doing?

I guess y’all have never had to complain to get things changed before, because it doesn’t really work if you’re not… Vocal, present, and doggedly persistent. That’s typically how it works.

I was referring to animations cancel that were removed in the last biggest patch.

Rein is my second most played tank, and I saw rarely a bug with him.
Ofc he have bugs, but they aren’t so frequent

Salty mercy main detected

No I’m not whining about mercy mains not whining about rein I’m whining about mercy mains Whining about mercy EVERY WHERE. At bug posts, YouTube,your local Starbucks, soon it’s gonna be on the news of mercy mains protesting on the streets

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idk so far i’ve had better success as Mercy/Moira or Mercy/Ana than any other combo…but to be honest, it could be just my luck with random Mercy players … in which case, my bad.

Anyway, i won’t make this thread more about Mercy, there’s more than enough places for that…[point being, she’s getting more and more boring to play with each nerf but, she’s nowhere near unplayable…whereas Rein…lol]

nothing works with Mercy, i’ve been posting in those mega threads since the old forums [wow that sounds weird] … anyway, yeah, point being, there IS no point in spamming that stuff, they don’t care…idk why they even deleted the megathread, that at least kept the garbage somewhat contained.

your profile says you have 9h on him which is not nearly enough, also, i just posted a link to the thread where you have a nice compilation of all of his bugs, plus links to numerous threads with more as well, you’re welcome.
Mercy has no bugs, aside from the fact that she’s a boring res bot.

and yes, they are frequent, it’s literally been documented both here and on old forums, i aint doing more homework for ya, bye.

off topic but, why the hell is my profile private…is it cause i’m on EU and it just hasn’t updated or…? cause i actually put it on public :confused:

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Rein was second most picked tank in season 9

Well that’s because Ana/Moira dish out more healing that zen/lucio/Brigitte because Ana and Moira are primary healers. Zen lucio and Brigitte are secondary

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I’m not a Mercy main, actually, I’m just a person that uses basic logic and doesn’t flip out when I see groups of people complaining about things they don’t like. It’s almost as if people use complaining as a way to effect and notify others of changes that need to be made, it’s like… How people do stuff, human nature, all those things. Whenever I see people shutting down others trying to complain it pisses me off because you guys are the sort that’ll gladly tell everyone to stop whining and just accept the bad thing rather than do anything to try and make it better, and I just think that’s a crummy attitude to have.

Personally I’d far rather have the Rein mains making a lot of noise and posting every day and being vocal and raising awareness to his problems so that there’s a better chance he could get fixed, because I played him for ten minutes the other day and it was buggy as all get out, WAY worse than any hero I’ve ever played, he’s got legit problems! And yet I don’t see more than a peep or two on the forums.

another player that thinks rein is comparable to mercy pickrates

main healers have the same job, they heal while main tanks are completely different

unless they release a hero that does exactly what rein does then you can’t compare his pickrates to anything

If the developers piss off a large portion of the playerbase, you can expect that large portion of the playerbase to cause backlash proportional to their size.

We will not stop complaining because you don’t like seeing our complaints. We will stop complaining when Mercy gets fixed. If you don’t like our complaints, that’s tough; they aren’t going away.

Ok but in my opinion mercy’s problems are her insanely high pickrate and her boring playstyle some people find fun. I find it unbareable that people complain she’s “not viable” while still having 11% pickrate

Have you been on overbuff? Plus you can compare them to any hero I can do it to soldier if I wanted.

Unfortunately you won’t

What? :joy: this actually made me laugh. Are you ok?

So, again, your only complaint is that they’re being too vocal. You can disagree with their sentiment and still respect their right to express their opinions on the… forums… of the game… where people talk about their opinions on the game. Like… It’s not like you’re on r/cutecats and it’s being flooded with Mercy Complaints, this is the Overwatch forums. People talk about Overwatch.