What would you do to fix Mercy?

The cupcake suggestion is dope. What do you meannnn.

What I mean is you guys are derailing your own discussion thread. I just ask that if you do that don’t complain later if it gets 404d.

I was never offended by any of you guys. I think there was a very big misunderstanding going on. All I was trying to say was that discussions always end up spiraling out of control the moment you start calling people names.

Whether it’s “potato”, or “muffin top”, or “bird brain”, or “butt face” (those are just examples, not saying all of them were used, lol), it just immediately opens up the door that says, “hey, it’s ok if we just start calling each other weird names now.”

I’m a tank-main…I just want everyone to get along, lol. And I apologize if it’s an aggressive approach.

We are discussing how the cupcake would be implemented into the game :stuck_out_tongue: Jk, back to being serious.

Yeah, it makes mercy players think about when they should rez. After they rez, they have to heal the target back up. My problem with mercy is that you get rezd and its like nothing happened, so it should punish the player who messed up and make the mercy players position themselves right to heal the target up(not just rez and go). Hope that makes sense

Why is “delete resurrect” a troll answer? It’s the primary reason that she’s the strongest support in almost all scenarios. It’s too valuable an ability for your team not to have most of the time. She’d still be the most consistent healer and a solid support hero without it.

Make a weaker version of valk her E, bring res as ult back w the los/range resrrictions it has now but w invincibility again

Don’t think Blizzard would want to pay Lucie Phol for new voice lines just because some people didn’t like getting Resurrected with full HP.

I had a few options too with “remove rezz” i don’t like it and I have 800 hours on her :face_with_monocle:

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Because it’s not constructive, at all. I don’t want suggestions for what should be removed from mercy. I want suggestions of changes or new stuff for Mercy that will make her balanced.

Well i mean, you still get a second chance so you dont really die…unless it was a bad rez, which is my whole point here, make mercy mains position themselves better and punish the ones who fck up.

Same. Mercy has been my most played hero for six total competitive seasons since beta. I love her, which is why I know that she’s too strong.

You get half-resurrected which doesn’t make sense. Do you want most of the heroes looking like Reaper after they get Resurrected?

Earlier today I saw the only suggestion that didn’t include reverting Mercy, deleting rez, or moving rez to valk with no other changes. I liked mass rez but it’s a very divisive topic, the only thing we can all agree on is that she can’t stay the way she is. This seems a good compromise.


I believe removing rez would make her balanced. You not wanting to hear it doesn’t make it any less of a valid suggestion. I have hundreds of hours on Mercy and I’ve spent a lot of time with her at the highest level of play in multiple seasons. I’m not just hating on the hero. She’s actually one of my favorites.

Well if one of my teammates looked like reaper because he got half rezd but still won the teamfight for us…yeah i think i can live with that

Sorry but i would seriously need to get my eyes removed from my socket if I saw Reaper every time i used Resurrect…

For the same reason that balancing suggestions for Bastion shouldn’t include “Remove Sentry Mode” or for Ana “Remove Sleep Dart/Bio Nade” or for Lucio “Remove Speed Aura” or for Mei “Remove Freeze effects” or for Reinhardt “Remove his Shield”.

That’s what those heroes DO. If you flat remove that… well you may as well have removed that hero and put this new kit under a different hero.

Insert funny “Mercy mains cant see anyways” joke here. lolol jk xD
Whats so wrong about reaper anyways?

Or the Mass res, los, 0.8 cast time, dmg reduced.


Make Rez a passive. You’ll heal the souls. 5 seconds maybe to res a soul? Valkyrie will make this simpler