Rez absolutely must be removed as a cooldown ability. I don’t even like the idea of Rez being an earned ability like Torbjorn’s armor.
Make Rez an ult exclusive ability. This can come in many forms.
She has one instant Rez during Valk. I personally don’t like this though, because I don’t think Rez should be instant.
She has two channeled Rezzes during Valk.
She has one channeled Rez during Valk, but unlimited attempts while Valk is up. i.e. If she goes for a Rez and it gets interrupted or she cancels it, she can try again as long as Valk is up. Once she pulls off Rez, she can’t do another one until she gets Valk again.
She has unlimited channeled Rezzes during Valk, but Valk receives a bunch of nerfs like no boost to self healing (damage interupts the self-heal like when she’s not Ulting), and a nerf to duration down to 10 seconds. And perhaps a longer charge requirement to even get Valk.
They would have to remove a few sprays, a highlight intro and an achievement if they removed rez.
And I don’t think they would do that.
I understand what you’re saying, but I think it’s different in this case. Rez, by itself, is the only issue with Mercy’s kit. Removing those other abilities you suggested would keep those heroes from being viable. Mercy would still be incredibly strong without it. Every problem ever discussed on these forums regarding Mercy is related to rez in one way or another. It’s a special situation.
The thing is, rez is mercys main ability, its why most people play her, so id say keep it but nerf her healing/wings, which is happening on the ptr so uhm yeah lets see how that goes.
Edgelords are shocking, extreme, dark, brooding, and generally ridiculous people. They’re super serious about how nothing matters and everything sucks. But they’re kidding.
Reaper is a edgelord and i despise those who make me feel depressed about life just because their life sucks.
Blame moira instead, reaper did nothing wrong
Yes and no.
Sure none of those abilites have been as problematic as Resurrect… but it doesn’t change the fact that all those abilities are those hero’s signature abilities and removing them would be incredibly dumb.
Seriously… even if they want to keep Resurrect on E, there are ways to further nerf it without making it feel even worse to use than it already is. You just need to be a bit creative… or have played another shooter that had a class with an instant, zero CD, melee range Resurrect… but had enough counterplay that no one complained about that.
He’s a bit, erm… meh, at the moment. I guess his personality might’ve scared off the devs.
Hes probably just having a bad day hehe
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Battle rez used to have a one-hour cooldown in WoW. I liked that. You couldn’t use it in PVP either because it would’ve been OP as hell. They could save it for PVE events and remove it for PVP in Overwatch, too.
Revert back to mass rez + Make slight changes to mass rez, such as LoS = Profit.
That is my actual opinion on the matter as a whole.
She needs her identity back, tbh.
That’s just overloading her kit. Her mobility should remain team dependent as she’s the only character that has mobility on a 1.5 second cooldown.
Giving her an independent vertical mobility is a much bigger buff than you think it is. There’s a reason why Widow is getting a nerf to her grapple. Mobility is a huge and powerful asset to have.
This would be cool, easier and less risky to raise a couple since three are still alive and fighting, taking some off the heat of you, giving enough time to raise👌
If the entire team is dead, then it’s very very hard to get the res in because the enemy will focus on you, and with a cast time, you’re dead👌
That’s good.
I hated Instant res because anyone could use it at any time and actually use it well. Whole teams dead, just fly in, take some damage, then instant res for instant results.
A cast time will be nice😄
I’m failing to see what that has to do with my post.
Also… I’m not really familiar with WoW PvP, but wasn’t Time to Kill SIGNIFICANTLY longer in WoW than in OW? If you don’t have instakills, you don’t really need Resurrects.
Just because Blizzard has been dumb in the past doesn’t mean they should continue to be dumb in the future.
Also Symmetra would have been a better example 
You call it dumb I call it the best attempt to balance a broken ability. The only thing that set Hanzo over was the other buffs he got.
Pretty sure storm arrow is the main reason.
A good attempt at balancing Scatter would have been… anything else. Removing it is giving up.
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His projectile speed increase directly made Storm Arrow more powerful. His Lunge ability made diving him that much harder when he can also wall climb.
Now that his arrows go faster he doesn’t have a range he is weak in. If they just added in Storm Arrow without changing anything else he would not be busted.
They did try things and none of them worked how they wanted. Giving up on something isn’t a bad thing sometimes the only way for something to work is for it to not be what it was.