Yet another Mercy idea - Serious suggestions for balanced Valk!

I dont think Mercy will ever be reverted and Res still seems to be a big issue for people so I was thinking… what are some ways to change her without making it feel like a hard nerf. Hows this:

Caduceus Staff

  • I think the 50HPS should stay instead of 60HPS. I think that is a positive change for the game in general.

Caduceus Blaster

  • Increase projectile speed to 45 (up from 40)


  • Resurrect becomes a new ability called “Guardian Spirit”. Mercy places a “buff” on a friendly target. Allies with Guardian Spirit receive a shiny halo over their hero.
  • Guardian Spirit:
    • Cast time: instant cast
    • Range: 25 meters
    • Cooldown: 20 seconds (cooldown starts after Guardian Spirit expires)
    • Duration: 5 seconds
    • Effect: While effected with this buff, all healing Mercy does on other targets is also applied to the ally with Guardian Spirit at 1.5x the normal rate (75HPS). Healing the buffed ally directly will also heal at 75HPS.
    • Applying Guardian Spirit does NOT BREAK beam tether on targets

Valkyrie - Valk upgrades Mercys other abilities (not passives)

  • Regeneration: can now be interrupted by taking damage (@Morghanit)
  • Caduceus Staff:
    • single target beam at 75HPS AND 30% Damage Boost
  • Caduceus Blaster:
    • ammo increased to 40 (up from 20)
  • Guardian Spirit:
    • transforms the ability to Resurrect and resets the cooldown
    • as soon as you use your charge of Res, Resurrect turns back into Guardian Spirit and resets the cooldown
  • Resurrect:
    • Cast time : Instant cast (down from 1.75s)
    • Charge: 1 Res
    • Range: 5 meters
    • Cooldown: 6 seconds (down from 30)
    • Cast time: 1.10 second (down from 1.75)
    • Movement speed: reduced by 15% (down from 75%)
    • Resurrect does break beam tether

I think this would be a unique way to tie Resurrect to the ultimate ability again without sacrificing much power to Mercy. There is more room with this version for some nice skillful plays since Valk resets the cooldown on Guardian Spirit.

It would be possible to overlap Guardian Spirit with Res. You could apply Guardian Spirit on your tank, pop Valk and fly to your critical health DPS player and still manage to heal both targets. You would only ever be able to heal a max of 2 targets at once since Mercy should be the single/dual target healer anyway.


I agree. Res should be tied to ult again.


I usually don’t agree with people locking Resurrect behind Valkyrie for a couple reasons:

  1. Adding an E ability is one of the reasons for the rework.
  2. Valkyrie in it’s current form would be too OP with a buffed Rez attached to it.

Your idea fixes both of these.

However the potential double Rez (even with a short cast time) could still be overpowered.


To be fair…I agree with that. The only reason why I added double Res was to make up for all the other Res’s Mercy would be losing out on for the rest of the match.

I think it could be balanced BUT I still think this would honestly fix the Mercy problem

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This Rez loadout is essentially Mercy 2.0.

What’s even the point of the cast time and movement speed in this case? They’re basically non existant.

Well, feel free to make changes. I just think they should be there but not as severe as they are on live right now because she can only Res during Valk now

Maybe make cast time 1.5 seconds and speed reduction to -35% instead of -75%?

rez as an E ability should’ve never happened though, it’s the reason mercy is a must pick and broken. if it was the reason for a rework, then they should make a re-rework lol. moving rez to valk is one of the good ideas people have shared in the forums. anything but keeping rez as a CD ability should be better than it currently is.

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I think you’re overthinking the Mercy situation.

All she needs is Mass Rez as her ult again, with the current cast time and Line-of-Sight range. This will force Mercy players to coordinate with their team for protection.

She doesn’t need anything else to compensate.

I dont think Mass Res needs to come back honestly.

Rez on cooldown is partially responsible for Mercy’s insane pickrate these past few months.

I agree. Thats why I moved Res back to ult. However, I dont think Res should be the main focus of Mercy.

I think the main things should be healing and mobility and her ult basically just upgrades Mercy and makes her whole kit stronger for a short amount of time.

Including the ability to res

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Rez will always be one of her main focuses as long as it’s a part of her kit. There’s no getting around that.

Well… I mean yes, in a way. As long as there is a hero that can res, it will always be strong, but I think that is just because so far, she is the only hero that can do it.

However, limiting res to ult just absolutely HAS to happen. Res is so strong that it just can’t be granted every 30 seconds.

Agreed, and as the best ability in the game, there has to be some counterplay to it. Your version in the OP has little to none and is essentially Mercy 2.0.

Ehhh… I don’t know. I think there is still some counterplay to it. EMP/Hacking a Mercy during Valk with this version would be insanely strong, but like I said, feel free to change the numbers.

However, I dont think it should be AS severe as it is on live just because Valk is the only time Mercy can Res and you can still counter Valk very easy with Tac Visor or Deadeye or even just running a Widow

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I like that tbh, but maybe increase Valk’s ult cost?

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Sure. I originally had it to decrease Valk cost but when I thought about all the extra healing she could potentially do with good placements of Guardian Spirit, she might be getting ult even faster so, yes, I agree.

Possibly increase Valk ult charge by 5-15% (just depending on healing numbers, etc)

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It’s hard for me to make balance choices like that when I dont have access to the full stats that they have, but Im sure they could make better judgement calls on that…

…although their Mercy track record isn’t anything to brag about.

I know it must be insane to sift through all the Mercy feedback but it would be nice for a dev to see this and consider it because I think its a nice halfway point between Mass Res and Live Mercy

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Devs should really read this because I think its a nice balance that we can all be happy with! READ ME LOL