⚠️What would you change about symmetra?

Biggest change I would make: Bring back her lock-on Primary Fire. To appease it’s haters, nerf its damage charge a bit so it’s closer to what it was and nerf the lock-on range a bit so it’s easier to escape from. But just bring it back.

If they won’t bring back the lock-on then at minimum improve the tick rate so it does more reliable damage.

Besides that, the teleporter definitely needs to spawn faster. Maybe lower the cooldown on her turrets a bit too.

What would I change? I would rework her to replace off-support slot, with a lot of shielding, so that she doesn’t have to fight for slot with 15 freaking dpses lul. I already mentioned ideas at the botton of my main post in my comprehensive analysis. There are even gifs for visualization.

Probably the teleporter and turrets.
Change the cast time on teleporter and lower the cooldown on turrets.

Beam, orbs, health, etc. Can’t be changed without her needing a nerf to compensate.

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I want a full revert with buffs and tweaks to her kit but seeing as thats not going to happen id settle for a fixed tick rate and change her primary from a zarya beam to a winston frontal cone


Make the turret hitboxes smaller when you throw them. (I swear they get caught on walls half the time)

Decrease cooldown on turrets.

Make TP construct faster.

literally my team doesn’t even know what a teleporter is.


Any turrets and teleporters she placed should disappear when she dies.

That’s about as honest a nerf request as you’ll ever see, folks. :grin:

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Nice maymay, brother.

To be honest.
Do this and she’s golden. Everyone will want to use her.

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Bring back the lock-on beam.
Memes aside, I would probably reduce the DPS of the turrets by a slight amount (10%, at best.) and increase the maximum distance you could place your teleportation pad by around 5 metres.

Ammo increased to 100.

Tick rate of Primary fire reverted and fixed. Charge to next level reduced to 1.5 seconds.

Infinite teleporter duration. Deployment range increased to 30m. Allies within a 25m radius of each teleporter will gain 50 shield health while teleporter is deployed.

Turrets now act as an old photon barrier with 300hp while they fly in the air.

Photon Barrier ultimate cast time reduced by 25%.

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Make her turrets switch agro to targets you hit with your primary or secondary.

Make attacking barriers and enemy shielding with her primary heal her blue health, and even over-heal her a bit like Doomfist.

Make landing a fully-charged orb give her a charge of her primary.

I’d revert her to 2.0 when she was fun and unique.


Increased ammunition, at least 100, and maybe make right click not use ammo at all. I’m no Sym main but my biggest gripe is that I have like 25 ammo by the time that the beam is charged.

Tele also needs major QoL for teammates. Right now taking it is a high risk that more often than not leaves people stranded away from the team.

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Your probably plat, please leave


All they need to do is lower her tickrate and she will be a good dmg dealer, but blizz being as stubborn as they are wont fix it and admit their mistake.

Stop her turrets from making you as slow as a slug.

Mobility reduction with them is fine. It’s just too much.

No thats good go away