🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

  1. You can’t put that sort of restriction on a defensive ability if you want it to be something that would need to be used in a moments notice.
  2. This would be more dependent on the enemy deciding to destroy your barrier. If they don’t, then you get punished.

Orrr just give us an E like Moira’s split between turrets and barriers, and increase her pool from 3 to 4.

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So basically exactly like how it functions now, where it can block projectiles, except with a bigger hitbox and more HP while flying?


Seventeen characters

I actually really like this idea I’ve never heard of a much greater one this would help her have choices for greatness to either set up or help herself

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I’m going to be honest, this is a cool idea, but it would make sneaking the turrets somewhere impossible.

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Some Sacrifices must be made for survivablity.

Holy %]^*¥ this is actually such a good idea. This would solve alot of problems and give her turrets even more use.

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why not have it be a mode change ability like moiras orbs, you select the ability, then m1 to throw a barrier or m2 to throw a turret, both use up a turret cooldown spot, so you can throw 3 barriers quickly but then you have to wait for more

Cause that take the skill part out of it.

A problem with that is you would only choose one or the other because of the long cooldowns of her turret, of course this can be fixed with a shorter turret cooldown.

It’s the same reason they reduced the cooldown of mccree’s roll so he could have the option to use it as a mobile ability too instead of just a ammo reload.

A 7/8 second cooldown would work.

Actually a quicker turret cooldown would still be nice even without this lol.

This could also work but i think it should be on her teleporter abillity instead of her turrets, a big problem i find with symmetra in general is what’s the difference between her and zenyatta mobility wise, well besides zenyatta’s more consistent damage, discord and superior ultimate.

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I would stop comparing her role to that of a DPS healer like Zen. And more something in between Mei and Sombra…(and Zarya)… as a Dps but a Dps support but more importantly a DPS.

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I only do that because mei has cryo-freeze and sombra has translocator, symmetra on the other hand has no mobile or defensive abilities like zenyatta.

Also here’s my zarya comparison with her primary fire from another thread

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Look if I would redo all this roles, I would split Healer and Support as two different roles. Zarya has other problems currently I am not highlighting. But “most” healers would stay the same, but the new supports would be Sombra, Sym and Zarya. I would also redo Tanks too, reclassify Brig as Anchor and Splitting them up to Anchor and Bruiser. Move Roadhog to new Melee Dps while Range DPS… well that getting off topic.


But basically lets just focus one part of improvement at a time.

Maybe in the future we could have Sym’s beam work more like Moira’s, where it moves but in reality its actually straight. (Remember Sym does not have Moira’s range so it could be animated differently.)

But again that something far far ahead, we need to take small steps.

Edit: People must be tired talking about this, because I thought I would see more “I love this Idea” “Smart Idea” etc etc

I mean I had entire topic for brain storming it.

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So you could summon three photon barriers at a time?

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Make the shield be the size of a full-charged orb, or 1 & 1/2.

I’ve blocked Widowmaker headshots by throwing turrets at them / in front of allies.

I feel like this could be a good change.

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It’d be interesting if the barrier had a “headshot hitbox” that is the turret itself which could instantly destroy it.

It would make it much weaker but make shielding against ults not as effective unless you have multiple barriers ready to toss out.

One barrier can block the initial burst of damage from an ultimate while still preventing sym from denying it completely.

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omg that’s so smart. never thought of it.


Blizzard please use this idea!

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Small Photon Barriers but yes.