⚠️What would you change about symmetra?

Anti-cc/cleanse is a good utility. Plus her ULT helps her secure kills and do damage.

i used to play symetra quite a lot, but i just dont really since the rework

the main issues i have are
her teleporter rang is too short, it takes too long to deploy, its too fiddly to deploy doesn’t last long enough and its awkward to use

the low dps of her beam combined with her inability to to mitigate damage, or stun her opponents and more server aim requirements than most other heros who operate at similar ranges puts her in bad place

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You really need to make your mind up, pal.

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She needs more HP, not a ton but I don’t think she survives well because she is an easy target at times. Symm becomes the new “Get the healer” because of the turret placement, in my experiences it seems.
She needs to be able to build TP faster, I can find uses for it, I don’t like to set them up because they take too long. Videos have taught us in the rework you can move your team faster or move them away from danger, but if you got a 3 second ult incoming, you wasted your time waiting for the fast ride out.
Primary should charge up better, since the last patch I don’t think it charges up as good, it could be me however, but being on the side of playing against her, I am not a fan of her primary firing latching on like it used to.
(yes I know that is not the case currently)
I honestly almost want to eliminate the TP, here is why. If I try to set it up for people to escape and return back to a point, some maps are not very friendly and in fact at one point I had a TP setup, and I got hit and the other end placed on the edge of the map to which I about screamed to not follow the teleporter. Had it setup faster, might be different, but I don’t find many people understand how the TP should work, I find players who can either move faster than the setup time, or they think it is a Symm use only deal.
But if I was to side with remove the teleporter, I don’t know yet in my mind what would be a good alternative.

Swap the teleporter with something that my team is willing to use.

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Her turrets
Maybe lower cooldown

This too

Speed up teleporter cast time or make Symmetra instantly teleport to the destination once you press the key.

Give Teleporter the ability to give temporary shields to cover the obvious point of entry for your allies.

Just bring back 2.0. If blizzard are going to delete Brig, no reason we can’t have SG back.

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I think I could support a lower cool down on turrets, but I am sure in return someone will contest the damage should be lower.

Biggest change I would make: Bring back her lock-on Primary Fire. To appease it’s haters, nerf its damage charge a bit so it’s closer to what it was and nerf the lock-on range a bit so it’s easier to escape from. But just bring it back.

If they won’t bring back the lock-on then at minimum improve the tick rate so it does more reliable damage.

Besides that, the teleporter definitely needs to spawn faster. Maybe lower the cooldown on her turrets a bit too.

What would I change? I would rework her to replace off-support slot, with a lot of shielding, so that she doesn’t have to fight for slot with 15 freaking dpses lul. I already mentioned ideas at the botton of my main post in my comprehensive analysis. There are even gifs for visualization.

Probably the teleporter and turrets.
Change the cast time on teleporter and lower the cooldown on turrets.

Beam, orbs, health, etc. Can’t be changed without her needing a nerf to compensate.

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I want a full revert with buffs and tweaks to her kit but seeing as thats not going to happen id settle for a fixed tick rate and change her primary from a zarya beam to a winston frontal cone


Make the turret hitboxes smaller when you throw them. (I swear they get caught on walls half the time)

Decrease cooldown on turrets.

Make TP construct faster.

literally my team doesn’t even know what a teleporter is.


Any turrets and teleporters she placed should disappear when she dies.

That’s about as honest a nerf request as you’ll ever see, folks. :grin:

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Nice maymay, brother.

To be honest.
Do this and she’s golden. Everyone will want to use her.

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