What will supports look like in Overwatch 2?

Removing Brigs stun but Ana is allowed to keep her sleep really shows how much fan armor some hereos have, and Brig players just have to constantly be thrown to under the bus.

Really disappointing.


I figure the sentry nerfs clears the way for other buffs.

Also Bastion is one of the few heroes without an E ability.


Any chance for Mei to maintain her CC as a skillshot on a cooldown just like Ana’s sleep dart? Perhaps less duration and range, but something there… to consider? This skillshot could be a snowball, chunk of ice which freezes just like now.
Imo, the character would be useless and not what she is supposed to be without any form of stopping targets around her (freeze is also something iconic of hers)


If other meaningful utility is there, then sure take the stun away.

If her re-balance is “she does more damage” then just replace her with another character at this point.


ooh AndyB Dont toy with my emotions,

I will ignore it for now

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My rework could technically fix that…
[The Bastion experience... mega thread? [Rework inside!]]

I know this is a support thread, but how is dva being changed? i know she already has defensive abilities, and i saw extra time to the DM in the demo, but i’m confused about what was said about shifting her from damage. if there’s one less tank, i would dread going back to marshmallow guns after the beautiful feeling gunplay the fusion cannons have had since they were reworked (with OW2 in mind I believe).

My fervent hope for you is that one day you grasp the purpose of an online forum. A marketplace for ideas and opinions, given freely.

Until that day, friend. I’m rooting for you.

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What :sob: :sob: :skull:

If you’re removing the stun from Brigitte, i hope you take her Shield Bash into a mobility tool rather than a interrupter, it would seriously help her playstyle.


I mean Tracer (her cover girl) and Genji players will be happy, so I’m not expecting meaningful changes to those, since they are the popular ones.

Just imagine playing those and no one is able to stop you on getting kills? DPS players (which is the majority) is going to be happy. I can see why they are doing so.


Can you give us at least a high level idea on what lines are you exploring for Brig re-balance?

Nothing concrete of course…

Please just say it’s not just “She does more damage”, that will remove most of my worries.

I never knew how Ana could more popular the Mercy… until today.

Yes and no. Happy for the Brig nerfs…but will the Tracer/Genji nerfs cancel out that enthusiasm?


Her name is Brigitte :frowning:

Can you give us a little hint in which direction her OW2 Existence will go? Like will she be tankier or outputting more bursty heals or whatever?

Not today, sorry!



Doh! (I always make this mistake…)

Fixed thank you.


Hello does this include Moira too? I’m a bit concerned that you just mention Bap and Ana here after they mentioned both Grenade and Orb

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You better see if they have plans to do something about the SMURF problem or OW2 IS DOA!!!

Don’t read too much into the examples I gave. They’re just “for example…”
