Andy, thank you so much for going out of your way for transparency. You have soared so far past the community’s expectations that you’re hitting the stratosphere.
I feel like I deserve to be communicated with. Speak for yourself.
Same, speaking as a Brig main. I want her to be this Paladin, tanky support. I never wanted her to be a main healer or have tons of CC to begin with. Make her more tanky again and I’ll be fine.
I would have loved her to get a damage resist passive for X allies in a certain radius and lower her hps. Brig should have staying power on the battlefield.
I never liked your ideas for Brig balance (lol), but I play Brig and support for the Utility, if it’s more defensive, that’s cool if she has something that gives that to the team.
But if it’s “DPS” that heals on the side, I’m done with this game. (and I’ll save 60 bucks, win win situation lol)
My personal preference would be for supports to have cool “last line of defense” ultimates that are capable of being big gamechanging plays on their own.
Overwatch 1 started out that way… but over the years, they’ve removed half of the game’s OG defensive ults.
They haven’t added any new ones since the game launched.
Which is a shame, because imo defensive ults feel and look awesome.
I’m not very enthusiastic about “Teammate Enabling” ults like valkyrie and amplification matrix. They feel… Anticlimactic, as though I’m just using an ordinary ability with an inconsistent cool down.
I hope they realize that if Brig and Sombra lose their AntiDive then there’s gonna need to be a whole Pandora’s box worth of Flanker nerfs.
Why is everyone kissing this Blue guy’s butt? Does everyone has forgotten all the silence and how they threat the playerbase?
Sure, he is giving some insight, but I mean, I don’t think he is doing so because he is a good person. It’s probably part of his job at some degree lol.
By no means your fault, Andy but I find it really amusing that it’s taken this long for the hero balance team to identify two issues that the community have been hammering away at for at least a couple of years now. Namely, that damage is too high and healing is too strong.
Thanks for the update though. Everything I’m hearing about OW2 balance so far has actually been fairly encouraging.
I agree completely. Saving your team with a perfectly timed Trans or Beat is one of the best feelings in any game ever. So satisfying.
Drawn out teamfights are the most enjoyable times in this game.
I think depends on how long is “drawn out”.
If the fights end the moment one person dies, then that seems pretty bad imo.
oh boy, you have angered them…
Now jokes aside, I really like how you guys are approaching it, still not convinced 5v5 is the way to go but I think at this point all that’s left is acceptance
All this is fine if the utility is there…
If it’s “Supports deal more damage, oh and Ana still has her dart and her 100% nulify healing” then support is going to suck (unless you like to play dps or Moira lol).
In my head that played as that tiktok sound.
You know which one I mean.
In all seriousness, it’s understandable if folks have strong feelings about this direction. I’ll be sure to account for all of the sentiment we hear.
If you decide to stick with toned down healing, will supports be compensated in other areas of their kit?
Zen and Lucio already have low healing, but they more than make up for that by having cool “last line of defense” ults. Will more supports have defensive ults going forward?
Speaking honestly, I find this direction interesting… as long as teamfights can last for a longer while, and aren’t reeled in too far.
On another note… I would be highly interested in hearing more about Bastion in the coming times, if the team has anything to share on that specific hero.
(I have a post hanging around here somewhere with a rework suggestion based on Bastion, gathered from feedback over a few years from players)
There it is. ^,^
Brigitte’s stun is being removed?
Utility nerfed.