The Bastion experience... mega thread? [Rework inside!]

We ALL know Bastion sucks… but because so many people were complaining about the half jokingly extreme examples I gave, I removed them so you can focus on the meat of what I’m saying.

The Bastion experience, is abysmal at best.

If the enemy have any of the currently meta heroes on their team, there is only one thought running through your head while you play the hero:

Well… guess I’ll die.

Oh and let’s go over what you have at your disposal to deal with it…

  • The inability to move if you want to survive for more than five seconds.
  • Healing so you feed more and die even slower since it’s not effective.
  • Damage with a spread that means Tracer can out damage you at close range.
  • An ultimate that lasts six seconds and expects you to land projectile based skill shots to even get value out of it. (budget ground pharah)

Alright who wants to play this hero now? Does that sound fun to play? Any takers?

How can we fix this, while also retaining what Bastion is… and making him fun to play for everyone? Here’s some OW 2 Bastion ideas… collected from the last few years and the last few Bastion mega threads.

Well I have a rework for you.

Let’s see…

Ah yes, there it is.

TL;DR… NO OTHER HERO is this heavily focused, or this heavily denied outright. If you ever wonder why Bastion gets less value, remember that it’s because no matter how bad the hero is, no one can play the game without throwing everything they have in the Bastion’s direction. And we need to change something about that… a rework maybe? Maybe those in charge could read this? After all those years of waiting about this particular topic…

~ChibiFox :fox_face:


In OW1 Bastion is supposed to be an extremely niche pick who only works maybe 5% of the time. That’s what happens when the game is designed around hard counters and de-valuing player skill.

You’ll have to wait till OW2 for the Bastion revamps.


Okay show me where a Dev said this.

I’ll wait.

NO HERO is meant to “Only work around 5% of the time”

Hell, Bastion doesn’t even have a 5% pickrate.

The game design philosophy and hero design speaks for itself.

Judge the game by how it is designed, not what the devs say.

No it literally doesn’t.

“Judge the game by vague impressions that are unique to the individual’s bias, not what the creators of the game say”

if you die to or are having problems from a doomfist as bastion you are just bad, sorry but it needs to be said


A stunned Bastion is a dead Bastion.

So unless the devs specifically say something through official channels, you’ll remain completely blind and oblivious to it’s existence and function in the game? Well, you do you.

No dev has ever even implied that Bastion is somehow this magical “Niche” which is somehow different from all other heroes and makes your point valid because “He’s meant to be bad”

Just… no.

Dying to a doomfist means that he decided that you were the one he wanted to kill. His entire kit is designed around diving in, getting a guaranteed kill on a support/dps, and then getting out. Skill is irrelevant there.

I’m glad we can at least agree there… Doom’s entire kit is designed to kill you, practically no matter who you are… no matter skill.

killing a bastion as doom is almost impossible unless the bastion player fell asleep during the match lol


I see it happen a LOT. If you chain your moves well, no Bastion except for some Top 500 sweaty players can ever track you, figure out the next move while stunned, or deal enough damage between stuns… while also dealing with everything else during the stuns.

And as we say… a stunned Bastion is a dead Bastion.

do you have trouble tracking reinhardt too?


So you aren’t here for real discussion. Got it.

I’m just wondering how you have trouble tracking a tank sized hitbox, especially when none of his displacement actually works on bastion. slam puts doom in a predictable motion, uppercutting bastion is basically signing your death contract right on the spot since it locks you doom in place


Tanks like Reinhardt are grounded.

Doomfist can be anywhere around you within seconds, come from seemingly nowhere, and force you to have to do full 360’s, in order to track him at all.

Displacement aside, his own movements are enough that if he catches you even slightly off guard, that’s a kill for him.

Oh and spamming his hand cannon during, is what kills you. Especially if he lands those stuns, you aren’t healing… you’re shooting.

The paradox on paper is simple… you either have to heal through it or you’re dead… or shoot through it, or you die.

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I was just poking fun about the rein thing, it wasn’t for a serious discussion

spend 10 minutes in the practice range and learn how doomfist movement works, it’s all very linear, no part of it makes you have to 360 I promise. hardest you’ll have to do is a 180 flick for if he actually slams on you from behind

his hand cannon does like zero damage to bastion too because of armor. also it’s stun, not stuns. he only has 1

If Mei is somehow able to survive that close to a Bastion, I think the Bastion is dead regardless. Wouldn’t her right clicks be more of a threat?

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They are more of a threat, but keep in mind… with wall and her ice block, she can dive Bastion before the Bastion has time to locate her, aim properly, and deal her health bar worth of damage.

I see Mei’s do it all the time… as long as you’re not inside of your team, and playing Bastion away from the death ball is basically the only way to play him, since you’ll get everyone killed otherwise… she can and will dive onto you, use wall to give herself time, use ice block to make it easier to out last you, and ultimately try to freeze you.

Once frozen, she’ll try to get behind you… which means you have even less time to shoot her the moment you’re unfrozen.

It’s really touch and go against a Mei.

But not to the extent that Bastion does, at all times… constantly.

Every hero isn’t focused like Bastion is. Every hero interaction otherwise isn’t where they’re ready to use every last ability to kill you by any means possible.