What was your most popular thread? (post da link)

Made this post during Halloween Terror 2019, still agree with every bit

Honestly, yeah ā€“ itā€™s always been pretty dead :skull: I think the time around hero releases (or the initial Sojourn reveal) was the busiest Iā€™ve ever seen it haha

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Even better - I changed my mind AGAIN after we played some Quick Play Classic the other day! Even I donā€™t know my own side! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: :dizzy_face:

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Tbh for me I just like it how it is, option to choose either is fine. I like being able to not have to switch to support half way through the game (when I am absolute dog poo at support) because we donā€™t have enough supports. ._.

but then again, itā€™s still fun playing QPC once and a while, I havenā€™t actually tried comp classic since basically pre role q, need to try it some day.

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You? Bad at Support? Tell me another joke lmao.

Honestly though, Iā€™m very sure I prefer the 2/2/2 system at the moment, but its biggest problem is that the devs simply implemented that system while the heroes stayed the same. Not that Iā€™m suggesting some heroes need to be wildly changed, but there areā€¦certain heroesā€¦who have been hurt by the 2/2/2 system. The fact that people can choose which mode theyā€™d rather play in for both Quick Play and Ranked is great, though.

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