Completely ungrateful

Is what this community is. Every single thing blizzard releases isn’t good enough. This is a great event. One extra skin than we suspected, finally getting demon hunter Sombra via a challenge, and absolutely fantastic skins. As well as a great patch that has helped steer the game in the right direction.

Yet, all I hear is complaining. “Double shield meta is still here, didn’t get a skin, new event is boring, I paid 50 dollars for demon hunter now it’s free which is 100% my fault, tracer buff is too much, ect.”

Is this community seriously so whiny to the point that you have to complain about everything? So many things were improved. Arcade, the balance, great skins, new content, yet I’ve seen about 4 posts congratulating blizzard and about 65 complaining.

It just goes to show that no one will ever be happy with this game. No one can just enjoy what blizzard gives us, instead we have to just complain and moan about every little thing that disappoints us. No wonder the devs are lazy. They know no matter what they do their community will just be entitled.

I already know a ton of people are gonna disagree and whine on this post but it’s honestly true. Blizzard set our expectations low for this event then delivered a fantastic event, yet no one appreciates any of it.

To the people who are appreciative, what’s your favorite skin from the new event? Having a tough time deciding between orisa or Ashe, what’s your opinion?


Event complaints is one thing.

Balance complaints is another. It affects gameplay.


I Feel that, but what are they gonna do, fix the whole Game in one patch? We know it well, as soon as goats was gone people immediately started complaining about the next thing wrong.


Agreed everyone one here for the most part only complains and what they complain about only strives to make the game worse not better


I would be fine with just a new event every once and a while, or atleast just archives.

But they just reused stuff for archives to so kinda a bummer.


I think today has been quite jolly. Like yeah, there are a few balance topics these are the forums.

Uh, what new content? Skins barely count.


That’s the only new content this game has ever got. We’ve never gotten new game modes for events except during winter wonderland 2018. Idk why that’s a standard.

Fantastic event? We got what we could expect. But it is still far from being fantastic. The skins are cool, the event itself is the same we saw many times now. I dont complain but its no reason to come back.


Facts and the balancing of this is what made a lot of players lost their interest and leave.

Maybe because other games are doing better in that regard.

TF2 has declined so much these past few years yet it still got new maps alongside new cosmetics this halloween. Keep in mind, that game is 12 years old.


Cause they took to long to release the same repetitive boring event, they didnt added anything new to that aspect, all we get are some few skins to heroes that already have halloween skins and on top of that the balance patch didnt do anything, boring double barrier its still meta, doomfist still OP one punching half roster, nothing changed and thats what people are tired of
We nned something fresh, new gameplay new event modes, new interesting skins


u take that back.

these skins are great.


I’ve come to accept that the community is like this, and i won’t let it colour my opinion of anything blizzard does. I just use my own experience

this forum is like that spoilt cat who forgets he’s been fed every 2 hours



Ok let me rephrase that part, “New interesting skins for heroes without halloween skins” we dont want the classic pumpkin reskin

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The community, no, the forums, yes

I love both ashe and Orisa! but I also really liked Junkrat’s and tracer’s!


You don’t have to be grateful for anything ya know.

But these people totally should be.

My favourite is Orissa one .

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I am actually really happy with the event, but I cannot help but be disappointed we still do not have all heroes for Junkenstein.

Scorpion is my favorite. I am a huge MK fan and Widow is my main.

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I agree with you, nothing seems to be good enough for people anymore. On the other hand, I also sort of sympathize with the complainers, too. Blizzard drags their feet a lot, and a lot of what they do release doesn’t seem like it’s for the fans anymore so much as it is to just shove stuff out every once in a while just so they can say they’re still working on stuff. I don’t think that’s entirely the devs’ fault though, considering Activision is trash and somehow managed to lay off 800+ people despite ‘record profits’ or whatever margin that was.