The average player (i.e. 50th percentile) is pretty much smack bang on Platinum at 2506 SR. Hitting Diamond puts you in the top 20% roughly. If we look at it as a bell curve, then we’re probably looking at 2.3-2.7k for the average player.
I agree. Like, you look at us (Master/GM) and you still see the stupidest positioning and ability usage and when people call us good I go “wut?” The stupid positioning only goes away when you get maybe halfway through T500 or so.
“Call me elitist, but I believe, until you hit 4200, you are still learning the BASICS of the game.”
Until a player is in the top 1%, they haven’t learned the basics of the game? This thought is asinine, entitled, arrogant, and ignorant.
Let’s make an OW to traditional sports comparison—basketball. The basics of basketball are Lay ups, Shooting, Foul Shooting, Passing, Dribbling and ballhandling. You don’t learn the basics in college or the NBA. You must know and master the basics way before getting to that level.
Yep, the basics in overwatch are ult tracking, positioning, awareness, mechanics, compositions and synergy (thats the big ones). When you hit 4200 you understand those skills. Before that, you really dont understand all them. T3 is college and OWL is NBA in this case.
Addition itself is a basic concept of mathematics, yes. Let’s call addition left click. No, let’s call counting left click. Addition is more like an ability. It’s a necessary tool, but if done (or used incorrectly), you probably won’t get the correct answer.
It’s more odd simply because the traditional style of ranked ladders work more as well, a ladder, than Overwatch.
Overwatch’s system more focuses on getting people to where they belong as soon as possible rather than other games which typically start people off in the lower ranks and let them climb from there.