What SR do you consider good?

I know this topic’s name isn’t just “describe every rank”, but i think it’s necessary for being able to say what to consider good.

From my unranked to masters experience:

Bronze – almost no understanding or mechanical skill, but also no toxcity, People almost never trash-talk or even talk at all. Regardless if it’s genuine bronze (who dont care and thats why dont trashtalk), or derankers (same shift). The most you can get is “2-2-2 pls”, “healer pls” at the start. Then everyone just keeps silently playing. Also, ppl here absolutely love picking Bastion and Torb everywhere and everytime, and, unlike gold+, picking Bastion+Torb on koth doesnt get any objections from team.

Silver – still terrible mechanics, first beginnings of gamesense and some people start actually caring about winning (= beginnings of toxicity).

Gold – level of an Average Joe. Some players have decent mechanical skill but dont care about SR at the slightest (probably they just got upset by being matched against diamonds+ in QP?), others are tryharders but have terrible mechanical skill and gamesense (maybe that’s their first FPS – i’ve never played competitive shooter in my life before OW and started in gold, i was quite a toxic tryharderd back then xD then realised it’s me holding myself back, not my team), maybe as well potato PC (barely 30 frames on low graphics).

Platinum – it’s very complicated… This level is, honestly, where you can already be called half-decent at the game. People start actually playing strats like they’re supposed to be played, not just “let’s go goats” and being clueless about how this comp works. At the same time, it’s probably THE most toxic rank of them all.

You see, to even get here in the first place, you should be at least partly tryharder. Here already almost no ppl playing only for fun (except smurfs), but this level is considered a joke by anyone above, so legit plat players are often toxic for, on the one hand, wanting to improve and actually caring, but at the same time, being still considered garbage by higher tiers.

Diamond – the first level to be actually considered decent. Not half-decent – full decent. All people here are good both mechanically and gamesense-wise (unlike plat which is a salad from FPS veterans who have just started playing OW and havent developped any gamesense yet to climb, and gold borders who have some understanding but no mechanical skill whatsoever). The trick is, it’s the second toxic rank after plat. Reason? Pride.

Most people who are in diamond for multiple seasons are held back by their unwillingness to cooperate with the team and to adapt to circumstanses, but being good individually (both in mechanics and gamesense) prevents them from dropping below 3k. At this rank you will see the most 5-6 dps comps for that reason. Also diamond is a smurf-fest for GM-T500 (same as silver is a smurf-fest for plats and diamonds).

Masters – people here are good both in mechanics and gamesense, but not enough to reach GM. They’re not prideful enough to throw on purpose (“GG, we have a Sym/Torb/Junk/Bastion 1 trick, i’m afk”), but still prideful enough to not adapt. Compared to diamond, however, i see masters adapting to onetricks in their team and going 3-1-2 or 2-2-2 much more often then in diamond. Perhaps that’s cause they understand already: “If they’re on same rank with me onetricking, it’s no point in going 6 dps just to piss them off – they’ll just climb back”.

GM/t500 – i’ve barely been there, but judging by streams – it’s like masters 2.0. Same, but better. Same lvl of toxicity (it is there, but quite lower), same amount of off-meta players/onetricks (their teams adapting more often), better mechanics, awareness, positioning.

My unwillingness to fill for the team prevents me from consistently being at that lvl, but i perfectly understand they’re better than masters (and see it when playing at night with 3500-4500 at the same match). There’s just no fundamental difference, like between plat and bronze. Difference between diamond-masters and t500 is in micro-moments, but there are so many of that moments…

Oh please. i only play with top 500


Rank doesn’t matter. You can have great plays in all ranks.

Who actually cares who’s good or not. I just wanted to learn my character in peace. I enjoyed the theory crafting I created my own playstyle from scratch I got far. But The devs gave up on sym 2.0 kinda sucks

No. When are the PLAYERS good.


This is false, sorry. I think this is a thing in EVERY rank.

I agree :wink: - the problem is some people use “good” to sparingly as well.

I didn’t experience the start throwing because we have x hero in gm. And I was playing sym 2.0


People are mechanically good at high plat and above. Good game sense starts to appear in high diamond and above.

Anything that gets you a paycheck with benefits is good. Everything else doesn’t matter at all.

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The rank where Moira stop saying they have golds.


I honestly still think its between diamond and masters. Mainly because diamonds might not be super interested in the comp ladder and might be better, but aren’t very competitive. idk but I think gold is the average, as most of the player base is there.

Yeeeeeeeeah, but then you have OWL commentators and game analysts who are platinum… You don’t have to personaly have great muscle memory or skill in a game to be able to understand it deeply. Overwatch takes practice to climb, some people have great gaming experience, and understand overwatch better than the top500s. but are plat.
If you think thats too much, just remember that pro players consider t500/comp a trash game compared to what they are playing in scrims

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This thread reminds me of threads in some home audio forums.

Someone asks which subwoofer would be a good purchase for their home theater. People start posting, it starts out with the decent consumer gear (JBL, Sony) then someone calls that trash so you get to specialty consumer (Polk, Klipsh), someone will call all of them trash so then it progresses to the boutique vendors (SVS, etc), then someone will bring up the audio engineer that had a custom horn woofer built under the concrete floor of his basement with professional grade acoustic panels on the walls and the entire room remodeled for optimal acoustic performance and cost $175,000 to do… and then some people will call that garbage and then start arguing about how that could have been done better.

It never ends and is just elitism and theory-crafting from people with too much time on their hands.

Good is anything past the hump of the bell curve. :roll_eyes:

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“Good” is a relative term.

Is a Gold player “good”? To a Bronze player, absolutely. To a Diamond or Master player? Absolutely not.

Is a low GM Player “good”? To the vast majority of the playerbase, yes. To a T500/T3 player, absolutely not.

Plus y’know, I never said Mid-High Plat players are good. Just that’s when people begin to start mastering mechanics, gamesense etc. It’s merely the first step to getting good.

But by all means, if your opinion is “anyone not top 500 is complete trash”, then hold that opinion. I just don’t see it as a realistic way of looking at the game.

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More characters for Jeff.

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Anything above me? I mean honestly I’d say about Gold is usually “good”. A lot of people in Gold to Plat are good at the game, good at a hero or two but often held back for various reasons. Don’t play enough, or play with friends who aren’t that good. I find a lot of the solid players who know what they are doing are in that range, people who know how to play abut also have fun.

I would say about Diamond is the highest I see in where people are still enjoying the game, beyond that it’s almost all try hards who really hate every thing. I mean most OW youtubers I like aren’t ranked that high… so yeah.

But I would like to say current rank is perhaps a bit bad choice. I think personal High is another big factor. I mean achieving a high rank but being unable to keep it means a lot to me. It kind of signals you are good enough to be there (or rode a fluke OP hero for a season), but generally care more about fun than winning every game.

Not to mention que times get a bit slow higher your rank…

Diamond. Snipers start to be hard carry heroes you cannot afford to peak and they win most 1v1 even up close.

I dunno why people say gold is average in every game. I thought silver was intended to be average.

No, game sense is non existent under 4.1. Masters can only aim and have absolutely 0 game sense. Worst games are 3.9/4k games. Its 10 times more frustrating to play in compared to 4.2/4.3 games.

But in my opinion everybody can get at least diamond. If you really commit to hit diamond (coaching, playing hours a day) everbody can reach it (if you have a PC then gets you 60 fps average).

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Because the statistical bell curve is in mid gold. It is literally the average.

Thus, plat is above average. And I suppose you could say diamond is “good.”