What SR do you consider good?

For me, it’s 4400. That is the rank where people actually start to get into the nitty gritty of actual team comps.

It is the rank where you actually have to learn off angles in comps like GOATS and you have to know how to cut off healing etc. In ranks like Masters and low GM people’s ABILITY usage (One of the BASIC concepts of the game) is still iffy.

Call me elitist, but I believe, until you hit 4200, you are still learning the BASICS of the game. People who say diamonds are ‘good’, well, Diamonds still have no idea how to position, synergize nor do they know how compositions work. These are literally FUNDAMENTALS. If I knew the basics of something would you say I’m good at that thing? Well you learn the ‘basics’ at around 4200.

People will say “Masters is good” etc., but no. They are above AVERAGE. Above average doesnt mean you are ‘good’, it means you are better.

People using percentages might as well not comment. Just because Diamond+ is the top 10% doesn’t make Diamonds good, that just means there is way more bad players below them. The “1%” is just the amount of people who make it there. They aren’t good because of the 1%, they are in the 1% because they are good. I am garbage at this game and apparently I’m in the top 4% of ranked players so…

Also: Good, definition: having the qualities required for a particular role. Synonyms: High quality, superior.



Whatever mine is


Depends on what platform you’re playing on, first and foremost.

A little over 4,000 was T500 on Xbox One this past season, from what I saw.

Also, anything above Diamond is already a small fraction of the player base, so naturally the meticulousness requirements skyrocket once you breach Masters/GM.

In MY opinion, Platinum+ is “good”, objectively speaking…

However, I have some friends who I play w/ in QP (hell, that’s pretty much all I do, nowadays) who are exceptional supports, but they’re unable to carry their teams in competitive, so they stay at a lower ELO (gold, typically).



Whatever sr I have. Everyone below me I look down on in disgust. /s

Plat is the rank where people become mechanically passable. Diamond is where there is big game sense/awareness improvements over plat.


the best rank is whathever rank your the most confortable playing it :woman_shrugging:


bronze and silver==> bad
Gold ==> average
Plat to low diamond==> good
high diamond to master==> decent
4k to 4.2k insane at game
4.2k to 4.5k pro at the game


I don’t consider SR to be representative of a players ability and understanding of the game.


bronze and silver==> bad
Gold ==> average
Plat to low diamond==> above average
high diamond to master==> alright
4k to 4.4k==>decent
4.4k+ ==> good
T3+ insane

Average. Which is mid gold? If youre better than average, thats a success sigh already.


i mean what do you mean by good?

for me good is good everything like ok mechanics and everything. you know what i mean? like usually 4.4 plus players are pro players and to me calling them pro is like saying f u and your thousands of hours of practice you are just good lmao xD

So only like 250 players are good at this game? (Asia server) Considering how many crossed the 4.4k point border


depends on your expectations.

Generally, when people reach mid to high masters, you see less terrible gameplay. But it doesn’t mean that a gm can’t do horrible or a gold can’t do good.

On average, I’d say around 3700~3800 is when people start to be competent enough that you can rely on them to do right, in most games.

5000 or trash


GM for sure to me.

Plat - No way.
Diamond - You get the basics.

Masters - You probably see basic execution of things like Nano’s, Zen’s hold Trans, Beats on time, stuff like that. A lot of raw DPS power can just pull people here though. Aim Gods, things like that.

GM - People are actually good here.


Like, GOOD. When you play a sport, you wouldnt say to someone “Oh you know the basics, you’re good”. Like, professional atheletes are GOOD. That’s what I say to this game. When you’re climbing through bronze- low GM you are literally just learning the basics of the game.

Bronze. You are good at the game in your own way. Do not let anyone tell you differently.


High plat and up you can start calling good.

Bronze= Bad
Silver= Bad
Gold= Bad
Plat= Bad
Diamond= Bad
Master= Decent
GM= Good
Top 500/Pros= Really Good

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No, people don’t like to hear this but you don’t have to be the top 1% of GM or top 3% of masters to be good at the game.

That’s too high of a bar to set for a classification of being above average. In almost anything the top 25% alone are good. The top 10% are really good and then past that is a bunch of rare air.

for Overwatch I think good kicks in about mid diamond, as the metal ranks tend to have glaring FPS fundamental issues and 3k players have more team tactics issues. It’s a group fail for lack of a better term.

everything past that is +1 better but that’s about it. You can turn any given 3k player into a masters or GM with a tiny bit of effort. Where as a large chunk of metal ranks will not even be able to break 3k, due to as I said deep fundamental errors in core FPS nerd stuff.