What SR do you consider good?

4.4 is crap compared to professional player though. And the Florida Mayhem are technically professionals, yet they’re trash in the scale of OWL. So put it that way, even 4.4k is super garbage tier. In fact all ranked is garbage tier, and only the top 12 standing OWL players are considered ‘good’, the top 6 ‘great’, and top 3 ‘excellent’.

All ranked is garbage. Top ranked players get screwed in even tier 3 open divisions because they don’t understand ‘proper’ Overway gameplay. Is that the answer you were looking for?

And this is also a big problem of the game.
It doesn’t teach players until you reach this high.
Why not replace QP and change it to a mode that really teaches players the basics?

Now we teach each other how to play. Every X SR higher and you supposed to know a new basic thing. This creates frustration when halve of the team knows and does it and the other ones don’t. Changing the outcome to a match mostly to who has the most players who adept to the new rank.
And this changes also, the current level where you need to have good positioning or else be immediately punished for it, is higher then a few season ago. Like a few seasons ago at high gold/low plat you didn’t get away by not grouping up. Now almost all players still just run in as soon as they can at this level.

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Coach of a junior basketball team: this is the ball. you make points by making the ball go through the loop… Good luck, have fun. I am done coaching you. I thought you all the basics.


No? Because it isn’t true? That’s like saying the collegiate basketball players are trash, because the NBA would stomp on them. 4400s are the collegiates. They understand the game and are GOOD at the game. My gripe is when people say “Diamond is good because that’s when you start to see the players do (insert fundamental of Overwatch).” When you START to do a fundamental you can’t be ‘good’ at that thing. At least understand the basics and apply it consistently before being called ‘good’ and you don’t find it till 4200-4400.

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The thing you’re mistaken at is that if youre refusing to use percentages and rather your own subjective view of ‘good’, there’s never a fixed definition nor standard of good. 4.4k in your eyes seems ‘good’, because you aren’t pro. For pros ranked is a total mess where people think they know what they’re doing while they’re really just copying what pros or semi pros do.

Collegiate basketball has more similarities to tier 3/open division where they have a certain name and association to represent, than a random number in the ladder, where everyone is ultimately playing for fun and has no responsibility whatsoever. So yes, in my eyes every ranked play is garbage. Yet, Diamond is still ‘good’ since we’re talking the average population, not professional.

Tl:dr; you don’t sound as an elitist, because rank in itself is pure garbage.


Yes that’s fair, 4.4k IS just a number, but imo it’s the best skill tester we have for people out of T3/OWL. People in T3+ should automatically be considered top tier players (getting better and better as they move up, ofc) OWL player will look down on them, but that’s because they are in another level. They are insane.

Do you mean, subjective? I’m trying to be as objective as possible, either way.

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Not really. There are numerous t500 players that struggle in the open division. Being good individually doesn’t translate to a tournament setting when there are things at stake. People in ranked can run whatever they want, yet it wouldn’t work where people simply run whatever has the highest chances of winning.

The GOATS contenders team did as well as they did because they found the best synergistic comp and abused it to the top, yet most of the players weren’t even top 500. And THEN some of the players got scouted into OWL and they don’t even make it into the main roster.

There’s so much perspective when judging whos good and bad its just pointless.


Yes I did, my mistake.

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Bronze - Terrible
Silver - Bad
Gold - Average
Platinum - Above Average
Diamond - Great
Masters - Adept
GM - Incredible
T500 - Get a life

The Sr I consider to be good is my Sr + 1 and the Sr I consider to be horrible is my Sr - 1.

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Did I say or imply this statement at all?

But…what about dirty casuals who still want QP? Wouldnt they complain if QP were replaced? Why not put a new mode under Training section?

As long as you’re hitting the 50% mark, I’d say that’s good (Last known official ~2200 pc). That’s on an individual level.

The psychological skill level isn’t good unless you’re in pro level or ironically bronze and accepted it. Outside of that people are just going to blame each other no matter what tier you’re in.

Combine the 2 and I’d say if you aren’t playing in a professional level, you’re hot garbage.

Having gamesense and implementing it in game are 2 very different things.

How does it go from good to decent XP i always thought it went the other way around


I mean calling someone who spent thousands upon thousands in this game “good” is just weird to me atleast

But it depends, right? There are people hardstuck bronze that put hundreds of hours into comp.


I mean there are pro players who have 10k hours i feel calling them good is weird

idk its just weird to me lol

The problem is people’s definition of good depends on who you ask.

The ladder evolves and even the lower ranks start to improve. Today’s 2k player would probably pummel diamond players from 3 years ago if they could hop into a time machine.

Your skill is relative to who is still queing.

High bronze is just washed up golds and low silver is just washed up plats.

I remember when low gold widows were basically 100 percent useless and flat out throw picks. I see decent widows here all the time right now.


But like, masters is something totally achieveable by 5 star