What people need to understand is

I have 62K posts read. And I read the Mercy Mega.

Why though? It’s a lot of just the same said repetitively.

Damn. I have 132k read. Wew… I need to reassess my priorities.

Did you read it? It’s really not THAT repetitive. Lots of good feedback and ideas are in that thread, not just with Mercy, but how to balance the entire support class as well.


I read bits and pieces. A lot of it just appeared as filller arc for me so I tried to skip it.

I’m not saying people haven’t put forward good ideas. They definitely have. I also can’t assume Blizzard hasn’t considered it just because they haven’t directly stated such beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one, in hindsight, would be like “yeah I want this moth meta disaster that’ll be fun.” We didn’t know, neither did Blizzard. We all suffered. I dislike this Mercy victimization that goes on. It’s not fun for all of us. Blizzard messes up HUGE when it comes to balance all the time. Look at Hanzo. Ridiculous.


Yeah the Hanzo thing has gone on for far too long, and instead of tweaking him properly, they are messing with a perfectly balanced hero Zarya. Makes me feel so apathetic toward the game lately. :expressionless:


I do realize that some Mercy mains tend to pull the victim card. Can you blame them, though? How would you feel if your main was constantly the center of hatred, which lead to a disaster if a reworked followed by nerfs which eventually found their way into their main kit?
It is immature, sure. But I definitely don’t hold anything against them for feeling that way.


Oh my god.

You couldn’t be more wrong. We Mercy mains don’t WANT Mercy to be this stupidly OP, uber-powerful moth! We want her to be BALANCED! To be FUN! Mercy was BOTH until the awful rework hit live.

And now we’re stuck in this situation, with Blizzard continuing to pretend their stupid rework for Mercy was a success, while people jeer at us Mercy players, calling us AND her “braindead”, “no skill”, and other insulting terms.

We didn’t ASK for this rework.
We don’t WANT this rework.
We don’t want Mercy to be OP and unbalanced.

This attitude is seriously ticking me off. Just about ALL of us Mercy players would HAPPILY take back troll-pick Mercy, JUST to have her be balanced and trash tier again so people who hate us can finally leave us alone.


I think everyone needs to look at this part of the passage and ENGRAIN it into their system.

At the end of the day, the only people responsible for the state of the game and how much each hero changes, is the development team.



It’s crazy. And like I totally agree with the sentiment behind your post. We associate hard with these heroes, the whole “main” phenomenon and such, and we make it an us vs them when it comes to hero selection, meta adherement, role vs role.

Like the whole support vs DPS main nonsense. Smh. We all suffer when it comes to an imbalanced game. The problem with an OP hero is it breaks the game for everyone, an UP hero breaks it for those that play it. I don’t like flexing to support and being like “welp, if I don’t play Mercy I’m just putting us at a clear disadvantage.” It sucks It’s not as bad as it was during double insta rez Valk nonsense, let alone all the noise that came before, but it is better than it was.

I sympathize with the plight of Mercy mains and such when it comes to this adjustment. I just hate how some think that Mercy is some punching bag for the balance team, acting victimized all the time, and screaming the sky is falling any time she is adjusted. It’s tiring…

Shrug. I think we’ve both gotten to a point where it just seems masochistic to expect a state of the game where everyone is content. Even with Mercy’s statistic success, some people dislike her. Everyone approaches this game with their own desire for the gaming experience, they’re sacrificing time in their lives to play it. While entirely understandable and worthy of consideration, when our own desires supersede the welfare of the whole… That’s problematic.

Need to always consider the games overall health, and discuss things about it considerately. Extremely rare around here.


“Hey kettle, I’m pot!”
That was probably uncalled for

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Very well put Quest. I agree with you.

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Nah it’s true.

I never meant to seem at hard opposition, well, I did, cuz I didn’t care. But when confronted with reasonable thought I’ll bend. I represented myself as a hypocrite a lot, mostly because I do so to just spread discomfort. Tired of going at length to discuss things to be dismissed.

Anyways yeah, fair enough.


I get that. Especially when you spend half an hour working on a response and they focus on one little thing that is taken out of context or misworded so it comes out a little vague, and people focus on that.


You just found my pet peeve on these forums Xaron. I absolutely hate it when people do that to my posts. I never cherry pick peoples posts like that, I try my best to answer them in their totality; as they should be. But when I get cherry picked, this is actually my facial expression:


Dude that’s the worst. You cite samples, you like go to length trying to be noncombative and just represent a well reasoned argument, then they pick like 5 sentences out of 100 and dismiss outright the rest. Basically nitpicking word choice. MAKES ME SNAPPPP!!!

But even so, I still try to acknowledge when people make good arguments, and respond in kind. When people just become outright combative and overly defensive I get condescending and sarcastic… It’s a character flaw of mine. Led to many silences.


I’ve got some feedback on this, but I’m not too sure if it is true or not because I haven’t gone through the whole Megathread, I’m not as dedicated as RichC is.

A lot of the times when I scroll through it, the Megathread is usually about Mercy should be reverted and reverted only, or how the devs are not listening to the Megathread. It is really hard to read for someone like me who’s not always there. Perhaps I just can’t put that much effort to “sift dirt”.

For the times that I could actually find a feedback, it usually only contains the core message of “this won’t work, you will see”. However, it usually won’t contain “why” and “how”, and those are the actual things the devs need to know. The feedbacks are usually just feedbacks, but not really constructive or informing.

Perhaps I’ve worked on a few balance proposals around here, I feel a bit for the devs on this part. It is tiring when people only tells you your idea won’t work, but refuse to give explanation and suggestions based on it. It feels like people aren’t actually trying to help you, and is just here to discourage you because you give them the chance.



Finally someone else says it.

You are right but to me it does look like they are using Mercy as a punching bag more and more. The nerfs get more and more desperate the further we go and still nothing helps.

We had quite a few of those megavoids already and people are tired of repeating their stuff over and over again. These megathreads wont help with anything anymore since its mostly tons of merged threads and some weird offtopic discussion inbetween.


Nah they aren’t even trying to glue the pieces together, I don’t believe it personally at all. They are stubbornly and childishly clinging onto a rework that was called a failure nearly a year ago.

And even a year later they are making abysmal changes that change nothing of the problem (their free unearned undeserved revive on a free unearned cooldown) and are breaking her for it.

There are alot of great and well thought out rework ideas that cater to both sides. Yet they get swamped with threads and threads of utter nonsense. Even a joke thread was merged. I do think they should be working on listening to community feedback a little more.

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