What people need to understand is


Balance team is bad. We know this. Not news. Was evident before Mercy rework and after.

No one asked for what happened. While many voiced hate for the post invulnerable rez, no one wanted the complete domination of the meta by the moth.

Mercy mains aren’t the only victims in this whole fiasco. And that is kind of where the problem is. When the rework was announced, vocal forum dwelling Mercy mains all omfg without mass rez useless. After every subsequent nerf vocal forum dwelling Mercy mains echoed the same. “This will ruin her!!!”. Now you see many known forum dwelling Mercy mains arguing rez is why she is OP, while they also argued when the cast time was introduced it was an “E to respawn key” and such. Rez si useless with statue mode slow and such. People just click your head. Now? It is the reason she is OP.

In the end, the forum dwelling vocal mercy mains have lead to memes and widespread animosity due to their “THE SKY IS FALLING” approach to every adjustment she’s had.

And still, months later, “REEE REEE REEEVERT.” Just demanding mass rez, which they did FROM THE START. Jeff even acknowledged that from the community a lot of what they heard was “she will be useless without mass rez.” That’s when E rez was instant, you can rez, valk, rez, 10s rez, 10s rez. “Noooo she’s useless mass rez or nothing!!!” And they’ve just adjusted their arguments to fit the time along the way, always arguing for mass rez.

It’s like a drug to them.

Nah. Like I’m sorry when it comes to the reasonable mercy mains and such. It really sucks I understand that. Its sucked for a lot of us.

These forum dwelling Mercy mains that’ve screamed revert from day one tho? Lol no sympathy for them. Move. T. F. On.

This coming from someone that doesn’t sell their soul to main a hero. I fill. I adapt. Being tooth and nail invested into the specific state of a singular hero in this game is foolish. You made the bed you sleep in. Learn to flex.

Well… I really enjoyed when Mercy was first changed. Like 2 nerfs later, I’ve lost a lot of interest.

When people say her res is an overpowered ability, they mean as in an UNEARNED ability. No matter what you do, you get a res every 30 seconds. It was better as an ultimate in the way that, even if she did res, she would have it in a minute or so, not 30 seconds. But if she didn’t get much healing off, she wouldn’t have it.

Filling and adapting is hard for the Mercy mains because of the ridiculous Mercy main stereotype. “No AiM nO bRaIn”, “mErCy MaInS cAn’T aIm”, I’ve even been told that no-aim heroes served me well. Nothing will get better if people are toxic, then make the other person feel guilty for playing a hero they do/used to enjoy…


Indeed, but my criticism still stands, they need to share with us more about their longterm vision or goals, and how these heroes will fit into these goals via nerfs/buffs. If they did this, the community will be more understanding and drive the conversation into a more productive approach. (not all of the community of course, but the more mature/regular forum users will).

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That’s because I enjoy flexing when I run into another Reinhardt player. I will flex into off-tank, main healer (I also have ana hours), or second healer. I will flex into dps as well if we really need it, but this is rare.

jeff is trying to innovate the game by touching up the characters


I appreciate the sentiment behind this position, but I’m a simple and cynical man, and to actually have faith that’s how it would play out requires far too much assumption imo. The way this community nit picks, selectively addresses, etc, etc, anything that is said by the devs leads me to believe that honestly… sharing that longterm vision and goals outside of wild abstracts like “less negativity, play fair, everyone is welcome, etc etc” might cause more trouble than it’s worth.

I honestly prefer them to not say much, just look at how the whole “unfun” fiasco played out. Sad. That’s how this community works. While we can point at individuals and be like “yeah, that’s some feel good, etc.” When it really comes down to it… It’s pettty, unforgiving, and very liable to just run off assumptions and confirmation bias.

Those regular forum users would just be drowned out by the repetitive masses, just like how old forum would have any opinion that (regardless of validity or substance) be downvoted into oblivion and completely disregarded. The optics are what matter, not the substance or validity. It’s the sad truth my man…


I started playing Mercy on her latest rework. I really like playing her because I found the decision making and gamesense aspect of Overwatch more than raw mechanical skill.

Stop blaming the players? Ok, I will stop blaming players when they stop endlessly complaining about every hero who counters their favorite leading to nerfs etc. that are unwanted or not needed.

So… People aren’t allowed to flex? Funny how that is the core aspect of Overwatch to switch heroes as needed. Then pulling the “You play Mercy” card is always my favorite.

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Well, there’s one person that ask this recently though :sweat_smile:
But I won’t name him because that’s against the rules.

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They are paid to get feedback from players on what the players feel about the updates (mind you, the players are the one who plays the game, so player feedback is important) to get information for the balance decision.
The megathread is the place where players give feedback. And they’re seriously ignoring it.

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RichC You are my kind of people


I see that we’re on the same page here.

Depends on your definition. People have unrealistic expectations. Just because something isn’t directly commented on doesn’t mean it hasn’t been considered etc.

That’s not to say Blizzard is great at balancing and considering and etc etc. Just how it is.

Public statements carry risk, and this community is prone to hysteria. No reason to, with good intentions, say something that could fuel the fire.

People around here diving too deep into the cares. It’s just a game.

From a numbers standpoint, it isn’t being read. The posts read of the developers haven’t come close to the posts of the Mercy Megathread, especially considering early on when there were hundreds of posts added daily.

Edit: Tom Powers, the guy who makes the feedback thread and the general community manager, has only read 15k posts. Mercy Megathread is at 19k


to quote someone “Blizzard’s balance knob has three setting, 1, 10 & 11”.


Cool. I feel sorry for Tom Powers if he had to read 15k posts on Mercy.

So? How much on Bastion has been considered? Etc etc. They are Blizzard. They’re not perfect. i’m not the biggest fan. I’m not defending them.

He hasn’t. No one has.

Edit: I might’ve, I’ve got 75k posts read.

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I would hope people would have better things to do than read 15k posts on Mercy.