What it takes to be a tank main

If you won’t watch out for your team, don’t expect them to watch out for you. It really is that simple.

If you really think that you must be quite new to the game

If YOU think THAT you’re playing the wrong game.

Well, I got something that should be of interest to Tank mains. Gives devs a way to solve Tank balance really easily.

✅ 1x BarrierTank Role Queue design

Imagine thinking that people in the main ranks (Silver/Gold/Plat) will work as a unit and not 6 people playing TDM? LOL.

This game isn’t a band, it’s 6 people on stage with instruments all playing a different song and explaining why their favorite song is the best song.

You realize you just openly admitted to being a soft thrower.

When you’ve made the space, you suddenly figure out that the “team” isn’t beyond you, because they’re herp derping chasing a Lucio or Tracer around the map because “lulz why not”.

don’t forget intense mental fortitude and a pension for masochism. playing tank sucks, even if tanks don’t suck.

All bases are covered if you actually read the whole post.

I did but the point still stand, you can’t trust your team to be behind you. That’s why tanking is such a chore to play as in most cases unless you have a pre-made group

Why? Because I do not play Hog how you want me to? Yes… I am very open to that idea.

“What it takes to be a tank main”

You forgot;

Continue to play even after Blizzard decides that tanking should be much harder then it needs to be.

The state of the amount of tank players, to include those of us who play it as our main role and those who are willing to play it at all is dwindling to its lowest point Overwatch has ever seen. It isn’t the fault of tank players.

Soon these types of messages will only reach the last 5 tank players in who still log into Overwatch.

I don’t care that you play Roadhog. That’s awesome I suppose. Though, on the forums, I have never been shy about not considering him a tank from the release of the game. Roadhog is a constant reminder that Blizzard has no clue WTF they are doing.

Thing is Roadhog CAN be played as a proper tank. He has one of the strongest peel tools and strong synergy with tank pairings if he plays around them. Stubbornly trying to go solo dps on Hog just means you are taking up a slot for someone that actually wanted to play tank since you never wanted to. Its behavior that justifiably warrants reports and avoids.

They nerfed Orisa, they nerfed Dva, they nerfed Sigma… the only tanks I like are Roadhog and Zarya in the moment. I cant stand rein… and he HAS to be in every match because of Orisas and Sigmas state…

Patience, an ego and the ability to hold RMB most of the match.

You want other tanks? Not gonna happen.

the most important thing a tank can do is trust or be completely blissfully ignorant and just do whatever they want to do, it’s up to the team to make do with whatever decision you choose to do as a tank.

but you have to make it very clear to your team when and where, don’t bait your own team, if you’re gonna go for it, go for it.
if you’re gonna bail out, bail out.

it’s not that hard, the only thing i do when i play tank is i try to enjoy myself, and that usually is me pissing enemies off with thwarting their attempts and crushing their souls under foot.

Blizzard has always had too much crossover of roles in Overwatch. Roadhog is one of the main culprits. Though he can be played as a tank, he rarely does. With all that considered, I would rather have Mei as a tank then Roadhog. At least Mei has to do something in short range to effective kill you. Roadhog’s hook doesn’t belong on any tank character in any game.

This is why DPS hate tanking.
It takes a ton of game sense and has a lot of responsibility.
DPS is a vacation on the beach

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Its not that he rarely does, its that the players he attracts don’t actually care to play as a tank so he earns a stigma because of those players.

no, they just run in without you.

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