Would also add plenty of alcohol to drown out the pain
I play tank for the power fantasy. I enjoyed being that immovable mountain that orisa was supposed to be about. I like holding the line and defending my team. I enjoyed the bunker playstyle of team working together to lock down a area.
That’s what I found enjoyment in. The ruined that by nerfing her 4 times when she was already starting to fall out to rein. They took away the core thing I loved about her when they made her shield garbage. It takes a single roadhog 3 seconds to break her shield. It’s so weak a mercy breaks it with a good amount of time to spare. 600 hp on a 10 second cooldown killed her. The power fantasy is gone. Now she feels weak, and gives up ground to easily. It’s impossible to protect your team from a shatter against a good rein that understands timing. She’s frustrating to play so my reason to play role is also gone. I don’t like off tank and I don’t like rein. So I don’t want to play the role till they make orisa in a actual tank that can hold her ground like she should be able too.
Rein: “Witness me!”
charges and dies instantly in the enemy backline
Can’t do any of that. Unless your playing Reinhardt, you die in 2 seconds. Can’t make space, can’t push, can’t anything when tanks and their shields melt the instant anyone so much as glances at them.
Can’t swap. There is only one tank. It’s Rein. If you’re not Rein, then your Zarya. If your not either, then your throwing.
Well considering your team wasn’t able to do anything because of you selfishness yes. They had to make up for you not being part of the team. You only think you were carrying in a team game.
Exactly, they were not able to do anything thereby making me the carry, as the only person who did anything.
I quit OW earlier today but I was a MT (Rein main) and part of that was the reason I quit.
I agree, making space to give your other units room to breath. The problem is, or was, when people don’t follow you or don’t use the space to their advantage. I found a lot of my DPS or healers would move in front of my shield or go off in the flanks chasing an Echo or Tracer etc.
I think I did okay with this personally but this isn’t the issue. A lot of people who tank or OT don’t know the difference and I did catch myself once or twice. The big picture with this is team chemistry; Is your team ready or not? Is the tank ready or not etc.
Tank’s aren’t the sole responsibility for the team. I may sound like I am pushing the buck here. While tanks play a impactful part of the match, before I quit I found that a lot of my games were lost because of poor DPS. Myself and my OT were good at holding points, pushing payloads and keeping enemy tanks at bay.
I am not going to lie, up to about a year ago this was one of my very big problems. The fact is a lot of tanks are scared of taking hits because who likes dying in a game? especially as a tank. And when you do die you feel useless in battle and it was your fault. However, you can’t put this all on tanks. Tanks can hold their punches IF you have decent healers. There were a few times where I had to take a few punches on the front thinking my healers would keep me up only to find out that they were preoccupied with flanks or keeping DPS up.
So the pendulum swings both ways on this.
This isn’t the fault of the tanks, it’s the current meta. LIke in present OW, if you don’t have a Rein/Zayra or Rein/DVA combos then forget it. It’s the only plausible way to fight anymore. I know I know, situational tanks etc, but I found games were we didn’t combo Rein/Zayra or Zayra with some form of MT it was a slaughter.
Very good one, however in today’s OW games tanks don’t have each others back at all. I found myself solo Reining because my OT would be a Ball or Dva that would just go off on the flanks and not come help when we needed.
Point is, tanking just isn’t fun anymore and it’s incredibly more difficult than ever right now. Blizz sure didn’t help the scarce tank situation with Echo so tanks are in few and short supply and will continue to do so. Tank is by far the hardest and most frustrating role in OW and people don’t want those kind of roles they want what’s easy and fun.
it is one, but not the main, reasons I gave up.
Real tank mains don’t abuse the meta heroes, they learn to play enough tanks to outsmart the enemy. As with any role, if all you’re going to do is abuse the meta you’re never going to improve.
Actually no you’re not. A good main tank will play their own game and the team will follow up upon that teamplay. They will do stuff like disengage when they hear a Tracer flank or something similar, but that’s not them being responsible for their teammates. They just know that they don’t have their own resources to push in so they fall back. Nobody in Overwatch is responsible for other players except the OT → MT and Supports → The team. There are exceptions when you make synergypicks like Pharmercy
A Rein who has eyes on the frontline 95% of the time can’t possibly take responsibility for things like teammates having bad positioning, peeking a widow, not playing around your shield rotation and peeking the main when it’s down, dying to a flanker and so on. He can only take responsibility for the frontline and space created there
So, you basically liked Orisa being OP
Power fantasy does not mean op. It means feeling powerful. What is how anchor tanks should feel
And orisa was Never op. Double shields was op. And before that the only reason orisa was meta is because of pseudo goats from mei and reaper being to strong from thier goats buffs keeping any other tanks from playing the game
Gotta say, this is probably my worst point. I’m good on Orisa, I’m good on Winston, and I’m not absolute garbage on Zarya or Sigma.
But being a semi-tank main, I think I’m kind of used to slamming my head into a brick wall. If a push isn’t working, my first instinct is to group up and push again.
And my extreme resistance to go Rein does not aid in this.
The ones that preffer Off tank also count?.
Write that in stone would ya?
You’re a Roadhog main… Sorry but he plays like a fat dps with some ability to make space.
I always ask myself the philosophical question of what makes a tank. Concepts like creating space can belong to a plethora of different heroes. Having a more bulky hp pool is not exclusive to tanks either.
I digress, I sat down and pondered this question. I eventually came to the conclusion that if it only took me 15 seconds to find a game, and I earn 25 credits for participating, I was a tank.
As a proud tank main, I completely disagree with the nonsense in the op.
OP is giving good advice though…
It is completely backwards to being a strong and independent flanker.
Good post.
Hmmm…might nominate this for top 20 posts of 2020…
No other tank can flank nearly as well as hog…
Maybe a high energy Zarya with a pocket