What it takes to be a tank main

That isn’t the fault of the players.

Blizzard designed him to attract a group of players that aren’t concerned with “being a tank”. They even had a massive opportunity to alter that in 2016, when they “fixed” some of his kit, and they failed miserably.

I have never made my own game. Nor will I, no passion for it. I do criticize Blizzard, and will continue to because they clearly have issues with logic and understanding of long held game standards. No matter how they attempt to change them, they always fail, always.

The sad thing about this game is it actually takes a deep understanding to do well as a team and the majority of the player base still makes wood tier mistakes like STILL having no effing clue how to regroup.

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Well I play Roadhog as a tank and have lots of success with it. Its not that hard to do. But as per usual with this community people are so stubborn that blizzard will have to step in and force their hand so we don’t sabotage the game.

Major Respect to you sir/madame for playing tank and protecting the team!
Well unless your a Roadhog/Wrecking Ball :roll_eyes:

I don’t play Roadhog, so it isn’t really my problem.

I do expect Blizzard to step in, when its their god damned game to fix. Letting them off the hook and expecting sheep to not be sheep is ignorant.

We’ll I’d rather not have Roadhog changed because some potato brains don’t want to be team players. I play him in a way that benefits my teams as should most actual tank mains, again its not that hard to do. I’m tired of having the game adjusted around people that can’t act right.

i honestly feel it’s the opposite, i just walk around and do tank stuff and be a big bully, there isn’t much more to tanking really, sure a good noggin’ might be good to not get overwhelmed, but it’s really not as hard as people make it out to be.

as far as your team goes.

If you have a team that understands their role it’s easy but otherwise no.
Hint: a lot of people don’t get the basics

I’d say its more than people don’t respect the roles they signed up to do most of the time. As players we function as part of a unit, or at least we’re supposed to.

not my problem if we lose and i do my job, honestly don’t care about winning or losing, as long as i can exert myself on the battlefield.
Live with honor, Die with glory

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So controversial yet so true…

That’s literally the difference between high rank and low rank. Understanding your role

I am tired of trusting in a development team that can’t see the writing on the wall when they release things.

Blizzard: We are releasing Echo as a DPS hero, community please hold your applause.

Community: WTF, we needed a new support hero.

Blizzard: Wow, none of us here could see that coming.

My main issue is that Blizzard has absolutely zero common sense when it comes to the creation of literally anything. They have all the tools at their disposal to be proactive instead of reactive, but they make the conscious decision to not care, and do it anyway. Ya, it would be nice if the community could just stop being potatoes. What is more realistic though, Blizzard could start being a little more proactive, or the community being a little less path of least resistance?

I’d honestly say its the difference between GM and the rest of us. I’ve seen masters do some nonsensical things that don’t help their teams.

sometimes not helping your team, but instead being the biggest nuisance to the enemy is the key to pull the sway of battle in your favor.

quite simply, you’re the big bully, act like it.

Time and place though. How much of a nuisance are you really being when all you’ve accomplished is gifting the enemy team free ult charge?

Of course, but you forgot the most important part, go back to spawn and press H until you’re playing Reinhardt.

A simpler answer would be: Picking barrier tank, not because you have to, but because you want to.

well they are gonna get ult charge either way, they can’t use it if they are dead, also even if they do, i usually got abilities to stop more than one ult at a time.

i don’t get why people think it’s hard, just make the enemies lives as hard as possible and you’re good to go.

Who has a bigger chance of dying? The team that is together or the player that just int-ed alone right into the heart of them. Unless your playing against actual bots no team is just going to let a solo player jump into them alone and not be punished for it.