What if we remove Mercy’s Rez and buff her to make her more viable compared to other main healers (new skill idea)?

I just want Mercy to be more viable overwall. RN, using Moira in Diamond/Master is considered as throwing (I really dont know why they think of that, but their response is: No uTiliTY, NoOb) and as a Moira/Mercy main, makes me kinda frustrated because we get flamed for playing a mid skill ceiling character.

here’s the thing if you play moira you’re basically playing mercy w/o rez and you have to stay at close range to heal which makes her dangerous to play in general and in return you get to kill people… maybe
but compared to beat, nano, trans, sleep dart, zen’s right click, speed boost, nade and goats enabler what do they have to offer?
this is how i felt when i played her but i might be wrong…

[Edit: ]
forgot boop!

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Totally true. Maybe Divine Protection would be more balanced if it where 40 HPS instead of 60.

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60 is normal if we consider that rez is staying.

It won’t be broken, it’s still single target. With all the damage going on in the game right now, they made this new hero the way they did to stop everyone from massively dying and giving time to heal everyone AOE.

Yes, it will be. 60 HPS already allowed Mercy to have a higher average healing than all other supports, and with 50 she still outheals them all, only dropping behind Moira in GM and Masters.

70 HPS is not happening, nor should it ever. It’d be so broken, even I, a Mercy main, would ask them to nerf her into the ground to get rid of it.

50 HPS is fine. 55 HPS would be amazing. 60 HPS is already pushing the limit. Regardless of rez.

70 HPS means that if a Winston jumps someone, and you heal them, you will be doing 10 HPS to them past his damage. That’s ridiculous.

Please just stop.


Same as Baps will be doing when he’s gonna be released :^)

Bap has 60 healing on his right click, except it’s only 10 ammo, has to be aimed, and has a travel time. It is also blocked by shields and DM. Mercy has none of those restrictions.

Thank you, next

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Barring Winston who can get in your face and Symmetra, I don’t see barriers being a problem. Might be in your rank though.
Now that I think of it, it’s only Winston, who plays Symmetra anyway.

EDIT: In any case, they need to look at rez. Back then it was an ult and it was supposed to be strong, now that’s an ability it needs to be looked at and they need to figure out its purpose or remove it. After that, we can talk about how much heals Mercy should have.

Anywhere between 50 and 60 HPS :slight_smile:
End of debate.

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Why don’t we just remove Mercy from the game? At this point this is where it’s headed.
Her rez wasn’t broken. People just don’t target healers. Even with the current “rez” people still don’t kill her, even when she is nearly completely still!

Aight, whatevs bud.
<20 characters>

No it isn’t, she’s in a pretty balanced, fine spot rn.

actually the thing i don’t understand is why genjis go for mercy instead of zen when they ult i’m like “that guy has the ultimate that nullifies yours not me” and i think the mentality of “kill mercy first” has stayed despite what you’re saying


So much truth lol 20 chars

I like this a lot. And honestly Valk coulda maybe do 80

Because if all DPS were smart, Mercy would be a lot less useful.

Or they have PTSD from Mercy, like certain players claim to. Making them see mass resurrect flashbacks every time they see Mercy. One glimpse of her, and all those horror pictures of their 5 kills being reversed, with evil Mercy laughter :smile:

be careful saying stuff like that hun!

the “PTSD” that gamers refer to is usually nothing more than a joke… one of neighbors has PTSD and his family say that it’s made life a living hell for him and he wakes up in the middle of the night screaming and he has behavioral problems…

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That’s one fact I know for sure though: enemies would be a lot more successful, if they would simply focus my team instead, rather than trying to catch me.

As for PTSD part, here is quote from one such player:

that’s true haha sometimes i’m like “okay they used nano-blade and killed a mercy and now they’re gonna lose”

Had more annoying example of that: 4 players, Moira, D.va, Reaper, and 76, all trying very hard to keep me dead. 12 deaths, but they got carried away with that and forgot to push payload on King’s Row.

Both annoyed with them being that persistent, and glad they were that stupid.