Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

True, but the sense I was getting from this dude is that Mercy resurrect was defended by significant authority figures in the OW community that he feels the push back against Blizzard devs as a result of their decision to rework Mercy is unfair.

TBH, I think MartinHo is a very young individual, so I don’t want to be too hard on him.

Isn’t that what an ultimate supposedly do?
By pressing a button, you can have a victory by your hands. Take reaper for example, all he need is the enemy team group up together and then he can kill them all.

All ultimates should be game changing (that was my opinion on ultimates). True, resurrection can ruin everyone’s gaming experience. I once play as D.Va and kill a reaper in the most phenomenal way (for me) and a mercy has to ruin everything by resurrecting him. It really sucks for me, but it was her ability, I can’t really complain about it.

Valkyrie right now is a very weak ultimate that has almost a zero game changing ability. It can’t even save my allies on multiple occasions. Some even a basic fire can kill my teammates while I use Valkyrie. Mass-rez, however is an ability that can change a tide of a battle. Mass-rez is seen as an ability that can cancels out an ultimate. But, isn’t Transcendence and Sound Barrier can also cancels out someone’s ult? Why aren’t they nerfed?

It’s just Valkyrie stands on an awkward position by now. It is an ult that’s really… useless. Even Moira’s Coalescence or Symmetra’s Photon Barrier is better than Valkyrie and Coalescence charges faster (I don’t know about Photon Barrier).

I don’t know about the other Mercy mains, but I want the Mass-rez back because that way Mercy can stand on the same ground as the other support in ultimate wise. Because, Mercy stands on a really awkward position where she is the main healer but Moira’s, Ana’s, and Baptiste’s healing is better than her (and they have a better damage output too). So, bringing Mass-rez back will be a way for Mercy to step up her level and stand in the same ground as the other supports.

But that was just my opinion. And forgive me if I say something wrong.


And it would be really upsetting for one to have that victory taken away from them. Still, you get no right to complain, that you didn’t see this coming.

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Transcendence and Sound Barrier can also counter this ability. Maybe mass-rez should be back but with her current ability where she stands almost completely still for 1.75 seconds. That way, Mercy needs to stay with her team to heal them and at least keep one or two of them alive so that they can protect her while she is resurrecting. Or at least make Valkyrie more viable to use, like putting her healing beam and damaging beam at the same time.

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That was the problem for most non-mercy mains. They should have seen this coming and preparing for it. Why didn’t they kill Mercy with a flanker if she is hiding or simply kill her when she is GA at her dead teammates? This ability actually has a counter but most people decided to turn a blind eye on it.

Back to the personal attacks lol.

Meanwhile, I see that not everybody here persists in personal attacking and drama to justify anything and see what I mean when I talk about (some) Mercy Mains being toxic (a lot). They understand why I “hate” the Mass-Ress and argue, recommend things, suggest, explain. That’s how you change mentalities.

And while I still think it’s a bad idea, I can see why some like the idea of bringing mass-rez back. That’s the feedback and “healthy” discussion a forum must have. Not picking “friends, childish, this and that” and you end up not adding anything else to the argument at all. Like, just move on. I don’t really care about what someone thinks about me on a videogame forums and nothing you say will make think differently, specially when I’ve never attack anybody personally. If I seek for advice, i’d go for a doctor or a place where I need people to analyse how I behave personally.

Focusing on what matters (again) and let’s hope the reply from this person isn’t another personal attack because it’s getting a bit out of control. Chill.

Try to be a bit less of a “wanna be psychologist” and learn with Minjoo, Cleopatra and Arcalias that are able to understand what I mean. They know I’m not “calling every mercy this or that” and they understand that the behavior some Mercy Mains had was the worst in OW history. It’s not generalizing. They understand, explain and exemplify why I’m wrong - when they think I am - and never took it to the personal level like every person should be. And they make sure they represent how a Main Hero community should and must behave to get something they want.

I still think Mercy is “okay-ish” but with the new hero release I understand you can feel a bit… outshined. Which is perfectly normal. Mercy is a main healer and should be able to do a lot more.
But with a lot more, I still lack the “compassion” to even consider mass-rez a viable option to return to the game.
Truth is, Valkyrie s*. And maybe that’s the main reason you feel the need to ask Blizzard for a more impactful ultimate or more impact overall. On that I agree 100% and I’m up to see a bit of exploration on the way Mercy should play.
Mercy should be able to have a bit more impact on the heal she does or having a “survivability” skill that isn’t just running away or self-regenerating. Some impactful skill that can save you - “battle-wise” against a flanker or a dps slaughteting you.

I’m also a main support, mostly a Lucio One-Trick, but I also play Brig, Zen and Moira a lot. And I feel like all of them have more impact than Mercy in any ways.
I think you should start focusing in discovering “real” new ultimates for her. This might be a very unpopular opinion but even the “E” ability of rez, should be removed and adding a new ultimate (remove valk) and add a new ability too.

Bastille will outshine Mercy entirely. She have reigned A LOT and I even I think it’s “fair” to nerf her a bit like they did, nobody deserves to go from the best healer so far to the worst. But on the battle “mass-rez”, I’ll always be against it and I stay with the opinion if that returns (no drama here) I’ll feel pressure and forced to quit the game… It’s like a trauma.

You would expect every single healer to have a trauma, from watching their whole team dying in front of them.

If I decide to make a list of players, who I were unable to save, that would be big cemetery. And what you suffered from only one hero, I have to face every time I play Overwatch :roll_eyes:


Why do you construe that as a personal attack? I really DO THINK YOU ARE A YOUNG PERSON. And I tend to be nice to young people. Arcalias went hard and did a point by point argument that concluded that you are toxic. I don’t think you’re toxic, just really angsty.

Have you actually read the OP? You bring up mass res over and over again, and to support it, all I hear are "argumentum ad passiones"s from you. I suggest you read the very first post in this thread.


Trust me, it’s not at all


This WAS the problem.

The main answer is find and kill the mercy first and you need to get past her 5 teammates without wasting your abilities in a fight cause you know mercy can just bring those players back.

The whole focus of a match was find and kill mercy which is why people didn’t like it.

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I think this could have been solved by making rez proactive instead of reactive.

Reactive rez requires Mercy to be the last survivor, which encouraged some maladaptive strategies when combined with the invul. garunteeing Mercy’s survival post rez.

Proactive rez (as in, you apply a temporary buff to teammates, and if they die with it on they will revive at the end of the ult timer) would have made it so that Mercy would have to be with her team, and made “hide n rez” strats literally impossible.

Let me know what you think of this rez rework:

Physician’s Cure

Range: 12 meters
Duration: 6 seconds
Cast time: 0.8 seconds

(For context, that’s the same cast time on sound barrier)

Mercy does a hop (in mid-air, if she’s not on the ground) and casts a buff on her allies.

If they die, their corpse is replaced with a soul orb visible to everyone.

At the end of Physician’s Cure, all soul orbs are revived and living allies (with the buff still on) get a 200hp burst heal.

Casting Physician’s Cure interrupts Guardian Angel, but resets it’s cooldown.


Sure her ult would focus just like the others but in a different way

Something like that would have been awesome instead of what we got :neutral_face:

It really feels like this rework was rushed so hard they didn’t even try to fix rez before throwing it in the trash.


I’ll post it to the general forums and see how people react. Wish me luck!


Only issue is batiste already sort of got something like this with his prevent death field but you version is still a little different

AkiraNasuki had a decent read on the situation – Blizzard would rather put new interesting mechanics on new characters instead of reworking the old ones.

Also, the skinny on the PTR is that Mercy has her damage boost on cast instead of on hit – this is a nerf to Mercy because you have to dmg boost Pharah rockets/Roadhog hooks/fire strikes when the heroes are firing it, not after it has been fired. That and it turns out the removal of the movement penalty on E-rez was patched out, this patch is a net nerf to Mercy.

Mercy can’t get a break these days, that’s for sure.

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They are trying really hard to force her into pocket support niche. And for that, they remove more and more reasons to switch off your pocket, both by making you heal your pocket more(healing nerf) and by damage boost nerf as well.

Creativity isn’t welcome - you have to use hero, as Blizzard told you to. And if you don’t, hero will be nerfed, until that’s only useful way to play them. :woman_shrugging:

For Blizzard, players using anything in unusual or unexpected way isn’t sign of good design, that is versatile enough to allow different playstyles - it’s problem, that requires solution. Unintended functionality, if you want.

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Yeap, pretty much agree with this. The only outplay potential for Mercy is her blaster use, and it just doesn’t jive with her Swiss/Red Cross/“conscientious objector” background.

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Oh no that sounds exactly like WoW all over again. All classes being homogenized and the game having a very obvious path that you have no choice but to follow and can’t stray from, along with a lot of hand holding.

It’s the reason I quit that game and barely anyone thinks the design choices they have made over the years are good for the game – the decline and hate for BFA is an obvious evidence.

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One-who-must-not-be-named is former WoW developer, so it shouldn’t be surprising, I guess. However, it’s surprising, that balance in HOTS became better, after certain developer left for Overwatch team.

Somehow it doesn’t feel like coincidence.