What if we remove Mercy’s Rez and buff her to make her more viable compared to other main healers (new skill idea)?

Concepts can be adapted, improved or removed. Rez was op since concept. And giving her a more balanced/useful skill, similar to her personality/design will not end her character identity.

And hanzo is a generic mess without it. He’s lost what made him unique and now he has fire arrows faster as an ‘ability’.

still not staple for the character obviously, unlike Rez where all the efforts have been made to keep it and make it balanced

Rez WAS op, it currently is balanced though, no need to touch on it

“BuT ReZ iS sO iCoNiC fOr MeRcY , YoU CaN’t rEmOvE iT!!11!!1”


Yeah, but thanks to this “balanced” skill, she is obliviously weak compared to other main healers. Even Baptiste can 6x heal what she does.

remember that it has to be fun to use and fun to play against!

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120 HPS, combined with other sources of healing- sounds scary.

huh? she has the second most healing per game that is completely ignoring rez’ values, how is she weak to other healers? this is very much so your personal bias against the character, Mercy is more than fine

and that’s why i’m here arguing with OP saying that their idea will make mercy a generic healer lady


Thats true, but for example… Moira already does 80x5= 400 HPS with Biotic Grasp + 300 heals of Biotic Orb. Baptiste can give 60x5= 300 per granede and 150x5 (during 5 seconds) = 750 per Healing Burst. Ana can deny healing and give 140 per shot when bionaded.

and all of them have gating mechanics that can make that output half or less than half of the current number you’re posting, Mercy on the other hand is consistently healing everyone and rezzing key targets when the opportunity shows up… your point?

No, you don’t. Then she would only do 5 less healing than Ana, without reload, through shields, without aim, and through DM. That’d be broken. 60 is the highest her left click should ever be.

You said it yourself


Still, Mercy’s point of existence is to only heal. She is already a generic healer lady that can rez every 30 seconds, but thanks to those 30 seconds of op skill, she has very low healing output compared to other main healers. Even Winston can kill your healed teammate, no matter how hard you try.

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i couldn’t find the original post but here’s how it went:
new E ability: you target a friendly hero (like nano) and if they die within the next 3 secs they will be revived [and the enemies won’t know you’ve done it]

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factually not true, Winston only does 10 dps when Mercy is healing said target, it would take him 20 seconds to kill a 200 hp character…

actually at higher ranks she’s used mainly for damage boost

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Which is impossible due to him having to reload. That being said, Winston doesn’t usually dive someone alone.

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Now thats a different way to offer something in this debate. That feels like a Zaryas bubble but the end effect is to rez. Pretty neat, tbh. THANKS

And yeah, Mercy only works with dive or pharmercy. She is kinda lacking in defense, and anyone with decent dps can burst damage your teammates and you cannot do anything about it. Talking from experience. Been Mercy in Master is no easy, thanks to the flaming and the underestimation of Mercy as a main healer.

i call this a “mercy main heart to heart chat”


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Group and single target healing are two very different beasts.

105 per shot- bio nade was nerfed to be a 50% boost many moons ago.

And anas shots can miss, be eaten by defense matrix, hit an enemy in the way, blocked by walls, bubbles, shields, etc.

This hypothetical 120 hps could literally only be blocked by anas nade.

I would just be concerned. Squishies would have their health back in a second and change with a nearly 50% uptime fueled by abilities which literally can’t miss.

Just scary to me

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