What if we remove Mercy’s Rez and buff her to make her more viable compared to other main healers (new skill idea)?

With Baptiste coming close… I just foresee an awkward place for Mercy in the main healers criteria. We all know that the problem with Mercy is Rez, which is the most OP skill in the entire game. This is why she got nerfed to oblivion (we all hate this). Here I have some ideas to replace Rez:

  • Bring back the 60 healing.
  • New skill (replaces Rez): Divine Protection. This skill places a halo above a selected teammate in any place of the map (when pressed, it brings a roulette HUD with your teammates, so you can quickly select them). It gives 40 HPS during 5 seconds. It has an individual use and the cooldown is of 12 seconds. Doesn’t matter if you are not in a line of sight with your teammate to use it on them. The healing can stack, so Mercy would be doing a total of 100 per second during 5 seconds.
  • Valkyrie now gives 70 HPS.

I believe this could make Mercy a more interesting and kind of more balanced character in general.


I like these ideas!!


Been saying this for almost 2 years now, rez is holding Mercy back from reaching her full potential.

Remove it so they can buff rest of her kit adequately! As a Mercy player myself I am no longer attached to rez, just get rid of it already!


Mercy without resurrect might as well be a different hero. Just make another healer if going to go to that extreme. Just make it an ultimate and give her a strong E ability to make up for the lack of a powerful ultimate.


I prefer her the way she is know.


I get that it’s a core part of her identity, but that identity has shifted so much since launch that it wouldn’t be unreasonable to replace rez with something different.

I play a lot of paladins and there is no resurrect function for healers and I’ve never thought “man there needs to be a rez skill”

(you can self-rez as one of the tanks as your ultimate but that’s a different story)

I wouldn’t mind if they kept rez though, but the current single target long cooldown quicksand rez that you must maintain hugging distance with is really lame


Symmetra got her ult extremely changed and she still is symmetra. What I am proposing is to make her more balanced and viable than ever (other main healers have burst heals and 3x healing potential, even Lucio out heals Mercy). Rez is extremely op, this is why she gets nerf after nerf

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Totally down for this. #ReworkMercy


If you remove rez, you gotta bump up the heals to 70.
Remember, 60 is normal healing and 50 is nerfed and subpar.


Yeah, it can be. Actually I was thinking to ask for 70 healing, but I was kinda worried it would sound op.

Because the core of what symettra is was kept. Her beam, her turrets, and her teleporter.

70 hps would be crazy broken for Mercy.


People have flipped their s**t about Mercy so much in the past that mercy mains actually offer overnerfed feedback about the hero.
Truth is, nobody knows what he’s talking about if he hasn’t played the hero much.

sweetie i know that rez doesn’t work well with mercy but this doesn’t help her either… people complain that mercy is boring and this ability will make it worse and honestly i don’t want mercy’s identity to be “healbot” i’m open to new ideas but this just makes her really… unremarkable and plain

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  • New ability : Enhancing (Works only with Caduceus Staff equipped) Pressing R now toggles 90 Hps on healing (left click) and 10% more damages on damage boosting (right click)
    Duration : 6 seconds
    Cooldown : 15 seconds

Idk if that could work, but the idea is there.

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preach it my girl!


I have had the same idea, but everybody said it was stupidly op.

It’s not that op very honestly.

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I think both Rez and Valkyrie should be removed, but that is my personal opinion.

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Mercy is still the only reason I continue to play Overwatch. It gets rough but I just hope she will have improvements at some point