What if we remove Mercy’s Rez and buff her to make her more viable compared to other main healers (new skill idea)?

symm lost shields; torb lost armor. Hanzo had scatter prominently in his cinematic … rez doesnt define mercy imo

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She’s the guardian angel on the battlefield that brings people back to life. She’s the angel that ascends from above to help, it’s literally shown in one of the trailers. If that doesn’t sound defining to you then…idek. You can’t compare those heroes to her because they still have something that sets then apart, something that makes then special and still is part of their character. If you take away Rez, they might as well completely rewrite her whole character and/or give us a damn arc in which it’s explained how she stopped using it.

On the other hand, as much as I’d hate for her to have it taken away, simply because it DOES define and differentiate her from the other supports, it’s the thing that holds her back from being strong. As long as Rez exists, people are always going to complain and I hope it’ll stop in the future. But we all know it won’t and it’s sad that people are only going to stop crying if she’s completely changed.

a guardial angel doesn’t bring peeps back tho…

yeah… help. not rez? The trailers dont show rez. Hanzo scatter was very much displayed in a cinematic.

guardian angel, angelic decent, strong primary non aim heal beam…

she cannot rez in Lore

I disagree. reworks made me rethink what defines a hero. Mercy, is a mobile, strong, solo target support. That isnt eliminated with rez gone.

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In lore, she treats injuries, that are supposed to be guaranteed death. If bringing someone as injured as Genji was back to life isn’t resurrection, it’s hard to tell, what is.

Hanzo was indeed surprised, that his brother is alive, and with his assassin training, he clearly did good effort in that.

yeah but that’s not rez; in game- the closest to that we have is burst healing via trans or nano.

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Wrong. Burst healing is fast recovery. Resurrect is deep recovery from severe wounds.

Would be interesting, if healers got certain areas, where their healing abilities are applicable. Zenyatta helps with mental recovery, Lucio also encourages with his music, Brigitte repairs hero’s equipment.

Rez means you flat died in overwatch. Rez in Wow is from flat death. Rez in Fortnite is from serious injuries.

that implies a different structure of the game.

Overwatch simply doesn’t have bleedout mechanic, so it reuses rez from WoW. Not to mention, that having bleedout would require giving every single player/healer ability to get their injured teammate back on their feet. As well as balance issues - how long teammate has to be in bleedout state, before finally dying? Can healers keep teammate in that state for longer with their healing, before they can get them back up? What abilities teammate should retain access to in that condition?

it’s a flat death. mercy only takes the death out in Arcade where you get a point back if rezzed in team elimination.

you get marked as someone who died. your body cannot contest. Your sr/mmr is adjusted per your death.

There’s no bleedout because the game doesn’t allow team rezzing. You have bleedouts in fortnite because your whole team can rez. Mercy is the only person in Overwatch with this mechanic.

Source, please, never saw anyone mentioning it.

Death did happen, once you are back at spawn room. As long as you are not, and team has Mercy, you still have a chance to come back.

Game doesn’t account for death being reversible, since it’s one special case.

you as a player are negatively affected if your stats show a 1:1 ratio or worse. If you die more times than you give output. This doesn’t change no matter how many times mercy rezzes you. Death per 10 min count.

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Res should be return as her Ultimate. In a way or another.
Mercy without res, is simply not Mercy.
The problem isn’t Res. The problem is Res as an ability.

There will no problems to make Res a preventive Ultimate. It is so simple to make it.

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I see a lot about how resurrect is Mercy’s Identity. You believe that because Jeff said it in an interview once about Mercy’s identity. Mercy’s identity, is “Heroes never die.” It is the Guardian Angel who is willing to fly into enemy fire without a weapon drawn to bring her companions back to safety alive. It is not as minor as the ability to bring someone back from the dead, if anything Resurrection, the ability to bring back someone who has already died means that Mercy already failed to uphold her demand of herself, and draws away from the core of who Mercy is.

I like the idea presented here, as it would give Mercy another active ability to manage and utilize, though I am not sure about the way it is being proposed that it be applied, perhaps make it a skill shot like Ana’s sleep dart with an exceptional hit box. I don’t know, but being able to put it on anyone regardless of line of sight would only add full to the idea of Mercy as a brainless hero, which she isn’t, but that is a perception of some toward her.

Before Baptiste I actually offered an Idea on the forums about removing resurrect and Valkyrie, I also, because this was after it was said by a dev (and regardless of if it was a joke or not they still made the comment) that Ashe was a “buff” to Mercy because with damage boost Ashe could 1 shot 200 HP characters with a head shot, offered that Mercy lose the ability to damage boost. To replace these things I offered, that Mercy, as a pacifist, instead of increase the damage dealt by the sides of a conflict, would have her alternate fire reduce the damage a character takes. I offered Mercy have an ability, kind of like Lucio’s, where she would press e and her beams would me more effective for a short time, but instead it would amp the effectiveness to an extreme and then over like 5 seconds return to normal. Increase her healing from 50 per second to 200 for the first second reducing to 100 after that first second then reducing to 75 after 3 of those seconds becoming 50 again after the last second or increase the amount she reduces damage by from 35% (Negate zen ORB) to 100% (pure damage immunity) for the first second, becoming 75% for the next 3 and 50% for the last second, on a 12 second cooldown. The Ultimate I had in mind would have been like the UberCharge from TF2 and the Quick fix’s version. Doubling the strength of her beams for 8-10 (Balance needed) seconds Stacking with her e ability. Healing: 400 for first second, 200 for next 3, 150 for the last, back to 100 for rest of ultimate.
Damage Resist: 100% damage resistance for 5 seconds, returning then to amped 70% for remaining duration of the ultimate.

I also think it was a underhanded gesture by the devs. to have Baptiste’s release tag line be “No dying on my watch”, knowing that they have been ham fistedly forcing Mercy to retain resurrect while her tag line is “Heroes never die.”

Anti nade is far more OP then rez is. I’d say change my mind but I really don’t think you can

Symettra and torbjorn aren’t completely defined by their shields. Hanzo losing scatter arrows was a mistake. He’s a generic mess now.

I wouldn’t mind keeping mercy as she is, though I also wouldn’t mind dumping rez in the trash bin for more cool tech to play with. Though a preemptive cast is kinda out the window now with Baptiste. Not sure what exactly I’d want, but another heal button isn’t really it.

I’m ok with her lacking burst heals. Though maybe a dual purpose ability that could debuff or buff depending on who it’s cast on? So if the ability is cast on an ally it will grant a potential to overheal (or something) or cast on an enemy it reduces damage done?

I’d also just like to drop in that I would be ok with a hps increase in exchange for a reload on her beam. But that’s neither here nor there.