BTW nobody has seen through my ruse yet but 2 degrees and Perlin Noise is launch spread so you’ve been arguing against yourself this entire time XD
Simple algebra would show it. X (old spread) * 1.5 (50% increase) = 3 degrees. Work it from there and you get X=2.
Except it’s starting from a high spread narrowing to the original launch spread.
I’d rather the original launch spread verbatim. Start at 0, then slowly increment to 2 degrees.
I want that so bad too but people seem to insist on weird nerfs.
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It’s a strange balancing technique tho. And it didn’t work well in 2142
I love this idea. It’s how LMGs are balanced in The Division, and is what allows them to have such powerful sustained DPS compared to assault rifles and SMGs by sacrificing some initial burst potential. It would make Bastion better at what he’s good at - laying down cover fire in a steady hail of bullets.
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“To me bastion is fine and is where he should be”
“I think he is fine because I don’t want him to be viable that way I don’t have to learn new ways of playing”
INB4 someone just tries to tell us to adapt. We shouldn’t have to adapt to something that’s just plain worse than what we had before. It didn’t need a nerf and yet it got one.
While in a much better spot than Bastion, Junkrat has just went through that.
He is now in net WORSE than prebuff Junkrat.
Also they say they decrease projectile size to encourage aim… all that does is encourage spam EVEN MORE!!! Because why aim when I get punished even more so than before and when ‘spam’ is just overall better since people don’t seem to know how to avoid the slow glowing red balls
That’ll make Bastion pretty unique and different to Soldier. I’d play it if this is implemented, as long it is for recon mode.
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As a big fan of Hyperion weapons in Borderlands 2, I support this idea.
You mean the backwards bloom in recon? Why? It already starts 100% accurate and is more accurate at full auto.
So basically make him a Hyperion gun from Borderlands 2?
Borderlands was another game that did this with Hyperion weapons, but I kinda hated it because most of their guns had low ammo capacity, so you’d run out of ammo before you actually got accurate most of the time. But with bastion’s gun, he has so much damn ammo that he would never need to worry! I like this.
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That doesn’t seem too bad.
When I’m playing Bastion seriously, I’ve found it more of a death sentence to actually stay in sentry mode. I just swap to it to spam a choke/deny area or melt a barrier, then I’m back in Recon mode.
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Do you think adding back headshots with such a system would work? That’s 1 second to set up and 2 seconds to reach full accuracy so 3 seconds of time for a squishy to hit him if he sets up and if he’s already in sentry that’s 2 seconds.
He shoots 30 rounds per second with a damage tha goes from 4 to 15 based on the distance (35-55m), assuming doing half damage under 35 meters and other half at medium spread range we stay around 360 damage per second on a full hits. Considering tick rate and base lag you will die at the same speed of a widow headshot when fully focused. I said that because typing “This is a big bulls****t” without an explanation it would have been rude. You can find support on this idea only from bastion players, because it’s a big bullst 
This poll was specifically created for non Bastion players,
Guess what the top vote was out of 416 people, REDUCE SPREAD HOW ABOUT THAT?
They didn’t even want the downside of a spin up type thing it was full straight up reduce spread.
say that again.
Also you’re doing way too much guessing on all this.
Kinda like a less broken style of the Negev.
Freaking $2k laser beam meme gun.
But this is a cool concept.
It’s like when you get evidence against you you just start complaining about it. I don’t see your poll about people hating it, I don’t see your poll saying only Bastion players like it. The person that created the post with those polls isn’t even a Bastion main: 📈 Bastion Poll Thread: How do you, the average non-Bastion player, want to buff Bastion?
The player is a flex dps with equal time on Junkrat Phara and Bastion. For some reason this persons account got delinked but it’s pretty easy to find their account anyways:ǝntoi-1991
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This is the poll for Bastion mains:
It has the same top 2 results with 246 votes.
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