What if Bastion had Backwards bloom?

For anyone that doesn’t know, bloom is where if you fire your gun on automatic, some of them become less accurate. Bastion currently has a very large spread but what if he had “backwards bloom”. This means the longer he fires automatic in sentry mode, instead of getting less accurate like bloom would do (they removed it from sentry awhile back when they increased his spread) He would get more accurate.

It would probably reduce his spread angle by 0.5 per second to a maximum of 1 degree reduced and it degrades by 1 per second when not firing.

This means as soon as you push the button, you have the default spread which is 3 degrees. The 1st second of firing reduces it to 2.5 degrees and the 2nd second of firing reduces it to 2 degrees but as soon as you stop firing it starts returning to default spread at 1 degree per second.

or simply put:

starting to shoot is 3 degrees
1st second of firing is 2.5 degrees
2nd second of firing is 2 degrees
if you stop firing it returns to 3 degrees over 1 second.

This would prevent just instantaneous death to smaller heroes but if he is able to get “spun up” then beware. This will help him in laying down suppressing fire as well as being able to stay a little further away while still being effective. Instead of being stationary and point blank, he will be stationary but a little further away.


That’s actually not a bad idea.


Pending how bad his bullet fall off is, would actually help him, as long as you have good tracking anyways. Problem is his sentry mode only really works on defense. The minute you get rooted, trying to get back i to that position becomes a pain now a days.


His falloff is 35-55 meters.

This was how they balanced the LMGs in Battlefield 2142 back in the day. I’ve seen few games attempt it since.


Had a good game in QP with him today actually. We needed another DPS (a miracle I know), and I picked him. With how much flanker pick rate has seemed to drop with Brigette, even if just through fear, he isn’t as harassed as he used to be, and is really fun.

So, as much as I like this idea, I have to say, pick him up again first, you might be surprised.

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Titanfall 2 has a gun called the Spitfire LMG The name is a link to the wiki page that does it.

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Was that because it didn’t work in that game or it just hasn’t been done much?

It worked pretty good in the game. They were trying to solve the problem that the LMGs were too good as ambush weapons; pop out from behind a corner and hose down people with heavy damage. They didn’t want them to be used for run and gun. They wanted them to function more like Bastion would: set up in a defensive position and cover an area. The decreasing bloom worked well at that.

Other games rarely used a mechanic like that (that I know of, never played Titanfall) because it’s not “realistic”, I guess. 2142 was future sci-fi so they could get away with it.

I wouldn’t recommend it, it just encourages the sit there and fire comp problems of protect the pres/pirate ship. How about if in recon for a set time he gets a time buff to accuracy in sentry? For instance, for each second in recon he gets a certain amount of bullets with no recoil. I’m still gonna push the shield with recon charge more however, it gives him more survival and damage output; something he needs a bit of each. I am a firm believer that he needs a recon ability/passive that boosts his sentry. Straight buffing won’t encourage the good plays alone, but also the bad ones (aforementioned non-movers). I like and prefer the ones that push him to move while giving his sentry buffs, since that is what mains/good plays do already.

Its generally not done much because it encourages a certain play style that generally doesn’t mesh well in shooters. It means the gun gains more value the less rounds you have feel, plus you lose value for each round before the last. This makes you feel like your wasting bullets for the hope of accuracy later, so you feel bad firing at first and hope you get to the feel good bullets later. In a game were each bullet counts, that doesn’t generally work to encourage use. Doesn’t mean its inherently bad mechanic, just not one that sits well in most games.

i always hated Hyperion guns in Borderlands but this might not be terrible.

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I loved Hyperion, but that could be because I generally played an Anarchist Mechromancer. I also loved the Kiki’s Deliverance, my favorite gun of all time.

Does sound like a really good idea. Almost like stabilizers !

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No, his Recon mode is pretty much useless unless it was for… Something., and forcing someone to stay in it just to gain accuracy would just flow bad in combat.

Yeah, his recon is meant to be his limited role. So duh it will feel bad to be in it, but it still needs to be encouraged to remove the absolutely bad plays (those that NEVER move). Otherwise you are just going to encourage the ssdd that people whine about. I already stated, that I would rather he get his shield. Accuracy just isn’t his problem, its survival, dependency, and damage output; all of which gets lessened via shield. It also discourages the just sit there and shoot mentality, the biggest gripe everyone has.

I actually think this would be a great QOL improvement. It would effectively work just like sym’s upcoming rework, since he’ll basically increase damage the longer he’s doing damage, but will risk having to reload.

A good way to balance it would be to make his reload in turret slower.

He used to have a barrier shield you know. He should honestly get maybe reduced damage in RECON - because currently he requires the support of a tank to be at all effective unless you’re VERY good in recon mode. Some people are, and he’s a bit underused.

I find he can take the place of soldier if you’re smart about moving him around, and balancing your heal so he always has armor up (and not being a glorified turret.) His first three shots in recon are hitscan. He can perfectly deal with pharah and sometimes even faster then solder while also being very dangerous once she’s dead.

I think his kit is actually pretty good - but the people who play him aren’t.

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Also let his little robot arm dab

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Hmm damn it could work pretty well and would improve bastion. Wait 2 more years for blizz to put it in ptr.

Hahah dab on em baiters