What if Bastion had Backwards bloom?

I don’t wanna be bad man, really, but a pharah, bastione junkrat player is not really reliable to pool something. Anyway trust me, if your idea will be real, bastion will decimate an entire team walking in an hallway with last 150 shot in under 3.5 second. Bastion is already good and in my opinion his damage in recon mode is too high considering that now he can self heal while moving.

Why isn’t that reliable? I could claim equally that a Phara Zarya Roadhog player isn’t reliable and there is still no evidence backing any of that up and yet you’d have to believe me if you expect me to believe you on that.

That’s a lot of guessing you’re doing right there, I’m certainly not trusting you on that. Made up figures and guesswork isn’t as reliable as an actual poll with hundreds of people voting.

one person and unreliable stats vs hundreds of people.

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Ok roll back to the start. Why do you think that a buff like your proposal it’s needed by a bastion?

He is picked less than 1% of the time and that’s already a problem and the majority of people here think it’s a good idea and looking at that poll even more people think straight up buffing the spread without a downside like I’m suggesting and his main problem is immobility and his horrendous spread. Currently he’s immobile and in the very center of a fight, that’s the worst place a stationary hero could me. Being immobile but 5-10 meters out of a fight without sucking completely is the best place for a stationary hero. It takes longer to get more accurate so he’s not going to, as all of your guesswork and unbacked statistics you made up say, kill everybody with only 150 ammo. If you did the math at 30 rounds per second and 2 seconds for full accuracy he would really only have 90 ammo to spend in a fight like that so he could fire for 3 seconds at full accuracy. There are plenty of ways of blocking and dodging his damage, use it. He is also supposed to be the guy that melts you, that’s why he has such high DPS. Don’t complain when you die to it faster than other DPS because that’s his whole point.

If you read the OP you’d know that.

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If a pharah Junkrat player,2 heros who COUNTER bastion in most cases is saying he needs a buff… that’s definetly saying something! If someone wants a hero they countered buffed!? You’d have to be a fool not to consider thier arguement!

P.S. This is AeroCrypt you might recognize me Terrangard as I heart alot of your posts


Well if you want it for Sentry mode, it needs to be fair to how much time it would take for the reverse bloom to kick in. Maybe when 50 or 75 bullets already fired?

I’m sorry for my minor amount of salt but did you read the OP? It covers that. It takes 2 seconds of continuous fire to reach max spread reduction. That means you have to consume 60 bullets continuously without a break to hit the max reduction.

If you stop firing it returns to full spread over 1 second.


I see that now, but I’m still worried if this isn’t long enough for the reverse bloom to happen, if Bastion only takes 2 seconds to have the reverse bloom for around 8 seconds if the’re camping at a certain point.

He’s literally built to camp. I see no issue with this. Also in a fast paced game 2 seconds is plenty of time to kill Bastion.


Fair enough, other than that being my only concern, I’m all for buffing Bastion to be less of a niche.