What if Bastion had Backwards bloom?

Also, in regards to the OP, I actually like it.

I also came across an INGENIOUS idea where he gets %50 IC when transforming.

Tack on his self-heal while transforming and I feel like he could be perfect.

That would address the main core issues I have with him:

  • Transforming takes too much health away from him meaning retreating isn’t an option. Therefore he could transform and heal to retreat rather than blowing up.
  • The old 150 armor would be gone for good, but at least he can get into and out of tank mode.
  • “Reverse bloom” wouldn’t mow through squishies, but would do everything said in OP which is very good.
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Makes sense to me.


Uh… what?

He has 300 rounds of uninterrupted fire, that would effectively turn into a laser beam. That almost certainly would mow down squishies, at range no less.

It’d literally counter Pharmercy.

Yeah, but he can’t headshot or move, and the enemies will have a loud chaingun noise to let them know to run.

Bastion has to be able to get kills somehow.


Bastion’s recon gun isn’t a laser beam and it has a spread angle 1.5.

Try to compare it to some existing things in the game before you make stuff up.

Isn’t… Isn’t that the point of hitscan?


I’m not saying it wouldn’t help him, but pretending like it wouldn’t mow down squishies, is disingenuous.

Personally, I’d rather see something else instead. I already had to deal with the Negev in CS:GO being a horrible nuisance that single-handedly impedes pushes, I would very much prefer never to experience that again.

Wait what? Your proposed idea of “reverse bloom” literally turns it into a laser beam. It starts off as being inaccurate for the first 10 rounds or so, before narrowing to a precision laser beam. That’s what you suggested.

The negev can headshot and the TTK in the game is observably low and I can’t even tell if it isn’t 100% accurate after continuous fire. Like it’s almost as accurate as Widows sniper. so that isn’t a fair comparison.

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Pre-rework he used to be able to mow down squishies.

This reverse bloom wouldn’t be like that.

And sure, I forgot to use the word instantaneous. If they get mowed down after that it’s via their own poor decision making or being out of position. Who runs into a firing Bastion currently anyways? This just makes it easier to kill the stupid players that do, all while giving the good ones a chance to live. Then to wrap it up it makes Bastion slightly more useful.

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He fires 30 rounds per second so no, after 60 bullets.

Also, a laser beam is 100% accurate, Widow’s gun is a laser beam. Recon has a spread angle of 1.5 degrees and it’s nowhere near a laser beam, 2 degrees is even less like a laser than recon is.

Please do any research or any actual comparisons at all before you go off about my real evidence.

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depends on how long it will take him to reach his current spread

i would say it should be at 100 bullets shot or sumthing so it doesnt make him trash

it takes 2 seconds of continuous fire to reach 2 degrees. In Overwatch swapping to sentry takes 1 second then 2 seconds of continuous fire is still a very, very long time. It takes 25% longer than using tankmode to reach that.

Where the hell are you getting Recon from? PharahHentoi was talking about turret form.

I don’t know his base firerate off the top of my head. But that’s beside the point.

Using a standard Perlin noise algorithm for deviation of spread, Bastion getting a reverse-bloom mechanic would literally create a laser beam almost completely identical to the Negev (ignoring headshot crits).

The Negev itself isn’t actually a true laser beam, it does have slight deviation as per Perlin noise (and spray patterns), but it’s damn well close enough after the first 15 bullets that it’s physically manageable with mouse drag to be as good as a continuous laser beam.

You’re suggesting to implement that in Bastion’s turret form.

Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t want that. I’d vastly prefer your other ideas to this one.

I’m allowed to make that comparison to another game. Because as previously stated, I’m against the idea. Other executions in other games have felt very cheesy.

I said, use a comparison before you start talking about “laser beams”. Reconmode is even more accurate than what I’m describing and it’s far from being a laser beam. Do not ignore this again or I will just assume you have no counter argument.

look it up then. Bastion - Overwatch Wiki Google is there for a reason. I still wish they had a more easily accessible place to get this information though.

That is more accurate than Bastion’s recon gun.

That’s what you’re imagining. Go complain about the laser beam that Recon is considering you think 2 degrees is a laser beam.

Cheesy or not they’ve worked in the games they’ve been in when I played.

Oops, I was thinking of a different number for recon, recon is more accurate than I thought, it’s 1.25 instead of 1.5.

You’re missing the point entirely.

Recon mode’s current spread is irrelevant to this conversation. The offending detail is the narrowing-over-time “reverse-bloom” idea that you’ve suggested.

Implementation wise, there’s a lot to contest about. If you understand the RNG programming part, it’s actually very scary and concerning.

Again, irrelevant to the conversation. The idea of narrowing-over-time is still the egregious part that I’m taking issue with. The detail of how many rounds he put down-range? It changes nothing of my argument.

You’re not getting it.

Bastion’s Recon spread is a Perlin-Noise-based algorithm placed against a slowly incrementing-up modifier. Almost all of the spreads in the game operate like this (ignoring shotguns), the modifier itself is what makes it resemble “true RNG” on the current Bastion.

Perlin Noise is a programmatic algorithm of RNG original used to digitally create mountain horizon lines for backdrops. It’s not true RNG, it’s a controlled form of RNG. True RNG chooses whatever numbers it wants, but Perlin Noise’s newly generated coordinates are chosen pseudo-randomly off of an average of the last few numbers in the sequence.

The cone you get from Recon spread, isn’t the same cone you’d get from a “reverse-bloom” turret spread, because the reverse bloom turret spread is wildly inaccurate narrowing down to accurate. That particular detail, is what makes it scary. If you extend that over a period of time and lower the modifier, the way that Perlin noise works is that it ends up becoming more like a predictable line, instead of being jittery and random like people come to expect.

Even with a 2 degree cone, with the above system, it’ll be way more accurate than other 2 degree cone hitscan weapons. It’ll become a laser beam.

It most certainly is relevant. I have specifically said that the “reverse bloom” stops at 2 degrees. It never, ever reaches the same accuracy as Reconmode can. Although you did bring up the weird RNG.

as for the programming, then change it or something. You’re afraid of Perlin Noise so change it to normal like his recon gun is.

You should have said that at the very beginning of the argument instead of like 5 posts down. If they change it to regular RNG it should be fine then, right? Would you agree to 2 degrees if it had normal RNG?

Interesting. Games more commonly solve that problem by massively reducing the accuracy of heavy weapons (like LMGs) while moving or even standing up. This Battlefield solution sounds like it would mostly force people into using LMGs for suppressive fire (preemptively spraying bullets to prevent enemies from leaving cover).

I like this idea.


As weird as this might sound, often times with true RNG, the bulk of your shots ends up going on the outer edge instead of the inside the circle (crosshair).

There’s simply more surface area along the outside edge of that circle than there is on the inside, that a 2 degree true RNG ends up resembling a 3-4 degree Perlin Noise one.

It’d have to be much narrower than 2 degrees for true RNG to work. To which, I’ll admit that if it was something smaller, it’d be an alright buff. But I still wouldn’t like it for the change in gameplay it introduces.

It shoehorns Bastion players into spraying, instead of cognitively picking their battles and conserving ammo. It exacerbates some of Bastion’s biggest problems with tunnel-visioning a singular target, without really solving anything. It just slightly improves his mid-range capabilities.

I’d rather the original launch spread instead.